Question Add Atom: Windows Camera and Triggers/VariableCounter


Active member
1.) I would like to add another WindowCamera to the scene. I simply don't find the entry in "Add Atom" Categories. Or do I need a plugin (if there's one existent)? Is it possible to scale the DisplayControl? I want to setup something like a scene with a moving video camera with the focus being displayed on a static monitor.
And just lots of problems. I managed to Lock/Hold the Display, but when I parent the WindowCamera to a CUA like a camera the WindowDisplay moves / rotates with the CUA. In WindowDisplay no parent to anything, still on lock/hold. Where is the secret link between these two?

2.) I try to understand MacGruber's LogicBricks Demo. So far so good. He placed a Trigger with the type "VariableTrigger". I don't know if it's just a renaming but it got a TriggerValue from 0.000 to 1.000 field which I haven't seen before in Triggers. Where to find it?
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