Is there any way to change the controlls for Oculus controllers if I am not using SteamVR?


New member
I was wondering if there is a way to change the bindings for the Oculus Quest 2 controllers. I am launching VAM directly through Virtual Desktop, skipping the SteamVR. Previously when I used SteamVR for launching VAM, I changed the trigger to act exactly as analog stick press ( Analog Sticks are the worst buttons to press) which I configured to grab the world. I would like to have similar functionality without using SteamVR. Is there any hope?
Sorry for the late reply. Firstly, I think that running VAM without SteamVR gives me slightly better frame rate and since I have low end specs, I want every frame I can get. Secondly, when using SteamVR I need to have Steam running in the background, otherwise the controllers won't work. Because of that my account clocks every hour I have in VAM. I have a lot of real life friends on Steam and I don't want unnecessary questions like "Why do you have 300 hours in SteamVR when you have 50 hours in all your VR games combined?"
maybe i'm not understanding how you had them set up previously but if you just want make the trigger do the grab there's an option for that in VR1 > Oculus > Swap grab and trigger, those other options might help too:

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