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AutoThruster | AutoGensThruster

Plugins + Scripts AutoThruster | AutoGensThruster

I second the motion. It would be so great if the reference point for the movement could be moved while the plugin is thrusting. If I want the girl to play "just the tip", I have to set up her pelvis (or head) controller to put her pussy (or mouth) right on the tip of the cock and then use small negative values in distance to get her to tease the tip. Then if I want a deep (throat) grinding motion, I have to stop the plugin, move the pelvis (or head) controller to get the cock balls deep, then start the moves again with either positive or negative distance values. If that reference point could be moved while thrusting, the world would be a better place. Also, if the reference point could move in three dimensions it would be even better so that in a blowjob scene for example she could move down and look up at the guy while she sucks his cock, or varies her moves left and right.

I second this as well! When doing sideways blowjob thingy, you can't fully control the direction of motion I think. So let's say that assuming no rotation, if thrusting animation is a straight line along with the axis, it would be cool if you could move its origin point, or maybe change its rotation? If you want e. g. to go exactly like before but in another rotation. If I understand correctly, rotation settings controls only your controller rotation, but the movement itself happens still perfectly along the axis (initial rotation of the controller)? Currently it's little troublesome to set up some hip movement, because slight initial rotation could mean your motion doesn't go the way you want.

About your example: I have one thought on how it could possibly work, maybe.. what if you position the head at the balls deep position, do your deepthroat thrusting normally. And then make a trigger to change distance values, so they're both at minus.. shouldn't then any position theoretically reach the original one, which is "at plus"? But I am not sure about that. At any rate, some control of origin point would've been nice addition to the plugin. It's so good already.
I second this as well! When doing sideways blowjob thingy, you can't fully control the direction of motion I think. So let's say that assuming no rotation, if thrusting animation is a straight line along with the axis, it would be cool if you could move its origin point, or maybe change its rotation? If you want e. g. to go exactly like before but in another rotation. If I understand correctly, rotation settings controls only your controller rotation, but the movement itself happens still perfectly along the axis (initial rotation of the controller)? Currently it's little troublesome to set up some hip movement, because slight initial rotation could mean your motion doesn't go the way you want.

About your example: I have one thought on how it could possibly work, maybe.. what if you position the head at the balls deep position, do your deepthroat thrusting normally. And then make a trigger to change distance values, so they're both at minus.. shouldn't then any position theoretically reach the original one, which is "at plus"? But I am not sure about that. At any rate, some control of origin point would've been nice addition to the plugin. It's so good already.
I did what you describe in my scene Scenes - Blow Me Suck Me | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) using Timeline in the "please me" mode. I start by moving the girl to the tip, have a few moves controlled by State Machine, then another Timeline animation moves her down, and another set of moves happen until another Timeline animation is triggered to move her back to the tip and it all repeats. It was a lot of work to get the transitions to be reasonably smooth, and it's still not perfect. What I really want to be able to do is make the girl move down so she's sucking the tip from in front of and below the head of the cock to get the onahole's tongue to hit some different parts while using and SR6. Right now I can get some dreamy moves that slither the tongue up the underside and over the front and top, or steadily massage the top and front of the glans, but I can't easily get her tip her head up and move down while pivoting around the tip to keep her lips and tongue where I want them. If there were a way to control and visualize the origin point, or have a path between two points along which the origin could be moved and rotated, just think of the possibilities!
If there were a way to control and visualize the origin point, or have a path between two points along which the origin could be moved and rotated, just think of the possibilities!

Aye, it sounds amazing! That's why I love plugins like LogicBricks or ActionGrouper + VUML. If you're creative, you can do just about anything with that, and looks like the only major limiting thing for all plugins is not being able to access important variables really. If you can, then suddenly Timeline and bunch of other great plugins can provide amazing effect.
I second the motion. It would be so great if the reference point for the movement could be moved while the plugin is thrusting. If I want the girl to play "just the tip", I have to set up her pelvis (or head) controller to put her pussy (or mouth) right on the tip of the cock and then use small negative values in distance to get her to tease the tip. Then if I want a deep (throat) grinding motion, I have to stop the plugin, move the pelvis (or head) controller to get the cock balls deep, then start the moves again with either positive or negative distance values. If that reference point could be moved while thrusting, the world would be a better place. Also, if the reference point could move in three dimensions it would be even better so that in a blowjob scene for example she could move down and look up at the guy while she sucks his cock, or varies her moves left and right.

FYI, I have been working on this and think I have it working ok. It's a "manual control" mode that allows you to choose a controller on any atom in the scene and use that as the "origin" for the thrust. Moving the "manual" control in the scene changes the start position, and rotating it changes the thrust direction. This should enable you to use Timeline or other animation tools to create some interesting/complex movements. I'll post it once I've tested it a bit more.
@StyleMavin @babul If you have time to play around with the "Use Parent Control" functionality and let me know how it goes, please do!

Ok, I got to test it a little. At first I was confused that align parent to thrust was forcing my origin empty atom to have "bad" rotation of my hips, but it works exactly as advertised. Looks like it only actually aligns when you press the buton while plugin is active and motion is happening already, so gotta watch out for that. Once I figured that out, it's nice. I could choose just one axis and force my controller to move perfectly along that.

Could you extend that to AutoGensThruster as well? I tested my animation with both and while I can move hips perfectly vertically from its initial position now with AutoThruster, if I use gens thruster aimed at mouth with AutoGensThruster, it will always start too high, because it's completely dependant on rotation of the head. If you could simply move/rotate mouth/vagina/anus target, you could possibly get rid of target adj. left/right and down/up as well. But in this case I think rotation is the issue. In my BJ animation where head is sideways, but slightly pointing up, male will start way higher. Idea would be to change head origin point so it's perfectly vertical (despite head pointing up), and it would work just like the updated AutoThruster. Pretty nice for sideways blowjob at an angle or something.

For what it does now, I think it's pretty good now, I think. No more tiresome adjusting angles so it works. If you could make changing of origin position/rotation in AutoGensThruster possible, and maybe in the future having control of 'in-out' float, that would already cover pretty much any use case I think. To give one more example that just came to me: right now you can nicely set up start/end angles in the plugin, but it's a smooth curve. If you had access to that float mentioned before, you could simply animate your dummy atom that acts as a parent to e. g. have the same rotation at 0.0 to 0.8, but then change the rotation at 0.8, so you could achieve sudden twist at the end if you wish so.. or sudden extra movement in some direction, that would work nicely with automated thrust. Controlling it like that instead of messing with hip keyframes in Timeline would be pretty elegant I think. (So in the example above, 0-1 out-in float would be passed to 'Set Time' of Timeline instance that's attached to the thrust origin controller. Not sure if it's possible, but if you could have VAMMoan instead take control of that 'out-in', you could simply use VAMMoan to also animate the thrust origin. Maybe a checkbox that doesn't touch the float when checked and waits for input from the user <<so if you checked it but didn't animate it yourself, there would be no movement at all if you activated the thrust>>, and when unchecked, it would provide its own motion and ignore other input, in case you don't want to control it with 3rd party)

Anyway, sorry for a wall of text. This update is pretty good and a big improvement.
Thanks for the info. I see what you're trying to accomplish with AutoGensThruster now and will think about it. AutoGensThruster uses its own "targeting" system that is only based on the target and doesn't use any data from the penisBaseController. I think adding the ability to adjust the angle of the thrust might work, though. I'll look into it.
FYI, I have been working on this and think I have it working ok. It's a "manual control" mode that allows you to choose a controller on any atom in the scene and use that as the "origin" for the thrust. Moving the "manual" control in the scene changes the start position, and rotating it changes the thrust direction. This should enable you to use Timeline or other animation tools to create some interesting/complex movements. I'll post it once I've tested it a bit more.
Thank you! I was just looking up how to trigger in sync with other things going on. I look forward to that release.
@babul Don't know if you're still working on that problem you mentioned above, but if so can you see if the AutoGensThruster update helps?
can you tell me if it is possible to control this plugin through triggers? When downloading subscene, the pull does not start automatically, and it is necessary to turn off and turn on the Action, I can't do it with a button or trigger
The April 6 update has changed what i can do. Now it focus on the male to do the thrusting.
Before choose bodyparts ie female nips to move up and down. This option has disappeared . Why is this?
This is a fantastic plugin that makes it really simple to setup quick and dirty scenes (heh). I have a few suggestions/requests though that I think could help improve movement/penetration in more complex positions when things aren't perfectly aligned:
- Add a second axis of thrust. This would be great because often poses require movement in two axis' in order to get proper penetration - often both the Z and Y axis could use some movement
- Instead of a single "distance" value for each axis, use a "start" and "end" distance value, like you have with the rotations. That way you could (for example) have penetration where the start distance is -1 and the hips pull out from the reference starting point, and then the end value is +2 so it returns to the starting point and then pushes back in. And the start/end distance values could be set independently for both thrust axis.
Hope my description makes sense! I'm unsure what the behaviour would be if both the start and end distance values are both positive or negative numbers. I guess it would just move in the same direction for the whole cycle.
can you tell me if it is possible to control this plugin through triggers? When downloading subscene, the pull does not start automatically, and it is necessary to turn off and turn on the Action, I can't do it with a button or trigger

I have been using it with triggers. I am not sure what problem you are experiencing exactly, but I did fix a bug in the latest update with "Enable Thrust." Maybe that fixed the issue?

The April 6 update has changed what i can do. Now it focus on the male to do the thrusting.
Before choose bodyparts ie female nips to move up and down. This option has disappeared . Why is this?

Are you sure you're using AutoThruster and not AutoGensThruster?

- Add a second axis of thrust. This would be great because often poses require movement in two axis' in order to get proper penetration - often both the Z and Y axis could use some movement

I don't think this will be possible, but see if you can get the effect you want using the Direction Offset settings?

- Instead of a single "distance" value for each axis, use a "start" and "end" distance value, like you have with the rotations. That way you could (for example) have penetration where the start distance is -1 and the hips pull out from the reference starting point, and then the end value is +2 so it returns to the starting point and then pushes back in. And the start/end distance values could be set independently for both thrust axis.

I was considering that - might implement it in a future update!
Vinput updated AutoThruster | AutoGensThruster with a new update entry:


  • AutoGensThruster, AutoThruster: Added "Distance Random %" that enables randomizing thrust distance each cycle.
  • AutoThruster: Added "Distance Start" parameter setting, which works similarly to Distance In and Distance Out in AutoGensThruster. This enables adjusting the thrust distance from either the start or the end of the thrust, instead of only from the start.
Demo of Distance Start and Distance End:

Read the rest of this update entry...
If you include auto align with AutoThruster, it would elliminate the need for AutoGensThruster. I'd like to use AutoThruster due to its additional options but penis to vagina alignment is often a hurdle when simply enabling the align option from Gensthruster does the trick.
You might want to add a failsafe that disables the thrust of it's set too low. I've more than once caused VAM to freeze until its explosion prevention kicked in and disabled collision physics because I accidentally set the cycle duration to zero.

Maybe set the minimum range of the duration to above 0?
The randomizing of the cycle duration is terrific and adds a level of life-like variation that is thrilling. Is there a way to control how frequently the random speed changes occur? It seems like they happen every 2 seconds and it would be cool to be able to change that interval via a trigger, or to randomize THAT interval within a definable range, and to control a degree of easing between the randomized cycle durations. I love that I can specify the range of the randomizations and I do control that with triggers to add variation to the model's behavior. I could imagine tying the % random variation, random cycle duration interval, and easing to the model's arousal, along with the cycle duration for a thrilling effect that leads up to climax.
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