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How do you cut a timeline animation to a specific time?


New member
Ok so say you have a 60 seconds timeline animation with all the keyframes.
how do you cut that animation timeline to like HALF, so i want it to start at the 30s mark and end at the 40s mark and then loop from there, how you do that?

Here is what I would do: copy the whole animation with "+", "Create Animation" and "Copy Keyframes" selected. But that is just as a backup, you may skip that?
Then, right on the Edit Tab where you are in the screenshot, you have "Change Length" together with the "Length mode". First "Change Length "to 40 seconds, leave the "Crop/Extend (End)" mode and press "Apply". This should cut the last 20 seconds. Then "Change Length" to 10 seconds and change the mode to "Crop/Extend (Begin)". Click "Apply" and you have your 10 seconds.
Here is what I would do: copy the whole animation with "+", "Create Animation" and "Copy Keyframes" selected. But that is just as a backup, you may skip that?
Then, right on the Edit Tab where you are in the screenshot, you have "Change Length" together with the "Length mode". First "Change Length "to 40 seconds, leave the "Crop/Extend (End)" mode and press "Apply". This should cut the last 20 seconds. Then "Change Length" to 10 seconds and change the mode to "Crop/Extend (Begin)". Click "Apply" and you have your 10 seconds.
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