I think maybe the "questions and answers" forum isn't working as intended.


Staff member
As I understand it, once a reply has 5 upvotes, the post status is supposed to switch from "question" to "answered". This post has a great reply with 6 upvotes, but it doesn't show as "answered".
Does the original poster need to upvote in order for it to be labeled answered?
Maybe, though not according to what Meshed said when the channel opened:

"Just make a new post and it becomes a question. The prefix is automatically assigned. Then responses become answers that others can vote on. If an answer post receives a score of 5, that post is automatically marked as best answer, but you can also choose the best answer yourself among the responses. Once best answer is marked, the thread gets Answered prefix automatically. If another answer gets a score higher than 5 and is higher than the current best answer, it gets automatically set as the best answer."
The problem was I had the setting at 50 upvotes instead of 5. I have fixed it now.

The original poster or an administrator can also mark a specfic answer as Best without relying on the automatic method. There is a special control only shown to them to allow doing so.
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