Question Change defaults upon load


Active member
Looking to customize VAM scene loads where every scene I load has this change:

1 - FOV default of 40 to 60

2 - Scene plugins loading automatically - I have 4 scene plugins I load every single time and I know VAM can do this for me if I edit the right json file, right?

Please let me know what files I have to edit for this customization. Thank you
FOV default of 40 to 60
You would need a plugin to do that. Don't think such a plugin exists....but its more or less just a one-liner. You just need to find someone to do it for you, if you can't do it yourself.

Scene plugins loading automatically
Scene plugins belong to the scene, they are placed on a hidden atom in the scene. What you are looking for are Session plugins. No need to manipulate JSON files, you can set which plugins to load as Session plugins by default through VaM. (Would do a screenshot, but I'm on a tablet at the breakfast table here ;) )
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1 - FOV default of 40 to 60

For FOV you can use the plugin FieldOfViewController.cs by Acidbubbles :
And set an atomatic trigger of the wanted FOV at the start of your scene.
2 - Scene plugins loading automatically

And yes for the scene plugins you want on each of your scenes, you have to put it in session plugins as said @MacGruber , but I did a screenshot to let him eat his breakfast leisurely ? You load them in session plugin then go on SessionPluginsPreset Tab and Set Current As User Defaults as the nice paint.exe-made red arrow show in the following screenshot.

Capture d'écran 2024-01-efe26 111157.jpg

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@MacGruber @Twerk vr Wait, what, I can use scene plugins in the session space and they'll work as if they were in the scene plugin space?

Thank you both for the helpful replies!
Yes , as far as I know, they do the same things if they are in session plugin space or in scene plugin space. I think Session plugin was specificaly done for this, for the plugin you always want.
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I have a few scene plugins that dont work as session so I'll likely need to get someone to code me a plugin for this. Thanks again guys!
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