@kylekyle25 I seem to be stuck in a
similar spot, so I was excited to see that the orientation solved it for you, then saddened when that didn't work for me.

I may need to spin up a separate thread for this, but figured I'd start here just in case there was something glaringly different/wrong.
- Downloaded Ultraleap tracking SW v5.2
- Installed all options (including the SDK after things still weren't working)
- Oculus Quest 2 connected via wired Link (possible red flag?)
- [edit] Ultraleap tracking runs minimized in the taskbar. Visualization window is notopen.
- Camera Status: Connected
- Tracking Software Status: Idle
- Opened VAM, confirmed Leap Motion options are enabled in 'VR 2' user preferences. No hands appear, rather only the controller remains visible even when it's placed aside on a table.
- Flipping the Leap Motion controller orientation doesn't help
One thing that confuses me is what, if anything, SteamVR might actually play a role in this whole process. At one point, I installed it in case that was some unspoken missing link. From what I can tell, opening with/without SteamVR doesn't appear to work any different:
- Starting VAM from the 'VaM (OpenVR).bat' file (opens with SteamVR)
- Simply opening the 'VaM.exe' application goes straight through Oculus Link without SteamVR.
Anyway, I don't expect you to have all the answers. Just hoping that there's something subtle that I'm missing that's glaring to someone else who's been through the process before.