The plugin does not interact with timeline animations in any way. Therefore, it does not matter in which order you load BodyNet and timeline animations.
UIAssist works with BodyNet. Everything is exposed so you can set up buttons for it.
If you require further assistance, please come to the support channel on my discord server. As a patreon with access to BodyNet Pro, you will also have access to the discord, too.
ekhm i want to support you if its usefull for me and for that i need to know if it is.
so please answer me:
situation is: i have some var with animation perform by its scene Look. and as i do not want always load that scene i save animation. then i work on my Looks in other/new scene then load that animation. (and ofthen anim is fukc..ed up couse probably of that dirffreneces between my Look and Look from orginal animation scene.
so correct me what ishould do with your plugin (proversion):
1) Open orginal animation (timeline) scene
2) save Look (should i use look or apearence or morph preset its unclear for me) for that animation (or maybe i sshould add your plugin and save initial look with it?
3) open scene with my Look
4) load your plugin to that look
5) in plugin somewhow load that initial look (how? there is no screen /movie how to load saved look in your overview for pro version and i do not see button for loading inital look on your screen/movie in overview )
6) run some button in plugin ( which >> no screen of it in overview) to update my Look with initial crated in point 2)
7) load time line animation and have fun with fluent animation of my "updated" look (thats my end purpouse)
sorry for inovniniece but your overview is totaly not clear for me(.