Hurrah ? , this is a pretty cool feature you guys added.
Unfortunately I'm seeing wrong numbers in it, unless it's too early still and the checking is being done or something.
For example this VAR of mine shows 0 usage:
But these scenes at least have it as a dependency:
Thanks for looking into this ?
I suspect the use of latest is messing up the counting as it may be expecting a integer.
Update 2:
Probably not as I just saw one VAR of mine as a dependency but set as latest in the other VAR.
Unfortunately I'm seeing wrong numbers in it, unless it's too early still and the checking is being done or something.
For example this VAR of mine shows 0 usage:

SlapStuff Audiobundle Pack - Audio -
What this is: This is a conversion of ToumeiHitsuji's SlapStuff Audio Pack audio files to assetbundles. I intend to use these in future scenes using MacGruber's Logicbrick RandomSoundfromAB plugin. If you're looking for the audio files used in...

But these scenes at least have it as a dependency:
Scenes - Hex Club - Dependencies

Scenes - cockzilla - Dependencies

Scenes - A passing grade - Dependencies

Scenes - Dorm Party - Dependencies

2023 template - Scenes -
Superseeded by: ‼️Before you hit the download button This scene is a template to "quickly" create scenes with different themes, environments, ambiences, intro mini-scenes, randomised audio...

Nevermore Academy - Scenes -
🏫 Nevermore Academy 🌙 Welcoming Sex Outcasts of all kinks for over 200 years Scene with built-in appearances, use your own appearance presets Welcome all newcomers to the Nevermore Academy As newly enrolled students of this academy, we...

Thanks for looking into this ?

I suspect the use of latest is messing up the counting as it may be expecting a integer.
Update 2:
Probably not as I just saw one VAR of mine as a dependency but set as latest in the other VAR.
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