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Question Creating scenes without loading screens.


Well-known member
All of my scenes have a scene per animation. Takes up lots of space in the menus. How would you create one with different animations, camera angles, poses, etc without constant loading?
Is there some way to make VAMStory's UI locked to the camera or 2d on the camera view? It keeps having issues with post processing.

- It can follow the player.
- You can have fun trying to lock a static VAMS UI to the camera yourself.
- It can't be 2D on the camera

The way VAM's UI is handled and since post processing is made ON TOP of everything, it's the way it is. There is no workaround.
It's not that VAMS has issue with post processing, it's simply that the post processing modifies the whole frame. Since every UI is in the world... it's post processed like anything else.

Honestly, post process is very problematic in VAM1. Any creator with a proper mindset for a realtime scene (ie: a scene has to work on desktop AND...
If the scenes you have are fairly close to one another it's not difficult to use poses (presets or using plugins) to have all in the same scene. Pick a simpler scene and break it down.
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Main issue:

If I have a bunch of randomized animations for one sex pose how do I set up timeline so that when I transition to the next pose I have a completely seperate new pool of animations?
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You mean to instantaneously change from a animation to another with different poses without transitions? I do it by fading the screen, then while the screen is black I stop the animation, load the saved Timeline pose (Animation trigger) for the new one, fade out and play. Other methods work too, it's a matter or breaking down other creator procedures.
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MyGroup/AnimationName in Timeline.

Look at Scary Mary, the flow of a "non-loading" scene is there : )
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I'm not going to do a Timeline guide here. See guides, Timeline wiki, break down scenes, try other options besides Timeline depending on what you want to accomplish.
I'm pretty familiar with the basics of timeline. You can probably see that in my scenes. I'm asking specific questions.
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Additional note: you'll see it in Mary, use Segments. Consider your segments as your "subscene", which will include your random animations, transitions, states & so on.

So in VAM's situation, a segment would be a "mini-scene" or a "sex position" if you prefer : )
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Additional note: you'll see it in Mary, use Segments. Consider your segments as your "subscene", which will include your random animations, transitions, states & so on.

So in VAM's situation, a segment would be a "mini-scene" or a "sex position" if you prefer : )
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Additional note: you'll see it in Mary, use Segments. Consider your segments as your "subscene", which will include your random animations, transitions, states & so on.

So in VAM's situation, a segment would be a "mini-scene" or a "sex position" if you prefer : )
Is there some way to make VAMStory's UI locked to the camera or 2d on the camera view? It keeps having issues with post processing. Like the ui is super far away for focus.
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Is there some way to make VAMStory's UI locked to the camera or 2d on the camera view? It keeps having issues with post processing.

- It can follow the player.
- You can have fun trying to lock a static VAMS UI to the camera yourself.
- It can't be 2D on the camera

The way VAM's UI is handled and since post processing is made ON TOP of everything, it's the way it is. There is no workaround.
It's not that VAMS has issue with post processing, it's simply that the post processing modifies the whole frame. Since every UI is in the world... it's post processed like anything else.

Honestly, post process is very problematic in VAM1. Any creator with a proper mindset for a realtime scene (ie: a scene has to work on desktop AND vr) should reduce the amount of process to the bare minimum. It was not made to handle a post process pipeline very nicely... and 90% of the time you end up with issues. Mostly why Mary has two versions, one having the post process disabled.
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I want to support desktop only. The scene is already pretty demanding without pp. Just wish it wasn't PP or decent UI. Don't want to go back to buttons. Planning to have a forced camera perspective that'd be disorienting in VR anyway.
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Yeah, I'd wish a lot of things for VAM1 too, but you gotta make choices with the things and constraints we have.
Please don't forget to mark the answer that fits your question if it is the case.
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