CUA - Existing in a different scene. HOW? (import?)


New member

So some of the things I've downloaded when I save the appearance to a new file it works great and then I am able to use that "look" I saved as an appearance in other scenes by loading it.

However I've discovered that not all VAM models/atoms/people are made the same. One was a cartoon and her hair was not "hair" at all. It was a custom unity asset which is listed in her native scene. I saved her appearance and then loaded it in a new different scene. She was identical except she was bald.

I am looking to find out how I can load that Custom Unity Asset in the new scene so she has her native hair. I can load any hair I want but it doesn't look right b/c of the character.

Thanks in advance.
Your answer is here:
Your answer is here:
Thanks, yeah I read that before I posted and the closest part said no you can't, but... and so I figured outside of that utility they cite if there was a manual way to do it... it seems not.
What do you mean by "no you can't"? You definitely CAN load a CUA automatically when loading a specific appearance preset.
The manual way is also possible, but that's boring and a pain, that's why the above plugin exists, to do it automatically.
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