Question Is this Possible with a Female Body??


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These are Characters from my book project...
Female.. Cuz Females have more wearable Clothing options ;) I would like to have them in some kind of Clothes.. robes, the crests, necklaces.. I'm just looking for something to start this with. My question is for anyone who's made weird stuff in VaM.. what morphs would be best to use for the head or perhaps I could sculpt this in blender make an asset in unity that would be a large helmet over an atoms head?? I'm not worried about textureing this just yet. I'm looking to get the shape right for now if possible before I try another way :)


  • Evercrystal3.png
    451.7 KB · Views: 0
Sure, you could sculpt that in blender, create the textures, export an assetbundle or create a clothing item. It won't be easy, creating something like that require a high degree of skill. But you can look at e.g. mopedlampe's creations for what is possible on the VAM person atom:
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It depends your goal: if you just want to output a screenshot. Either assetbundle or clothes will do. Knowing that clothes are very limited in both: the way they look (you can't have hard surface) and the way the render (you're limited to VAM's clothes shader). An assetbundle allows you to bypass that, but cannot by skinned/rigged to the character.

Helmets, rings, necklaces and all that jazz, can be done as assetbundles: more freedom on the material and shader and you can attach them quite easily. You can also make physical objects to make them react to the character's motion.

For sculpting, you can, based on your image it seems quite doable. But note that you're limited to the original mesh density : )
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I think cua parented to the head is the best way to do this.

If you just want to be able to animate/control the mouth, you could make a cua mask that only covers the upper half of the head and blend it into a morph and skin texture (although, you will see the seam).
That's how I made my Balrogs head.

Bal head 1.jpg

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I found a site called Meshi.. it made the mesh.. free version did this pretty quick. I thought that I'd be able to edit this in blender and use this as a base. It had 30,000 poly count. the paid version allows 100,000. It might be more accurate to the original image with a higher count. but I'm not able to edit the mesh in blender with out wrecking the texture file..
My scene would just be the characters walking around speaking their parts with what I made with Elevan labs.
Simple scene and its dark generally on this guys homeworld lol.
A helmet asset might work. but there's a lot of editing id have to do. or I could retopo this.. I'm more familiar with edit mode than sculpt mode. Making openings and adding separate spheres for eyes and the teeth from my other models would be quick.. In this way I could start seperating his body from the clothes.. This will take a bit either way tho.

Helmet asset.. but I'd still need the rest of a robe of sorts and I like your idea on making the jewelry assets


  • everbringer1Zelalos.jpg
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I've not heard of meshi, looks like it's given you a good starting point. I'd say you need to do both. If you want the hood/cloak as clothing you will need to retopo that part to be lower res with decent flowing geometry. You can then make a high res detailed model and bake the textures and details as a normal map.
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