I second the motion. It would be so great if the reference point for the movement could be moved while the plugin is thrusting. If I want the girl to play "just the tip", I have to set up her pelvis (or head) controller to put her pussy (or mouth) right on the tip of the cock and then use small negative values in distance to get her to tease the tip. Then if I want a deep (throat) grinding motion, I have to stop the plugin, move the pelvis (or head) controller to get the cock balls deep, then start the moves again with either positive or negative distance values. If that reference point could be moved while thrusting, the world would be a better place. Also, if the reference point could move in three dimensions it would be even better so that in a blowjob scene for example she could move down and look up at the guy while she sucks his cock, or varies her moves left and right.
I second this as well! When doing sideways blowjob thingy, you can't fully control the direction of motion I think. So let's say that assuming no rotation, if thrusting animation is a straight line along with the axis, it would be cool if you could move its origin point, or maybe change its rotation? If you want e. g. to go exactly like before but in another rotation. If I understand correctly, rotation settings controls only your controller rotation, but the movement itself happens still perfectly along the axis (initial rotation of the controller)? Currently it's little troublesome to set up some hip movement, because slight initial rotation could mean your motion doesn't go the way you want.
About your example: I have one thought on how it could possibly work, maybe.. what if you position the head at the balls deep position, do your deepthroat thrusting normally. And then make a trigger to change distance values, so they're both at minus.. shouldn't then any position theoretically reach the original one, which is "at plus"? But I am not sure about that. At any rate, some control of origin point would've been nice addition to the plugin. It's so good already.