Answered How to modify mocap data?


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I wanted to modify the foot controller in the mocap data to fit high heels so that I could happily use the original motion capture data whether it was flat feet or high heels. I tried many solutions, but every time I click play it's back to the original. I also tried to modify it myself, but my mathematical level is limited, and I am at a loss for the operation of the quaternion xyzw, which belongs to computer graphics. So I'm looking for a plugin that modifies data like the foot controller adds 20° x-axis rotation at all time points. Or not destructive, just executed with higher priority than mocap data.

My final goal is only to modify the rotation of the foot controller, it doesn't matter if I can't modify all the controllers, if anyone knows any plugins or solutions available, I will be very grateful to you!
I wanted to modify the foot controller in the mocap data to fit high heels so that I could happily use the original motion capture data whether it was flat feet or high heels. I tried many solutions, but every time I click play it's back to the original. I also tried to modify it myself, but my mathematical level is limited, and I am at a loss for the operation of the quaternion xyzw, which belongs to computer graphics. So I'm looking for a plugin that modifies data like the foot controller adds 20° x-axis rotation at all time points. Or not destructive, just executed with higher priority than mocap data.

My final goal is only to modify the rotation of the foot controller, it doesn't matter if I can't modify all the controllers, if anyone knows any plugins or solutions available, I will be very grateful to you!
You could modify "Joint drive X angle" of your foot/toe controls in physics tab, or you could transfer your mocap to Timeline and change it anyway you want using "Bulk -> offset" :unsure:
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