I guess you look on the person(s)?
But the timeline plugin can be everywhere, on every atom that has a "plugin" tab. And atoms can also be hidden. To see all of them, click on the arrow symbol in the UI, then you see this:
Select The Select Panel is used to view and select from any of the components within your scene. It is also accessed from the Base UI “Select” button. The Left hand side “Atom” panel lists all the nodes within your scene. “Filter” Write the name of your target to...
Check the box that says "Show Hidden" and you will see all atoms on the left side. If nothing changes, then there were just no hidden atoms.
But then maybe there is one with a name that leads you to the timeline, or you have to check all oft them.
By the way: animations could also be made without timeline but with animation patterns. Then you would see something like a cogwheel whithin the scene when you activate to see all targets.
And some simple movements could also be made with different plugins like
this one.