• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Big Navi vs Ampere for VaM

research it yourself but youre obviously a fan boy
How so? Over the last 25 years I have had roughly equal of Nvidia/AMD(and former ATI)/3dFX vid cards and both brand CPUs as well as Cyrix CPU's; Both mixed in every configuration of brand with brand.

I get it, I do.
20 years ago I was the same as you: One brand was the CLEAR winner, and I was a winner of course, mentally superior to the 'plebs' that didn't "PC knowledge as hard as I did" and what I bought was the winner by a WIIIIDE margin to me. I took any nuance of difference and painted with wide brushes my superior choice skills in knowing 'how much worse the others was' than 'most...[shudder at the thought] average people'.
And anyone that didn't buy what I bought was clearly not firing on all cylinders upstairs and was either: Obviously retarded, Blind sheeple that 'don't know as much as I did clearly', or making excuses for poor choices due to favoritism and loyalty to a clearly failing, and clearly FAR inferior brand.
Just because I am pointing out your hypocrisy, does not mean I dont 'get' where you are coming from. Merely I am pointing out WHY it is wrong. Calling me a fanboy for pointing out how you "senpai a particular GPU/CPU-san" is a pretty moot point...
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How so? Over the last 25 years I have had roughly equal of Nvidia/AMD(and former ATI)/3dFX vid cards and both brand CPUs as well as Cyrix CPU's; Both mixed in every configuration of brand with brand.

I get it, I do.
20 years ago I was the same as you: One brand was the CLEAR winner, and I was a winner of course, mentally superior to the 'plebs' that didn't "PC knowledge as hard as I did" and what I bought was the winner by a WIIIIDE margin to me. I took any nuance of difference and painted with wide brushes my superior choice skills in knowing 'how much worse the others was' than 'most...[shudder at the thought] average people'.
And anyone that didn't buy what I bought was clearly not firing on all cylinders upstairs and was either: Obviously retarded, Blind sheeple that 'don't know as much as I did clearly', or making excuses for poor choices due to favoritism and loyalty to a clearly failing, and clearly FAR inferior brand.
Just because I am pointing out your hypocrisy, does not mean I dont 'get' where you are coming from. Merely I am pointing out WHY it is wrong. Calling me a fanboy for pointing out how you "senpai a particular GPU/CPU-san" is a pretty moot point...

well in the past AMD was un-purchasable trash.

Now they have fixed some of their crap im supposed to act like they made up for 10 years of being 2nd fiddle?

Even just the principle alone. I dont buy brands with a history of garbage. Thats why people still buy Honda and Toyota even if other people have caught up in dependability. Because track record of quality speaks to build consumer trust and comfort.

You cant be trash for 10-15 years straight and then come back and say hey i finally made something that is buyable! Buy it because competition is good.

It doesnt work that way buddy.

Maybe if Ryzen is better for the next 10 years straight and has primary driver support for another 5 years because of it ill consider switching but for now all the problems i see on the internet and reddit are from Ryzen incompatabilities and issues.

You have not at all convinced to me to even consider buying Ryzen its a dumb consumer choice for fools and people who fall for the framing gimmicks of shills.
And I wasn't trying to convince you to buy, or even like anything at all. Im not defending any brand. Or suggesting or even promoting either/or/any. Not sure why you think this is a "You must buy X because Y reason"...I'm saying what you are saying about all the other brands you do not own is just hyperbole of claims at best, false at worst. Thats all. Not that you have to like/buy/recommend them to anyone (nor will I to you).

You can dislike, distrust, disdain and refuse to own all you want for whatever reason. I dont care, and even support you having an opinion. But converting that opinion into wild claims of vast inferiority [to the point of claiming they are barely working at all] and hardware comes in only two extremes: Kick ass world champion winner Brand. And horrible 3rd world country made parts that are so inferior they are all but scams. You framing it that way is either disingenuous, ignorant, or rampant need to be seen as superior yourself converted into the inanimate objects you buy.

But sure, you can keep going with the concept of "There is only two types answers here: Ones that agree with me, and fanbios."
I mean this in the least offensive, and only pointing out way: You are harping on how others need to stop drinking the kool-aid, while sipping from your own different colored flavored drink cup.
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And I wasn't trying to convince you to buy, or even like anything at all. Im not defending any brand. Or suggesting or even promoting either/or/any. Not sure why you think this is a "You must buy X because Y reason"...I'm saying what you are saying about all the other brands you do not own is just hyperbole of claims at best, false at worst. Thats all. Not that you have to like/buy/recommend them to anyone (nor will I to you).

You can dislike, distrust, disdain and refuse to own all you want for whatever reason. I dont care, and even support you having an opinion. But converting that opinion into wild claims of vast inferiority [to the point of claiming they are barely working at all] and hardware comes in only two extremes: Kick ass world champion winner Brand. And horrible 3rd world country made parts that are so inferior they are all but scams. You framing it that way is either disingenuous, ignorant, or rampant need to be seen as superior yourself converted into the inanimate objects you buy.

But sure, you can keep going with the concept of "There is only two types answers here: Ones that agree with me, and fanbios."
I mean this in the least offensive, and only pointing out way: You are harping on how others need to stop drinking the kool-aid, while sipping from your own different colored flavored drink cup.

just because you ignore the problems out there, that are numerous and rampant, or have little experience with the type of apps and mods that do tend to have compatibility issues, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist lol.

If there wasn’t a difference between Intel and AMD real life support in the wild I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

but it is a real difference
How do you know I dont have software experience? Because I disagree with you?
And if its a specific software issue, it's usually on the softwares compatibility side that the issue lies, not the hardware.
I have been gaming/PC builder enthusiast for over 20 years, and 3D/2D application engineer for over 15 years (I dont make the 3D stuff, I work on the stuff that people use to make the 3D stuff as well as 2D 1 bit translation software for embedded image processing). So I have a bit of experience in a wide range of software both for PC in general and that access the graphics card/chipset.
[I didn't not want to mention any of this earlier as it would seem I am doing a 'call to authority' fallacy, rather try to argue with just logical facts, but at this point it's absurd the argument gap.]

And the wild fringe software that consistently doesn't play well with X brand is always boiled down to the software has the compatibility issue. (Vast majority of the time).
Or the developer is attempting to 'cheat' a way to make it work how they know how with X hardware calls, on Y chipsets.

Take Solidworks, it runs well on Quadro cards, but not nvidia cards without ECC or AMD cards on complex models. It's not the cards fault its the very specific way the application accesses them and what it expects (many features are quadro specific since they are render cards).

For other apps just because basement developers can't get stuff to work, does not mean the brand it has an issue on is at fault.
List some of this plethora of software that has these consistent wildly different performance issues on one brand and not the other when using same tier models from each; that isnt either a volunteer team of devs making a crowdsourced software, or not an emulator (that is overly complex to get to play nice with hardware across the spectrum due to overhead and software internal emulation of hardware chips.)
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Only because I dont want people getting the wrong idea that:
Intel/Nvidia is the clear and obvious winner across the board, by a margin so wide anyone else doesn't even finish the race and to buy anything else is pure stupidity worthy of shame and mockery...
And dismissing the idea that buying anything else equals either one of two things. Either you are someone that doesn't know better, or one that sucks at the teet of barely working and inferior parts by an order of magnitude, because of your flawed and blind fanboism.

Buy either, they exchanging blows evenly and have for years. Unless you are going for pinnacle of raw power no matter the price, the likes of attempting 3dmark top 10 charting level of gear; any combo of any brand will be roughly the same to its counterpart tier within margin of expected difference due to architecture (and that's where the trading blows comes in: one is better in X game or benchmark by handful of percent, the other Y game or benchmark).
How do you know I dont have software experience? Because I disagree with you?
And if its a specific software issue, it's usually on the softwares compatibility side that the issue lies, not the hardware.
I have been gaming/PC builder enthusiast for over 20 years, and 3D/2D application engineer for over 15 years (I dont make the 3D stuff, I work on the stuff that people use to make the 3D stuff as well as 2D 1 bit translation software for embedded image processing). So I have a bit of experience in a wide range of software both for PC in general and that access the graphics card/chipset.
[I didn't not want to mention any of this earlier as it would seem I am doing a 'call to authority' fallacy, rather try to argue with just logical facts, but at this point it's absurd the argument gap.]

And the wild fringe software that consistently doesn't play well with X brand is always boiled down to the software has the compatibility issue. (Vast majority of the time).
Or the developer is attempting to 'cheat' a way to make it work how they know how with X hardware calls, on Y chipsets.

Take Solidworks, it runs well on Quadro cards, but not nvidia cards without ECC or AMD cards on complex models. It's not the cards fault its the very specific way the application accesses them and what it expects (many features are quadro specific since they are render cards).

For other apps just because basement developers can't get stuff to work, does not mean the brand it has an issue on is at fault.
List some of this plethora of software that has these consistent wildly different performance issues on one brand and not the other when using same tier models from each; that isnt either a volunteer team of devs making a crowdsourced software, or not an emulator (that is overly complex to get to play nice with hardware across the spectrum due to overhead and software internal emulation of hardware chips.)

You think youre smart but you are unable to comprehend this simple fact: It doesn't matter that the fault is the software, it doesn't matter who's fault it is.

If thats the case the consumer only cares for the one that doesn't have these faults and mistakes and cheats so either way at the end of the day it benefits to be with Intel.

You just admitted these things happen yet you continue on the charade. If its worse its worse. doesn't matter whose fault it is. Its worse.
Only because I dont want people getting the wrong idea that:
Intel/Nvidia is the clear and obvious winner across the board, by a margin so wide anyone else doesn't even finish the race and to buy anything else is pure stupidity worthy of shame and mockery...
And dismissing the idea that buying anything else equals either one of two things. Either you are someone that doesn't know better, or one that sucks at the teet of barely working and inferior parts by an order of magnitude, because of your flawed and blind fanboism.

Buy either, they exchanging blows evenly and have for years. Unless you are going for pinnacle of raw power no matter the price, the likes of attempting 3dmark top 10 charting level of gear; any combo of any brand will be roughly the same to its counterpart tier within margin of expected difference due to architecture (and that's where the trading blows comes in: one is better in X game or benchmark by handful of percent, the other Y game or benchmark).

"Buy either, they exchanging blows evenly and have for years."

What a ridiculous statement lol. And with that you lost all credibility. Delusional lmao.
You think youre smart but you are unable to comprehend this simple fact: It doesn't matter that the fault is the software, it doesn't matter who's fault it is.
If thats the case the consumer only cares for the one that doesn't have these faults and mistakes and cheats so either way at the end of the day it benefits to be with Intel.
What kind of logic is this? If you bought cheap no-name tires for your Toyota, and they blew out or vibrated like hell, you would blame toyota for it because it happened when you ran the tires on your toyota car? Stating "These are said to work on your car, yet they do not. Toyota sucks".
What a ridiculous statement lol. And with that you lost all credibility. Delusional lmao.

Any equal tier/priced hardware within the same generation are on par for gain per $ spent. With AMD CPU having the edge these last few tick/tock cycles these few years, intel for years before that. And for video cards, Nvidia 3090 holding the top slot, with AMD and nvidia fighting for the 2nd,3rd, and 4th on the lower SKUs. the 3080ti is to be seen if it knocks the 6900xt off of the close 2nd/3rd place when released. (as it's supposed to be the new competitor against it so nvidia can have 1st and 2nd top price point wins)
Only thing nvidia held was the very top end mark of highest tier and priced card beats all.
Every other price point was a fair match; all the way back to when nvidia made 3 digit series branded cards.
For CPU intel ran the lead with i7/i9, with the i5/i3 being fought hard with AMD for market share (until recent years, as the roles have switched). Before that AMD wore the winner hat against intel core-duo/core-quad until intel came out with the i-series. (Because AMD stopped the single core GHZ race and did the first viable muti-core CPU [Opteron then the AMD 64x2] so had the start advantage, intel reaction responded with the Pentium D [Smithfield] which wasn't that great).

But hey, you know more than the collective intelligence of the entire PC enthusiast and critic subculture I suppose.
Or show results of objective tests that dispute this? I cannot find any. One unbiased reviewer that agrees with you that one brand dominates the entire spectrum for performance across all tiers. (Not some of the brand focused sites/channels..they are clearly a biased outlet to a brand).
Other than nvidia's singular flagship card being the fastest of each gen, I fail to find or have seen any totalled results of all the other sku's being a huge obvious disparaging margin.
I am more than happy to admit I am wrong and learn something (as the saying goes: You never learn anything new by always agreeing with people). Just I need more evidence than a singular person saying its so subjectively.

Also: Still waiting on that list of mainstream software/programs this widespread incompatibility or outright failure to work is rampant on. I have ran 1000's of games, and 3d programs on Nvidia and ATi/AMD cards since the geforce 256 and R100 for video cards, and CPU from AMD Duron/Athlon and Intel Pentium Pro/Celeron, and And have had no more issues on one than the other overall. Both have had about equal share of 'rough patches' over the years where they had the rare problem of X or Y related to what I was using them for (with roughly 1/3 of the problems BIOS patch update/compatibility fixes not CPU issue itself). But not really one more than the other.

I am not a loyalist of any brand. I buy whatever that gen gets me the most bang for the buck in the enthusiast category. If the intel 12th's kick AMD's ass (this 11th seems to be struggling to keep up)..Then I will get it next build. AMD wins? I'll have an AMD build. Both for work and home.
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What kind of logic is this? If you bought cheap no-name tires for your Toyota, and they blew out or vibrated like hell, you would blame toyota for it because it happened when you ran the tires on your toyota car? Stating "These are said to work on your car, yet they do not. Toyota sucks".

View attachment 40266
Any equal tier/priced hardware within the same generation are on par for gain per $ spent. With AMD CPU having the edge these last few tick/tock cycles these few years, intel for years before that. And for video cards, Nvidia 3090 holding the top slot, with AMD and nvidia fighting for the 2nd,3rd, and 4th on the lower SKUs. the 3080ti is to be seen if it knocks the 6900xt off of the close 2nd/3rd place when released. (as it's supposed to be the new competitor against it so nvidia can have 1st and 2nd top price point wins)
Only thing nvidia held was the very top end mark of highest tier and priced card beats all.
Every other price point was a fair match; all the way back to when nvidia made 3 digit series branded cards.
For CPU intel ran the lead with i7/i9, with the i5/i3 being fought hard with AMD for market share (until recent years, as the roles have switched). Before that AMD wore the winner hat against intel core-duo/core-quad until intel came out with the i-series. (Because AMD stopped the single core GHZ race and did the first viable muti-core CPU [Opteron then the AMD 64x2] so had the start advantage, intel reaction responded with the Pentium D [Smithfield] which wasn't that great).

But hey, you know more than the collective intelligence of the entire PC enthusiast and critic subculture I suppose.
Or show results of objective tests that dispute this? I cannot find any. One unbiased reviewer that agrees with you that one brand dominates the entire spectrum for performance across all tiers. (Not some of the brand focused sites/channels..they are clearly a biased outlet to a brand).
Other than nvidia's singular flagship card being the fastest of each gen, I fail to find or have seen any totalled results of all the other sku's being a huge obvious disparaging margin.
I am more than happy to admit I am wrong and learn something (as the saying goes: You never learn anything new by always agreeing with people). Just I need more evidence than a singular person saying its so subjectively.

Also: Still waiting on that list of mainstream software/programs this widespread incompatibility or outright failure to work is rampant on. I have ran 1000's of games, and 3d programs on Nvidia and ATi/AMD cards since the geforce 256 and R100 for video cards, and CPU from AMD Duron/Athlon and Intel Pentium Pro/Celeron, and And have had no more issues on one than the other overall. Both have had about equal share of 'rough patches' over the years where they had the rare problem of X or Y related to what I was using them for (with roughly 1/3 of the problems BIOS patch update/compatibility fixes not CPU issue itself). But not really one more than the other.

I am not a loyalist of any brand. I buy whatever that gen gets me the most bang for the buck in the enthusiast category. If the intel 12th's kick AMD's ass (this 11th seems to be struggling to keep up)..Then I will get it next build. AMD wins? I'll have an AMD build. Both for work and home.


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1.) Massive list you have there.
2.) Have you actually looked into WHY? It was an engine (software) issue/limitation of draw call and the way it was programmed in the engine: lazy PSVR port implementation into first PC VR game for the engine, shoehorning VR into its calls from directX using rehashed and edited PSVR code. They tried to do a direct port with as little work as needed from PSVR code to PC VR code.
Not hardware. If it was a hardware problem it would run like shit on non-VR on that hardware. Same engine, same hardware. It was the hasty VR toss in they did to an already console ported stretched engine.

It had not one thing to do with the chips fault on either CPU or GPU. It lays squarely on the developer.
Again blaming your toyota having a tire blowout on toyota since it was running them, and not the $20 used tires you put on it.

And it ran fine for me when I had both AMD CPU/GPU (On AMD CPU and Nvidia GPU now), and runs fine now on my sons AMD CPU and Nvidia...

I really feel you went searching for the needle in a haystack (as in google-fu activate! keyboard clack clack, digging for a result you don't even know the story behind) to come out victorious of "HA see! I found one, the haystack must be made of pure needles".
Keep digging in the haystack you will find blue and green needles, just as common as the red ones if you look.
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I have both RTX 3090 and XT 6900 XT and I must say I have much more issues with NVidia drivers! Older games crashing cuz on latest drivers NVidia broke something with power options, so I have to set it to ''prefer maximum performance'' for each profile for old game and then it works, refresh rate on DisplayPort 1.4 is 59.997 instead 60.000Hz like on RX 6900 XT, when I force 60Hz on NVidia GPU I have system freezes and my color palette is stuck in 8bit, while on Radeon it works out of the box in 10bit + 60Hz in 4K.

Another issue is that games sometimes stutter on latest NVidia drivers, while on AMD all is smooth. I think I'm gonna sell RTX 3090 and stay with RX 6900 XT, too much hassle with NVidia GPU and it's just not worth it.
1.) Massive list you have there.
2.) Have you actually looked into WHY? It was an engine (software) issue/limitation of draw call and the way it was programmed in the engine: lazy PSVR port implementation into first PC VR game for the engine, shoehorning VR into its calls from directX using rehashed and edited PSVR code. They tried to do a direct port with as little work as needed from PSVR code to PC VR code.
Not hardware. If it was a hardware problem it would run like shit on non-VR on that hardware. Same engine, same hardware. It was the hasty VR toss in they did to an already console ported stretched engine.

It had not one thing to do with the chips fault on either CPU or GPU. It lays squarely on the developer.
Again blaming your toyota having a tire blowout on toyota since it was running them, and not the $20 used tires you put on it.

And it ran fine for me when I had both AMD CPU/GPU (On AMD CPU and Nvidia GPU now), and runs fine now on my sons AMD CPU and Nvidia...

I really feel you went searching for the needle in a haystack (as in google-fu activate! keyboard clack clack, digging for a result you don't even know the story behind) to come out victorious of "HA see! I found one, the haystack must be made of pure needles".
Keep digging in the haystack you will find blue and green needles, just as common as the red ones if you look.

Doesnt really matter why it happens, just that it does. Its a weird brand to buy and punishes the person who buys it in these weird ways.
I have both RTX 3090 and XT 6900 XT and I must say I have much more issues with NVidia drivers! Older games crashing cuz on latest drivers NVidia broke something with power options, so I have to set it to ''prefer maximum performance'' for each profile for old game and then it works, refresh rate on DisplayPort 1.4 is 59.997 instead 60.000Hz like on RX 6900 XT, when I force 60Hz on NVidia GPU I have system freezes and my color palette is stuck in 8bit, while on Radeon it works out of the box in 10bit + 60Hz in 4K.

Another issue is that games sometimes stutter on latest NVidia drivers, while on AMD all is smooth. I think I'm gonna sell RTX 3090 and stay with RX 6900 XT, too much hassle with NVidia GPU and it's just not worth it.

This happened...

Meanwhile I havent had a "driver stutter" on Nvidia in like 10 years lol. What are you even talking about dude. just pulling stuff out of your ass lol

(your "3090" is just made up isnt it, you never actually had one... lets be real here)
Doesnt really matter why it happens, just that it does. Its a weird brand to buy and punishes the person who buys it in these weird ways.
SO...whos to blame isnt the issue. It's just that it happened. Way to break any sense of common logic for a conclusion there.
Really?? A forced cash grab of a game, rush ported from PS to PC, THEN rush ported from PSVR to PC for VR holiday cash grab...and your validity of responsibility goes: "Damn AMD!"...?

If that's the case, I got a $250k lawsuit to make. A grill I bought popped a gas line and charred a small section of my deck. Time to blame the company that built my house for it.

And "Weird" how? What sort of anecdotal singular opinion based point argument is that?
I want charts, benchmarks, objective data of comparison of the two, showing your claims that one is far superior across all market slots and that one, or the other, consistently shows more issues beyond the statistical averages across both (since in the end that what we are talking here). They are LITERALLY all over the internet to find. (And not internal marketing charts they are always more marketing than reality. objective 3rd party ones).
Is that too much to ask?
For you to provide more than "Well..I just dont like it" as your closing argument of statement? To give SOME form of bell curve collection of datapoint results, and not just a single data point of you and your singular opinion based perspective, as confirmation that your observations align with the general consensus?

Thank god your not a lawyer:
You: And in closing your honor, my client is innocent...because the opposing team is weird and stupid to me and I don't like them.
Judge: Would...you like to provide any evidence backing up such statements? All you have given so far is anecdotal circumstantial proofs of personal hearsay.
You: I did your honor, I told you what I think of the opposing counsel and provided wrong doing accusations without context of burden of guilt of such, that and that I think they are lying. I have no further statements your honor [Leans over to client: Nailed it. You will be home by noon]
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SO...whos to blame isnt the issue. It's just that it happened. Way to break any sense of common logic for a conclusion there.
Really?? A forced cash grab of a game, rush ported from PS to PC, THEN rush ported from PSVR to PC for VR holiday cash grab...and your validity of responsibility goes: "Damn AMD!"...?

If that's the case, I got a $250k lawsuit to make. A grill I bought popped a gas line and charred a small section of my deck. Time to blame the company that built my house for it.

And "Weird" how? What sort of anecdotal singular opinion based point argument is that?
I want charts, benchmarks, objective data of comparison of the two, showing your claims that one is far superior across all market slots and that one, or the other, consistently shows more issues beyond the statistical averages across both (since in the end that what we are talking here). They are LITERALLY all over the internet to find. (And not internal marketing charts they are always more marketing than reality. objective 3rd party ones).
Is that too much to ask?
For you to provide more than "Well..I just dont like it" as your closing argument of statement? To give SOME form of bell curve collection of datapoint results, and not just a single data point of you and your singular opinion based perspective, as confirmation that your observations align with the general consensus?

Thank god your not a lawyer:
You: And in closing your honor, my client is innocent...because the opposing team is weird and stupid to me and I don't like them.
Judge: Would...you like to provide any evidence backing up such statements? All you have given so far is anecdotal circumstantial proofs of personal hearsay.
You: I did your honor, I told you what I think of the opposing counsel and provided wrong doing accusations without context of burden of guilt of such, that and that I think they are lying. I have no further statements your honor [Leans over to client: Nailed it. You will be home by noon]


You cant just go around suing people for not properly coding for and supporting AMD.

the only thing you can do as a smart consumer is avoid buying it
You can't just go around suing people for not properly coding for and supporting AMD.
You can't go around blaming hardware manufactures for developer shortcomings.
But odd you only want to highlight one does, without acknowledging the others do to with similar fringe regularity. It's almost as if you have a huge horse blinder bias you can't (or won't) see past.
Intel had issues with AoS around the same timeframe as your example, Nvidia had horrible driver issues in ARK too on the new 9*0 series.. And also forget about solidworks and intel's entire Ivy Bridge series performance issues due to changes in memory to cache access that had to be fixed by MB bios updates.

Yea lets gloss over ALL that to say ONLY one brand ever has it happen...all of them do now and then.

And still waiting on those charts, benchmarks of objective data of comparison of them across a series and it's tiers to show one 'clearly is far inferior'. [Will keep asking until we get prove beyond "Because I said so".]
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You can't go around blaming hardware manufactures for developer shortcomings.
But odd you only want to highlight one does, without acknowledging the others do to with similar fringe regularity. It's almost as if you have a huge horse blinder bias you can't (or won't) see past.
Intel had issues with AoS around the same timeframe as your example, Nvidia had horrible driver issues in ARK too on the new 9*0 series.. And also forget about solidworks and intel's entire Ivy Bridge series performance issues due to changes in memory to cache access that had to be fixed by MB bios updates.

Yea lets gloss over ALL that to say ONLY one brand ever has it happen...all of them do now and then.

And still waiting on those charts, benchmarks of objective data of comparison of them across a series and it's tiers to show one 'clearly is far inferior'. [Will keep asking until we get prove beyond "Because I said so".]

never heard of any of that lol

a random bug that happens and then gets fixed doesnt really compare

meanwhile the game in the picture i posted, that came out in 2017 and it doesnt work to this day lol
OHH you want bugs not fixed, got ya:
(They all have more than this, including AMD. Just giving contrast for counter argument focusing on what you say is 'AMD only.' But threw one of the equally many AMD ones in as a bone for you.)
Nvidia - directx10 issues for direct draw using T&L lighting with MSAA causing shadow artifacting and flicker or hard game freezes.
Intel - unfixed BSOD when using direct memory access calls that are in use by the video driver (part of the reason solidworks has an 'intel mode' for real time deformation simulation display..to get around it).
Nvidia - sporactic crashing to desktop on start in Ashes of Singularity with "3Ddevice lost" when running in vulkan engine. [which is a directX error, not vulkan, hence the lost directx device error..there wasn't one being accessed to start with]
Intel - 7 Days to Die suffering huge FPS loss while in Vulkan.
AMD (GPU) - World Of Warcraft DX12 texture loss when changing areas and using up sampling and FXAA.
Nvidia [Maxwell]- DX12 parallelism calls causing framerate drops of up to 20% and frame stutter (since it's limited to Serial Scheduling rather than Parallel Scheduling)

Its like...every hardware vendor has niche outstanding issues with its share of software. Who would have thunk that huh? (other than most anyone that vaguely keeps up with it).
Not saying AMD is better. But saying ONLY AMD has these types of issues is plain wrong. Both have its equal share of fringe one off cases of problems with games and software. [Be it due to developer, drivers, or just hardware architecture]

So now that the "only AMD has these issues" is out of the way since it's clear they all have their share of niche problems in specific software:
Still waiting on those charts, benchmarks of objective data of comparison of them across a series and it's tiers to show one 'clearly is far inferior'. [Will keep asking until we get proof beyond "Because I said so".]
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I do feel bad we sort of went way off subject (or at least a tangent from it).

In the end, unless you looking for a 3dMark top 10 smashing, very top of the line flagship card with water cooling for overclocking. Buy whatever fits your budget and needs.
For our workstations I/we have built with AMD, Intel, Nvidia mixed in all kinds of combinations (because of shortages last year or so we build with what we can get: from just editor stations to full ThreadRipper/i9 builds) and all work just fine. For work, for general daily crap, and for gaming [We do that a lot when boss isn't pushing us and breathing down our necks for deadlines :p]

For example I just went from a nvidia 1080ti to a 6800XT in my gaming/VaM rig. I skipped nvidia 2000/AMD 5000 series, as didn't see any value worth from a 1080ti at the time. And am happy with it not one issue or problem. And it eats my old 1080ti for breakfast.

For anything in the sub $1000 GPU range, they exchange blow for blow with one or the other just marginally better in X and other better in Y. Like Ray tracing, framerate in Vulkan, Parallel Scheduling, or direct memory access..etc.
It really just Coke vs Pepsi. And as condescending as it sounds, I dont know another way to say it: No matter how much NutellaBrah says Coke clearly is a better product and Pepsi is sugared swamp water...they are essentially the same.
I am very happy with my first(? maybe in a time where it was still called ATI?) complete AMD build from Ryzen 5800x and Radeon 6900xt, too. Absolutely no issues at all so far. But, thanks to people like Nutella Brah, there is always a little voice in my head that whispers: "maybe it would be even better with Nvidia..." ;-) Most likely nonsens, I know.

You are right with Pepsi and Coke, but Coke Zero definitely doesn't taste like the original! ;-)
I am very happy with my first(? maybe in a time where it was still called ATI?) complete AMD build from Ryzen 5800x and Radeon 6900xt, too. Absolutely no issues at all so far. But, thanks to people like Nutella Brah, there is always a little voice in my head that whispers: "maybe it would be even better with Nvidia..." ;-) Most likely nonsens, I know.

You are right with Pepsi and Coke, but Coke Zero definitely doesn't taste like the original! ;-)

Well don't try to play LA Noire the VR case files with that setup ;)

because you cant in case you wanted to....
I do feel bad we sort of went way off subject (or at least a tangent from it).

In the end, unless you looking for a 3dMark top 10 smashing, very top of the line flagship card with water cooling for overclocking. Buy whatever fits your budget and needs.
For our workstations I/we have built with AMD, Intel, Nvidia mixed in all kinds of combinations (because of shortages last year or so we build with what we can get: from just editor stations to full ThreadRipper/i9 builds) and all work just fine. For work, for general daily crap, and for gaming [We do that a lot when boss isn't pushing us and breathing down our necks for deadlines :p]

For example I just went from a nvidia 1080ti to a 6800XT in my gaming/VaM rig. I skipped nvidia 2000/AMD 5000 series, as didn't see any value worth from a 1080ti at the time. And am happy with it not one issue or problem. And it eats my old 1080ti for breakfast.

For anything in the sub $1000 GPU range, they exchange blow for blow with one or the other just marginally better in X and other better in Y. Like Ray tracing, framerate in Vulkan, Parallel Scheduling, or direct memory access..etc.
It really just Coke vs Pepsi. And as condescending as it sounds, I dont know another way to say it: No matter how much NutellaBrah says Coke clearly is a better product and Pepsi is sugared swamp water...they are essentially the same.

They're not though

If you had a product with a 5 star performance and 5 star compatibility...

And you had a product with 5 star performance and 2 star compatibility....

Any logical consumer would say the 1st one was superior as a purchase right?

yet somehow in your mind they are the "same" .... lol that makes no sense.
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