How to use possess sex vamx


New member
Hey new user here.
I got vam and vamx and i do understand most stuff and i have alot of fun.
I just got a question which I can't seem to solve on my own.

I try to possess sex with my quest controller and dildo or masturbator, but whenever I try to make a blowjob Szene and i move slightly to far the head goes of the dick and it's so difficult to realign everything in real life and in VAM. Is there something like lock onto dick?

Also i made a missionary Szene for my girlfriend to use with a dildo and possess sex, but possessing the male hip moves him way to much and collisions from her leg destroys everything.
Hope someone can give me a introduction how to use it or link me a guide that tells me what I do wrong.

Thanks alot!
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