Question How to add collision triggers to skin and bodyparts?


New member
I like to add face-morphs, sounds and animation when person atom parts like fingertips are touched. The problem is I can't precisely bind the collision triggers (physical link) to certain bodyparts, e.g. indexfinger. Only a main bodyparts like Head, Hips,... are choosable. Also i wonder if theres an global trigger for touching skin (i know prebuild Nipples and so are avaible). Any hint maybe?
you can use collision trigger atoms and link them to the person so that they stick in position. For example you can add a collision trigger, link it to the person head, scale it down and place it over the nose of the model, set the filter of the collider to the vr hands and you'll get a nose trigger like that.

otherwise you have to do it through code for more flexibility. If you want to do that you can check my colorful plugin as an example, i'm doing there collision based on the vr hands fingers (one finger only, check my haptic plugin for all vr fingertips triggers) and also collision with more custom body parts/bones, i make the person rotate for example when double tapping the shoulders
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