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Question facegen not exporting textures?


New member
facegen doesn't seem to be exporting textures to the usual runtime/texture folder.
Any ideas?
Not a lot of people are using FaceGen, as there are alternatives that are far more powerful today. So you might not find your answer here.
Also, FaceGen is a commercial product... you might want to contact support as your license gives you access to it : )
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The built in Daz "Facegen" (can't even recall the name since I'm using this like once every year). Or external tools like Keen Tools Facebuilder, but will require a lot of knowledge in Blender.
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Also, apparently, from what Juno said to me, a couple of people are using FaceGen on the hub. But they might not say / help people a lot... I don't know why, maybe because they try to hide it or whatever :p
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Last time I used Facegen, about a year ago, it exported just fine. Check your paths in settings and pick an option your prefer.
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The built in Daz "Facegen" (can't even recall the name since I'm using this like once every year). Or external tools like Keen Tools Facebuilder, but will require a lot of knowledge in Blender.
Hey again!
I tried out facebuilder and it seems to have a lot of potential. Do you know any guides available to converting those kinds of morphs and textures in vam or anyone i should ask?
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Let me call @Juno he knows the tutorials on the hub to help you out "split" the morphs.
Using Facebuilder is stupid AF, it's just "put image, generate"... the rest is simply getting the morphs.

For the textures I'm not sure, never used them. I'm using this to generate working morphs : )
But maybe Juno can help.
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I have only used keentools facebuilder to make head morphs for Vam. There's a bunch of extra steps involved to get it in a useable state. You are going to need to use R3DS faceform (formally Russian 3d studios wrap) to wrap the gen2 model to the new face shape, I believe it also can do the textures but its somthing I've not dabbled in as I demand the highest quality skins possible on my models and that means Rens skins.

A very high level overview of what you need to do to achieve this is below ;) A full step by step guide would take me most of a weekend to write...

This here video guide series is excellent at showing how faceform wrap works for use in Daz. Watch this to understand how things work in faceform wrap and how to get this into daz as a useable morph. You will be doing somthing slightly different as there's only a head bust from facebuilder and the guide covers wrapping a full 3d scan.

Here is the wrap template I use to wrap facebuilder heads.

You should just need to repin the models, do the wrap then export the model and import to Daz.

Once into daz you need to split the head from the body as this will be a very ugly thing at this point. You need the Shape Splitter scripts to do this https://www.daz3d.com/shape-splitter

Think of shape splitter as a very advanced morph merge tool, you can use this to select only the head portion. Shape slitter can then line it up with the model and reset the rest to default. Once done you can export the morph and drop it in vams morph folders.

I think what Haz is referring to is Daz Face transfer 2 and the companion corrective morphs which is much simpler to use. Its a Daz plugin that can take images and make a gen 9 head from them. Its just a case of using it to produce a head then using Chokaphis Daz Generations plugin for blender to convert it to genesis 2. You then need to use shape splitter to fit the new head to the g2 model as the genesis 9 model has a very different default head position to G2. Textures get converted using Mrgigglys texture conversion templets for blender .
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Hey again
Just started working on the wrapping program and seem to have a good handle on it except for daz is not importing the morph.
I get the message "Geometry did not match, failed to create morph".
I have tried using several genesis figure bases since I thought maybe the problem is I can't delete the eyelashes on the base gen 2 figure but to no avail.
I am exporting the figures at base resolution so that isn't the problem.
Any ideas what could be causing this problem?
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I did a quick search on the forums and it seems the problem could be that I am adding vertices when I wrap it in the program?
Is this why you mentioned repinning the model? Im not familiar with that process. If you have a resource that can lead me in the right direction I would be grateful.
So many questions.. My apologies
I appreciate all your help
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You need to make sure the base model is genesis 2, with the mesh resolution set to base and subdivisions turned to 0 exported at daz scale as obj. No worries about the eyelashes on g2 as they are part of the model so can be left alone. It only matters for g3/8/9 as they are separate sub models

It's possible it could be down to the subset or lattice node selections in wrap leading to the wrapped "restored" model not having all the parts to make it "default" eg if somthing from the inner mouth is missing it'll throw those errors on import to daz.

Theres also @ilovebooties guide that might be illuminating - https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/your-endallbeall-guide-to-wrapping.25174/
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