It is the same on Oculus Quest 2 .
I have been half day testing VAM with Oculus Quest 2 Hand Tracking.
It is such a groundbreaking new experience yes, really amazing, but VAM has major issues with the current Hand Tracking.
I cannot even use my Single Fingers or Guestures as they should.
Its all unfluid. And i cannot put two Fingers together as a guesture or roll my fingers as a example.
And that is for sure supported by Oculus now to be Smooth and fully interactive.
The Framerate also drops from 60 to 15 then often even using a RTX 3080, i9 10900K , 64 Gigabyte RAM, a highspeed SSD.
What wonders me is that it is Fluid again once i grab the Oculus Controllers again and emedeatly, once i put them beside and Leap is auto detected
and my Hands appear it starts to slow down and lag massive again.
I cannot even say its better once i set the GRafic Quality to Low.
With the Controllers i can set VAM to Ultra and have a fluid behavior.
I hope the VAM Developers support the Hand Tracking / Leap Moption Plugin much better with all its Possibilities because it is such a important Feature and a huge Step Forward in VR Technology and how People can interact.
I am also thinking of buying a Leap Motion Device because it is also greatness for Desktop Usage.
But as it is currently, it is kinda unusable with Hand Tracking with Oculus Devices and as it seems with the Leap Motion Devices also.
And that is not good but sure could be improved