Question How can I get the expression back to default?


New member
I downloaded some scenes and their expression morphs are included in the animation. They are not made in timeline, I can't modify them. When I replace the characters, their expressions turn out to be so ugly that I almost shut down my computer at that moment. How can I keep these expressions as default all the time?Does a plugin like this exist?

Resetting the Pose should normally reset expressions (or set it to 'neutral'), at least in most cases. Do note of course that if you reset the Pose then whatever animation was ongoing, along with the character's very position in the Scene will also be reset and will nullify animations and possibly break the Scene if there's any motion involved. So even though it might be the easiest way to do it, it's probably the last one to try.

If it doesn't work then it's probably a Plugin set to the Atom that creates Expressions, and clearing / removing that Plugin could also do the trick.

If THAT still doesn't work then I'm not quite sure as I type this, other than maybe specific Morphs being scripted for the character in that particular scene and are 'forced' via the Female Morphs tab, if you were to click on "Active Only" would show which Morphs are being currently used by the character in the Scene. From there, you'd manually check which Morphs might be the cause (usually Morphs that have keywords along the lines of Smile, Expression, Anger, Sex, and more). And resetting those specific Morphs if you do find them would gradually revert everything back to neutral as you set each one to the 0 value (or 1.0, or whatever the default value is for that Morph).
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In the morph screen, set:

Category -> all
Show ->pose
check "Only active"

Now that you're looking at all the active pose morphs, click default -> shown to clear them.

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Theres a hand pose plugin that does this - but seems to persist between saves or reloads. Havent found a way to reset the hand or fingers placement. They dont show as being "active", they seem to have been saved with the weird hand poses as defaults. Any clues for fixing that?
If i could save specific morphs as a preset, i could avoid this issue entirely by only saving the face / body and removing hands.
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As stated by the above posters - you need to reset pose morphs to default. However, be aware that some scene creators may use plugins which create expressions through the use of actual morphs as opposed to pose-specific morphs. Most of these morphs will activate upon loading the scene usually though timeline, and unfortunately they cannot be reset normally through the morphs section as they are not pose-morphs. In this case, you will need to get into the timeline plugin and clear all morph targets related to the facial expressions and/or get into .json file and manually remove the morph geometry storables associated with facial expressions. Hard-resetting VAM can also clear-up any issues related to a bug which causes these morphs to carry over from scene-to-scene regardless of whether or not the user resets pose or look.
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