Question How can I make a scene like this

Step 1.

Screenshot 2024-07-28 225705.png

Here is where you go to create/add buttons persons, enveronments, objects, lights etc.

Step 2
On the person atom when created you will have to add plugins that will do the animations. there is "auto thruster" (I think that's the name) and there's "sex helper". These would make it easier to add trusting motion to the atom and you can use these for thrusting
Celebrate We Did It GIF
or bouncing
bouncing boobs GIF
The "Acidbubbles timeline" plugin (added to the person or object atom) will let you animate any complex movements with the body or objects. (take some time to get use to it, try making small scenes like those 5 sec animation you see in those rule 34 videos is good practice)

Step 3
Learn from taking apart others scenes that's how best you will figure out how things work because it's a lot of work that goes into all that you see users create. Buttons have triggers for when pressed triggers can be activated from the timeline also. Check out the vam wiki also. I think that Acidbubbles has a wiki for the timeline plugin. All the plugins have instructions on how to use them on their resource page.

Step 4
Ask others for help just like you did here. Bet there will be someone that can help.

Hope this helps until you get even more info from others.
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