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Cheat Engine for FPS increase?


Active member
Recently i saw someone mentioning cheat engine to increase fps in games. By using the speedhack option and setting the ingame speed from default value 1 to something lower on cheat engine, which results in game being running slower but actually increasing fps mainly due to the fact that pc have more time to process things when game speed is lowered or something like that. I tried to use it on vam and set speed to 0.5 from 1 and fps actually increased! but the catch is that physics should be set atleast more then 45hz else the hair will move a bit choppy. 72hz is the sweet spot for this. so far things are looking fine with more fps then before. Let me know if anyone else has also tried it and had any issue or not and if it improved something or not on your end.
Time can be slowed down already in VAM with the time scale slider. Does that do the same thing?
It more like slows the game down a little but due to increase in fps with this the slow down mostly feels on navigating menues or ui but the game still feels its moving normal with increased fps. i don't think fps will increase by slowing down the time scale but i have not tested that so i can't really confirm for the timescale. With cheat engine slowing down the game a bit increases its fps.
My theory is the fps increase because it's reducing the rate at which all fixed calculations happen first. Usually physics in Unity, probably more stuff like (morphs?) in VaM. If they are tied to a short timer (1 sec / 72 Hz fixed rate = 13,88 milliseconds max per fixed frame) and MUST be finished to present a new frame then these would be the first affected by process time manipulation. With the time "stretched" the process now has suddenly 27,7 milliseconds for a fixed frame.

With less time spend for fixed calculations on the CPU > lower frame time > higher framerate.
But then you get potentially physics stuttering or slower animations (think they are tied to the fixed rate somehow).
Then you have to increate the fixed rate again to compensate and the gained fps are lost again:

Normal VaM:
1.0 x 72 Hz fixed rate = 72 fixed rate frames
1.0 x 45 Hz fixed rate = 45 fixed rate frames
0.5 x 90 Hz fixed rate = 45 fixed rate frames
0.5 x 72 Hz fixed rate = 36 fixed rate frames
0.5 x 45 Hz fixed rate = 22,5 fixed rate frames

Both green setting should give similar fps then. It's probably cleaner to use / make a plugin to set a custom fixed rate for a similar effect if my theory is correct. Meanwhile the renderer the pushes out the frames at an unlimited speed ... unless maybe if it hits VaM 300 fps limit?
Maybe that's down to 150 with the process time manipulation set to 0.5.
Would be curious what happens if you set it to 0.1 ... if the limit kicks in VaM should be noticeable limited to 0.1 x 300 = 30 fps then.
My theory is the fps increase because it's reducing the rate at which all fixed calculations happen first. Usually physics in Unity, probably more stuff like (morphs?) in VaM. If they are tied to a short timer (1 sec / 72 Hz fixed rate = 13,88 milliseconds max per fixed frame) and MUST be finished to present a new frame then these would be the first affected by process time manipulation. With the time "stretched" the process now has suddenly 27,7 milliseconds for a fixed frame.

With less time spend for fixed calculations on the CPU > lower frame time > higher framerate.
But then you get potentially physics stuttering or slower animations (think they are tied to the fixed rate somehow).
Then you have to increate the fixed rate again to compensate and the gained fps are lost again:

Normal VaM:
1.0 x 72 Hz fixed rate = 72 fixed rate frames
1.0 x 45 Hz fixed rate = 45 fixed rate frames
0.5 x 90 Hz fixed rate = 45 fixed rate frames
0.5 x 72 Hz fixed rate = 36 fixed rate frames
0.5 x 45 Hz fixed rate = 22,5 fixed rate frames

Both green setting should give similar fps then. It's probably cleaner to use / make a plugin to set a custom fixed rate for a similar effect if my theory is correct. Meanwhile the renderer the pushes out the frames at an unlimited speed ... unless maybe if it hits VaM 300 fps limit?
Maybe that's down to 150 with the process time manipulation set to 0.5.
Would be curious what happens if you set it to 0.1 ... if the limit kicks in VaM should be noticeable limited to 0.1 x 300 = 30 fps then.
Yea the less time spend for fixed calculations on the cpu>lower frame time > higher framerate seems to be the case, spqr performance plugin in which we can set the physics rate to our desired value may be able to have a sweet spot for the above mentioned settings, i am gonna test these cuz it seems interesting.
Getting a lot more frames with speedhack. Thanks for the tip!
try lossless scaling. it have frame generation. set your game to window mod and lock fps to 30 with riva tuner. then activate lossless scaling frame generation and fps becomes 60 and feels smoother.
Thanks again man! This tip was even better. Have had lossless scaling for a while but never thought about using it with Vam since I didn't know that they've managed to implement frame generation in borderless windows.
Yea they recently added that so its still pretty new and the only app at the moment that does the frame generation software on everything. With time it will get much much better. you can either use it when game on border less or in windowed mode. remember to cap fps with riva tuner.
yoola, ahi que mantener el programa abierto siempre ?
Recientemente vi a alguien mencionar Cheat Engine para aumentar los FPS en los juegos. Al usar la opción Speedhack y configurar la velocidad del juego del valor predeterminado 1 a algo más bajo en Cheat Engine, lo que da como resultado que el juego se ejecute más lento pero en realidad aumenta los FPS principalmente debido al hecho de que la PC tiene más tiempo para procesar cosas cuando se reduce la velocidad del juego o algo así. Intenté usarlo en VAM y configuré la velocidad a 0.5 desde 1 y ¡los FPS realmente aumentaron! Pero el problema es que la física debe configurarse al menos a más de 45 Hz, de lo contrario, el cabello se moverá un poco entrecortado. 72 Hz es el punto óptimo para esto. Hasta ahora, las cosas se ven bien con más FPS que antes. Avísenme si alguien más también lo ha probado y tuvo algún problema o no y si mejoró algo o no de su parte.
Recientemente vi a alguien mencionar Cheat Engine para aumentar los FPS en los juegos. Al usar la opción Speedhack y configurar la velocidad del juego del valor predeterminado 1 a algo más bajo en Cheat Engine, lo que da como resultado que el juego se ejecuta más lento pero en realidad aumenta los FPS principalmente debido al hecho de que la PC tiene más tiempo para procesar cosas cuando se reduce la velocidad del juego o algo así. Intenté usarlo en VAM y configuré la velocidad a 0.5 desde 1 y ¡los FPS realmente aumentarán! Pero el problema es que la física debe configurarse al menos a más de 45 Hz, de lo contrario, el cabello se moverá un poco entrecortado. 72 Hz es el punto óptimo para esto. Hasta ahora, las cosas se ven bien con más FPS que antes. Avísenme si alguien más también lo ha probado y tuvo algún problema o no y si mejoró algo o no de su parte.
es mentira lo use y el juego se mueve en camara lenta
Yea they recently added that so its still pretty new and the only app at the moment that does the frame generation software on everything. With time it will get much much better. you can either use it when game on border less or in windowed mode. remember to cap fps with riva tuner.

Although I primarily use VR, I've also started using LLS at 3x frame-gen and a locked 48 FPS, for the best match on my 144 Hz monitor when desktop-ing. Aside from occasional splotch frames during moments of loading, it works pretty nice.

That said, why do you specifically say to cap FR using RivaTuner? Is doing it that way better than using something like the GeForce Experience? That's what I use as of now; I'm not familiar with RivaTuner.

Also it would be crazy if LLS could work in VR lol, but I imagine the frame gen might be occasionally disorienting even for someone like me, who can spend upwards of like 8 hours in VR (really only limited by controller battery 😅).
Although I primarily use VR, I've also started using LLS at 3x frame-gen and a locked 48 FPS, for the best match on my 144 Hz monitor when desktop-ing. Aside from occasional splotch frames during moments of loading, it works pretty nice.

That said, why do you specifically say to cap FR using RivaTuner? Is doing it that way better than using something like the GeForce Experience? That's what I use as of now; I'm not familiar with RivaTuner.

Also it would be crazy if LLS could work in VR lol, but I imagine the frame gen might be occasionally disorienting even for someone like me, who can spend upwards of like 8 hours in VR (really only limited by controller battery 😅).
Its just that rivatuner can be used universaly if a game does not have its own fps cap, ofcourse you can use any other method too as long as it works. Maybe in future it might have an ability to be used on VR too but who knows 👀
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