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How to export a Model from DAZ and create a VAM compatible VR Model?


Active member
Hi ,

After closer Browsing the Q&A ection i found the Guide

Its just wow how much work is in the VAm Models if this is the usual Workflow.
Is that always such massive Workflow?
If i buy or Patreon a VAM Model File it seems to be a unbelievable creative Process to finally see a Model in such Glory in VR.

So there is no current Tool to export a DAZ Model with that Moving clothes and Hair and reactions on Touching Body Parts i guess.

But can i use DAZ and the GEN8 Model Plugins to create my expected Character to follow the Guides or would i need a GEN2 Model
and some of the Morph Plugins i bought wont work then as i wished?

And where do i get this Pro Hair that Moves if i touch it and Clothing which is used in the Pro VAR Files which also can be undressed ?
Is this Standard Pro Content from DAZ Store or is it all self Created?

Really this is so amazing what you all are doing here.
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And where do i get this Pro Hair that Moves if i touch it and Clothing which is used in the Pro VAR Files which also can be undressed ?
Is this Standard Pro Content from DAZ Store or is it all self Created?

VAM has its own hair editor. Where you can create a Hairstyle and define the physics.
Clothing physics can also done in VAM. You can predefine the physics of cloths by a texturemap (can be imported from elsewhere or even created in VAM and edited by a graphiceditor).
For hair and clothes you can then tell VAM to simulate physics or not.
I'm not sure but importing DAZ Pro content can be copyright problematic. My clothes are completely self created.

When it comes to models there are different workflows. You can do alot with the body morph sliders included in VAM. Beside bodymorphs a visual shape of a model can also adjusted by texturing. You can import your own texturemaps to VAM.

So in general only for creating your own cloths DAZ is a must have to create the correct import format.
Short answer: Vam is using the original DAZ3D Genesis 2 figure in the current version. You simply can't use any other shape or (newer) Genesis model, without converting (or modeling) it to the exact Genesis 2 figure. To this point, you can't exchange the internal rigged, weighted and skinned basic figure in VaM with an other one! If you can make a custom figure into a working DAZ3D Genesis 2 morph, you can use that morph in VaM, too. Nothing more, nothing less (that is more than in most other games/apps).
Same goes for the textures. Hair is not meant to be imported (except as clothing).
If i buy or Patreon a VAM Model File it seems to be a unbelievable creative Process to finally see a Model in such Glory in VR.

If you buy a patreon VaM model, it is a VaM file that does not need to be imported by the user. You just need to add the file to the right directory (for *.var files, that's addonPackages) and the model is available in the game.

It's only if you buy daz files that you would need to (maybe convert) and import them yourself. Most users never do that.
Hi thx all you so far :)

Regarding buying VAM Models of Patreon or free VAR.

Yes i know i can simply use them but the Steps to finally create something that Visual and also technical beauty and interative is true work of VR Art and
my biggest Respect to those who develop these VAR Files for VAM.

I want to learn this Steps yes since this is simply amazing and a true Step forward in VR Interaction.

I had a closer look at https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/porting-blender-models-to-vam-wrap2020-tutorial.3312/
today and i wonder since its Blender to DAZ to VAM here in that guide if its a must to use a Blender Model to follow this Guide further and can skip the Blender Model preparation in the first Part?

Blender is new to me while i own DAZ with lots of Pay Plugins and Models so i wonder if can use my DAZ Character with added Morphs and then jump in to this guide skipping the Blender to DAZ Part ? I do not own any Blender Models so far.

Or do i need a Blender Model first place, convert that as it is explained in the Guide to a DAZ GEN 2 Model and then add my Morphs to then even being able to create a fully functional Wrapped Model which is identical to the VAR created Models ?

Or are there more Methods vise versa depending on what Editor you mainly use ?

I also read about that DAZ Files can be exported to a UNITY Project and then you can import the Asset to VAM which seems "not much work" but then such won't contain the Wrapping so you can interact with the Body Parts right?
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so VaM and DAZ3D are compatible, given you use the DAZ Genesis 2 (!) figure, then you can skip the part with Blender and go with DAZ alone.
You can do a lot in DAZ and there is a huge community and all kinds of tutorials online.
Though, if you wan to go beyond that (and you will have to, if you want to make your own morphs, for instance) then you have to use some kind of additional 3D modeling tool. It doesn't have to be Blender, but Blender is free and very popular. I am using ZBrush for instance, and I like it very much.
The main point for prepairing the figure in DAZ for export is, that you HAVE TO import the figure back later into DAZ to get a propper morph for VaM.
Everything depends on that DAZ Genesis 2 figure. You just can't use any other 3D model. All you can do is editing (morphing) that DAZ figure to a custom shape.
This DAZ import process, although it is easy to do, is somewhat tricky. Basically you will only export the DAZ figure to a standard .OBJ file, edit it and import it back again. But this file/object must have the EXACT same number of vertices (mesh resolution) as the original DAZ figure, or the DAZ importer WILL fail. One vertice more or less and you can throw away everything you have done.

This will give you the answer, why you can't use Unity for figures. You can use Unity for assets/objects like toys, rooms, landscapes, static figures..., you can even put static animations on those objects, but you simply can't use that figures as working VaM figures.
Hi thx a lot for the Feedback and interesting Informations :)
I have overseen your nice Feedback.

I was trying out the GEN 8 to Gen2 Morphing Guide

which was really interesting learning wise.

Although the Morph Process works now partly i am having massive Issues now with that every Exported DSF will cause a deformation of the HANDS when i move the Slider to 100% so the Morphs are fully attached.
I followed the Guide and I also tried that several times now even with a Standard GEN2 Model and just OBJ export and Reimport Rigging and ERC Freeze and it again causes Issues with Hand Deformations then.


But not with all Models i attach the Morph to.
The Standard ATOM and many many other just Fail with the Hands.
I have no clue at all what is causing that and why it works on perhaps two Looks / Models since i cared about the Guide in what to click.

Also the Eyeballs are Blairwitched and that is another Pain ;)

Its all new for me.
But i do not give up and so far people have been very helpful here.
They sure cannot see how lost i am partly in that this and that doesnt works but i wonder now
what the best workflow is actually to generate a High Quality Model with all my Wishes and sure Anatomics and Shapes etc ...

If its Blender or ZBrush which would avoid that Anatomics Plugin DIVA Behavior of DAZ creating Morphs and that horrible Hand Disformations and the Eyballs ( even more horrible ) then i might jump to Blender first and follow that Guide i already referred to.
It seems it has all, including a Base Model to work with to learn.

I really wonder how people can create such beauty if they have to care to not add one more vertice.
So i will jump on some more Tutorials in the next weeks and see how it goes and sure enjoy the works of all the amazing creatives here.

Its i am blown away regarding the quality VAM and VAM X delivers.

I hope i do not overstress you guys here with my Questions ;)

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Hi, you are right, the hands, and even more the eyes are a pain in the ass to edit.
The hands (problematic even with the VaM standard figure) might be an issue with the rigging. IMHO all those issues are in the DAZ morph import process, not in the 3D modeling tools. Sometimes the automatic process isn't precisely enough and there is a shifting of the joints or even a rotation of the bones. You maybe have to adjust the bones manually.
The eyeballs are a real horror. They are ... if I remember correctly, made of 9 individual parts and this is so easy to mess up. I will never forget all those days I spend with doing a good Anime head with big eyes. The tongue is an other very critical area, whereas other areas, which looks difficult like butt or boobs, are very simple. Don't be too dissappointed if you doing fine details. The VaM mesh-smoothing will iron-out most of them, and in addition to this the morphs will never exactly look like they did in DAZ for some technical reasons. That beauty you mentioned is in most cases the result of hard work.

If you would like a good advice: stay away from those critical parts as long as you can avoid them! Maybe think about doing multiple single morphs, for the feets, the nose, the breasts, the cheeks, the eye region, the butt... aso. This will reduce the risk for a complete failure and is more flexible, because you can use those parts for other looks, too. After a while you will have a fine collection of your own morphs. If you want to, you can simply merge all those morphs later to a single full body morph with MorphMerger.
May I ask, whats the benefit of converting a genesis 8 model to a genesis 2?
VaM uses genesis 2 models. So if you find a nice G8 model you want to use in VaM, you have to convert it first.
Does anyone have the porting-blender-models-to-vam-wrap2020-tutorial guide? Its no longer available and I would like to check it out. Thanks
What about importing a static model (like an environment) is this any easier?
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