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50 Mirror Poses

50 Mirror Poses


Well-known member
VAMEssentials submitted a new resource:

50 Mirror Poses - 50 Mirror Poses in a 3 Mirror Scene with UI Buttons to easily click and view them.

50 Mirror Poses in a 3 Mirror Scene with UI Buttons to easily click and view them. The poses have been adjusted to give good viewing angles with the 3 Mirrors in the Modern Photo Studio. Feel free to modify and use this and any of the poses however you like.

Scene Preview

View attachment 287433
50 Mirror Poses
View attachment 287437
View attachment 287439
View attachment 287440
The model used is Daisy and is available on...

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If you download the var, all 50 of the mirror pose presets will be added to your VAM and can be loaded on any scene by going to the Pose Presets tab / clicking the Select Existing button / and then searching for: VamEssentials or 50 Mirror Poses

This is the full name of the folder they are in: VamEssentials.50_Mirror_Poses
If you want to use this template to create your own custom mirror poses, and use the existing buttons, I will share some info below on how to do that.

These are the Pose Preset Settings I use on creating Mirror Poses:


How to Save a Pose Preset
After you pose your model in the position and pose you like...

1: Go to the Pose Presets Tab
2: Make sure you're on the right person you want to save the pose of. Not an issue on mirror poses unless you want to experiment with posing more than one person in front of the mirror at the same time.
2B: If you have more than one, you can click the Person icon and it will toggle to the other person.
3: Be sure Store Root Node In Pose is checked. In general you usually don't check this because it can cause the model to load far away in another scene if used again. But for something like a scene pose, you want it checked so they load at the exact same spot each time. That is why some poses load right in front of you and some load far away. It's based on if this is checked. For the mirror poses, you want it checked.
4: Name your pose. I usually put a number 1 after it because I might test out variations and numbering helps track that if I end up doing that.
5: Click the Create New Preset button to save it.
6: You can come back here and click Select Existing to load a pose preset saved.

How To Change Out Pose Buttons to Use Your Pose Presets
Click Edit Mode and you'll see a Toggle Targets (T) button at the bottom. You can click that or just use the keyboard shortcut of clicking the letter T on your keyboard. Click T to turn it on, and T to turn it back off. When you turn it on, you'll see green boxes for all the atoms in the scene that you can hover over until they turn yellow and then click on them to edit them. Below each pose button is a green box that you click on when it turns yellow after hovering over or around it.


This will pull up the Pose button Atom. Another way to get here is click on the arrow icon on your menu bar, check show hidden, and find Pose 1 and click the control tab. This way is faster. If for some reason you click the square and it doesn't open the window below, click the Toggle UI button at the bottom left. You have to have your Edit Mode window open at the same time. You then click on the Button Trigger tab, and click on the settings button.


Updating the Pose for Each Button
The settings are really easy and are the same on all 50 of them:
Receiver Atom: Person
Receiver: PosePresets
Receiver Target: LoadPresetWithPath
Choose File: you browse and find your Pose Preset you saved.
The folder path is listed in the example below it: Custom / Atom / Person / Pose folder
Select the pose you want to use on the button and click Ok.

Now every time you click the button it will load your pose. Don't close the window, you want to now update the image on the button as well.


Updating the Image on the Button
1. Click on the Image tab,
2. Click on the Browse button, and you're going to go back to Custom / Atom / Person / Pose and click the same pose again.
3. Then click the load button. This will then make that pose the image for the button.


Be sure to save the scene after you update the pose buttons with your pose presets. I recommend saving your scene as you update so many in case you forget so you don't lose all your progress.

The way VAM works is if you update the pose or overwrite it and save it again with a new screenshot to get a better button image or a better pose, it will auto update the button so you don't have to go load the same pose again here. So you can keep modifying the pose and the button will update and use whatever that pose path is last saved as for that pose name which is really nice. So you don't have to change anything on the button unless you change the pose name.

If you change your pose screenshot, the image on the button may not refresh right away though because VAM uses caching to load images. And to get it to refresh the cache, you'll need to save the scene, close it and re-open it.

If you come up with some really great mirror poses and want to share them by uploading your version to the hub, here is a guide on how to upload your scene file:
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VAMEssentials updated 50 Mirror Poses with a new update entry:

Version 2 Updates

Includes Modern Photo Studio v2 with Black Room Style and Black Mirrors, MPS Control Panel to adjust lighting and Pose Controller to click back and forward through all the poses. The scene is also now setup with Custom Keybinding Commands (Hot Keys). All you have to do is add the AcidBubbles Keybindings session and search and add the Pose Controller v1 Keybindings from the var and it will update them so you can use your keyboard to go through poses.

Switching from White Room Style to...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I added the ability to use Hot Keys in the 50 Mirror Poses Scene but they have to be enabled. If enabled you can use your arrow keys on your keyboard to move through poses...

Hot Keys
Previous Pose: Left Arrow
Next Pose: Right Arrow
Last Pose: Up Arrow
First Pose: Down Arrow
Random Pose: Spacebar

How To Add Hot Keys

First you want to download Acid Bubble Keybindings plugin. if you don't have it already as a session plugin. It's got 68k+ downloads and is awesome. It lets you duplicate/clone an atom by selecting it and hitting F2. That is how I am able to easily duplicate a pose button and not having to go into 50 different settings to change size/color/etc. I just clone them with his plugin. So you can use it to clone more buttons if you want to do something bigger. It goes in your AddOnPackages folder, all vars go in there...

AcidBubbles Keybindings Plugin

Open VAM and click on Edit Mode, then click the 3 lines for main menu, Session Plugins tab on the left, Add Plugin, Select File.


Search on the left for "key" or keybindings, and click on the folder below it for Acid Bubble, that should generate icons on the right. There are multiple ones that are a part of his var package, you want to click on the main one which is "Keybindings.cslist"


Click on Open Custom UI


This is how you adjust all your keyboard shortcuts. This is what everyone uses to build large scenes with. It already comes with some default shortcut keys, some only work in certain parts of the software. Like there is a timeline section that you have to open timeline for those keys to work. You want to click on Import (add)...


Search on the left for "VamEssentials" or "Mirror" and it will display the keybinding for you in the var package, click it to add it...


If you want to verify if it worked, scroll down right below the import button you clicked, you can search the word "pose" and check the box to "Only show bound commands". That means only the fields with something on them for hot keys. You will see a Custom Commands section with them listed. If you want to change them, you can click on the box, then on your keyboard just click on any other key it lets you map it to. If you can't map it to that key, it will say choose another key. After you see it display, click off the box onto the UI somewhere and it will update it. At the top you can export out your settings you prefer to reload them again if ever needed. That's all I did was exported them out and shared them in the var after mapping them.

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How It Works

The keybinding plugin has a default list of common things to create hot keys for. If you need something more advanced you can use the Custom Commands plugin. When you search for Keybindings, that is another plugin in his var...

Custom Commands-1.png

I put the Custom Commands plugin on the UIText atom that has them all listed on them. The concept is you can update this list with any additional keybindings you like to use to help you remember them. You can click the checkbox to have it drop down if it's long and hide it after if needed....


The way I got it to work was I followed the Pose Controller mapping. It basically does what the buttons do if you click on them. The part in brackets for the name can be anything. For example I named it Previous and Next but you could call it Back and Forward or whatever you want. Whatever is listed here is what then shows up in the Keybindings plugin under that Custom Commands section. You add all your custom Commands on this if you want, can add more if you figure out more you need. Then on the text of the UIText can write them out as a memo/reminder. They are just the custom ones, all the other main ones are in the Keybindings plugin.
For the more complex part, it all uses Aeternum Tools Pack plugin by SPQR to work. It goes to a folder of poses and does ++ from 001 all the way up to 050 and loops after. That is what all the commands will show in custom commands, operation ++, operation --.

Here's some more info if you want to modify it to make your own pose gallery that uses the pose controller and hotkeys...

How to Map Poses Images to The Pose Controller = Maps to Hotkeys
As seen above the hotkeys are just Custom Commands to the Pose Controller also referred to as the Pose Picker or posePicker by SPQR.

SPQR put them all on the 001 or number box. Click T to view it, hover over it until it turn yellow and click on it...

These are the 2 triggers that do everything. The first one says "add number settings here", we'll click that first.....


This is basically how many pose images you want in your gallery. I have 50 images, I am using a numbering system of 001 to 050 so have a number padding of 3. From all the examples I've seen this is the best way I think to do it or safest. Use 3 pad and number all our poses 001 - 050+. You an click close on this and go to the other one now.

When you open this one, you want to click on the Actions on Trigger button...

You will see it has a LoadPresetWithPath trigger. This is where you map your pose folder of images that it starts counting from...


And these are the final settings to get it to work/connect.

Receiver Atom: Person
Receiver: PosePresets
ReceiverTarget: LoadPresetWithPath
Choose File:
Custom/Atom/Person/Mirror Poses/Preset_001.vap

What this does is it tells the Pose Controller with all the arrows what 001 is and then now when you arrow up through the pose controller, it just moves up the numbers.

-I tried using numbers and words and it wouldn't find them. I tried 001 Standing Hands on Hips 1 for example it wouldn't go through them.
-I tried just regular 001, 002, 003, and it didn't work.

It has to start with the word Preset_ as that is the VAM format for pose presets. So to keep it simple and follow what a lot of others did, I just laebeled it Preset_001

And put them in a folder called Mirror Poses in the Pose folder to keep it organized. For this it does not have to be in the root, it can be in a folder inside the Pose folder.

If you can get them organized in there and link to them, you could use the entire Mirror Template and just pick 50 of your favorites and put them in a folder and go to that path and map it to start counting from there. That would be the easiest way.

Each pose save would look something like this, making up your own folder name instead of mirror poses...
Custom/Atom/Person/Pose/Mirror Poses/Preset_001.jpg
Custom/Atom/Person/Pose/Mirror Poses/Preset_001.vap

After you get the controller to work, you just map the 50 buttons if you want the images gallery as well, they go to all these new 001 type numbers, and you have a full scene with it all connected. You can then upload it and share it to the hub if you want.
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VAMEssentials updated 50 Mirror Poses with a new update entry:

Version 3 Updates

Updated to use Modern Photo Studio version 3 which adds the following options to the 50 Mirror Poses scene:

View attachment 289284

Added Low Mirror Button On/Off Option
LM Button will show or hide the Low Mirrors button in the back. For Dark Room Style this will give you a more solid black background without it getting in the way if you're not using it.

Added 2K or 4K Resolution Mirrors and Reflective Floor Slate Option
This will make 8 updates to...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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