New member
Is there a recommended plugin for dynamic kissing behavior? Similar to how @ClockwiseSilver 's amazing handjob plugin?
Hell yeah! say hi to your new patron! Nice work man!FYI, I've just posted a kissing plugin. It's in early access and free on 02/21.
Silver Kiss - Plugins + Scripts -
Silver Kiss is a plugin that, as the name suggests, makes a character kiss things. Add the script to your character, select a target, and check Active. (Alternatively, check Kiss Cam to have the character kiss the camera when it comes within
Hell yeah! say hi to your new patron! Nice work man!
Also patroned. Brilliant.
I have the same. It seems as if the partners want to bite each other, but not kiss. The plugin is very crude, I have not been able to configure it properly.Is this plugin working for you, guys?
Pretty old thread but I think this fits in here pretty well. Btw you seem like you know what you're doingFunny you mention it, the HJ plugin is actually based on a kissing script I wrote a while back. I'm hoping to find time to fix it up and release it sometime soon. In the meantime, I'm not sure if there's something similar that already exists.