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How to get the default skin textures into an editor to apply tattoos and things like that?


Well-known member
Candys skin is awesome... its easy on my computer and looks nice in all kinds of lighting.. How do I get it in to an editor again? like in the second image. I did it before and was able to create a blank templete I could add tattoos to, It's not the same skin and I forgot how I did it or even if I did it.... The one i ended up with has a wierd dullness to it that I cant tweak. If I could figure out how to make another template I could have a bunch of tattoos again on a really decent default skin. Or.. is there a way to make an alpha map of the area where the tattoos go on face, torso, limbs.. I guess if I had to I could just erase the skin mat and leave the black border as a perimeter for a guide.. but I'm lazy.
Should I just do that? or is there a way to export the Candy Skin into a set of mat files like in the second image :) ?

edited.. Ive always left on Qingfengs Sor Lumik BDO tattoos.. if anyone is wondering thats what the tribal stuff straight down the middle and left arm is.. its a decal on candy... not the default candy skin and I placed the Torso decal on her face too..
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...lol.. no this way is still dumb and tedious.. Im not too familiar with Krita and Ive been applying the tattoos as alphas in 3D paint. on the image that already had the skin texture.. is it the alpha on the tattoo decal that's making the skin weird?
If you are asking if there is a way to export out the default VAM skin textures to add tattoos or whatever then as far as I know there is no way to export the default textures out because they belong to the VAM people and are copyrighted. At least thats the answer i got when I asked about it. I was also trying to edit some of the default textures.
that makes sense then... I think i figured out how I was able to get the other one before tho.. I had a some texture files from another creator that I must have edited... there was a set of 3 that are probably paid content. i think Im going to jsy figure out how to make alphas so they can go in the decal section and not cover the existing texture anyway.. :)
this was forever ago and seeing the VaM logo on it made me think it was one of the defaults... What I have now isnt Candy.. but its nice and it will do...

My quick fix I cant sell or post on hub.. but when i figure out how to make the alphas in Krita Ill add some to the hub
If you want to make alphas you have to make sure your texture for example the tatoo is cropped out with a transparent background and must be a .png
example 1.jpg
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I have a bunch of png images yes. its getting them scaled to the texture file that seems unnecessarily complicated in Krita. the microsoft 3d paint uses Alphas as stickers so they have the transparency, but ive been going back n forth between programs making the alphas in krita and sticking them on the skin file in 3d paint.. I need to find somethng that can just make the Alpha and add them to the skin in one shot.

or if I could figure out how to place an alpha on top of this image and scale it so I know Its placed within the skin tecture.. I have to mes around with the Layers is all.
I usually just go back and forth between photoshop and VAM adjusting to make sure the textures are in the right place. Which is a pain in the ASS! thats why I want to learn substance painter. So you use Microsoft Paint3D to make sure its in the right spot? How does that work? Id love to give it a try.
Thats how I got all those images was Microsoft 3d paint lol. I never figured out how to make the skin texture blank in 3dpaint tho.. so thats why i have to stick an alpha on it. and why I was perticular about using the better skin texture. If I could just cut copy paste move around and scale to fit on png that was the correct size id be set :) and I could place it on any skin and be done lol :)
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