Question Dependencies question


New member
Hello. I was wondering how I go about finding the dependencies for a certain person. I have a custom character that I made and I want to back them up, but I don't know how to find the dependencies (other than going through and writing them down one by one). I was hoping there was a faster way to do this. The reason I'm asking is because my character exists in an older version of VAM which still utilizes easy-mate IV. I would like to move her to a newer version of vam, but i feel like if I try, she won't work properly unless I also bring her dependencies.
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You can do it with Package Builder. Just make scene with your character and add it in Builder. Then push Prepare package and will see all dependences.
Thank you. I will go do that and report back!

Edit: So I figured it out and got it to work. Thank you very much!
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