Question How to load appearance preset/plugins without breaking existing scene plugins?


New member
Sorry this is a newb question.
How do I load an appearance preset into a character in a scene and keep the plugins I want while also keeping plugins from the scene author?

For example, I load up "Beach fun scene" by Author, and replace their figure with my premade character look. Now I have to load up each of my own plugins I also want on that character such as "Sub Surface Scattering" & "Silver Kiss" then configure each new plugin -every time-. If I load my preset with plugins locked, it overrides the scene author's plugins, thus breaking the scene.

Is there a way to load my look preset with custom plugins already added and keep the scene author plugins too?
A appearance preset does not change any plugins as you can see from this table:

I see you mentioning two types of presets, appearance and look. ALWAYS use a appearance preset (app preset tab) and essentially NEVER a look preset (Control & Physics 1). Regardless, neither changes your plugins, altough a look preset changes the atom's name which can break some plugins relying on the atom name.
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A appearance preset does not change any plugins as you can see from this table:

I see you mentioning two types of presets, appearance and look. ALWAYS use a appearance preset (app preset tab) and essentially NEVER a look preset (Control & Physics 1). Regardless, neither changes your plugins, altough a look preset changes the atom's name which can break some plugins relying on the atom name.
Thank you, I didn't realize there was a difference at first. Still getting used to the program.
Is there a way to load all my desired plugins using a "plugin preset" without needing to configure them each time? Or would this overwrite the necessary plugins for a premade scene?
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You can merge load a plugin preset (of any kind) which will add plugins that are not present and overwrite if existing.
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You can merge load a plugin preset (of any kind) which will add plugins that are not present and overwrite if existing.
A merge load will overwrite an existing plugin of the same name? That means doing a merge load of a Timeline animation will overwrite an existing Timeline?
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