how to use various files



this might sound noobish, but how do you use the files which we download from other creators, i downloaded a file from a creator's patreon site, but it didn't have var file, when i unziped the file, there was a custom folder in it with various files, such as
and with lot of images .jpg and .png

i now the case in var files we just need to copy it to the AddonPackages folder, but what about the other which i got from the creators site?!

is there a guide somewhere i can follow that shows how i can use non .var files?

and with lot of images .jpg and .png

is there a guide somewhere i can follow that shows how i can use non .var files?
Sounds like custom hairstyle or clothing files (with presets).

more general overview of file types:
Just to add that if the creator is not making VARs, which are incredibly more convenient to users, I would ask him/her the reason why not.
Dropping files in VAM folders is not a desirable option as chances are that eventually these will bring some problems of one sort or another and make it difficult to keep a optimal var environment.
Yes, you can. Hopefully it will work well enough, but if not you might need to edit jsons to fix things.
First of all, you may want to try out the following:
For different reasons, sometimes .Var files being downloaded from some external sources, are renamed in .zip files.
As you may know, .Var files are more or less .zip files.
For testing, please rename the downloaded file to .Var and put it to the AddonPackages folder. Does it work?

If not: Before the .var files system, creators have shared their stuff directly. At that time, every experienced user did know to which folder they had to be copied. So, sometimes old stuff is still available for download without instructions.
To keep it short (there are several threads about this): If those stuff is hair, morphs, textures, presets, or clothes, you have to copy it to the "custom" folder.

Clothes goes into the custom/clothes/... folder,
hair has to go to the custom/hair folder,
morphs have to go to the custom/atom/person/morphs/female(or male) folder, aso.

Sometimes this old files comes with a folder structure... try to allocate this folder structure and/or similar files somewhere at the "custom" folder.
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