• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
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Plugins + Scripts 100% VR privacy for Virt A Mate


Active member
I updated VR privacy with some bug fixes and alot of new improvements and options, release-guide:

VaM VR Privacy V2 has a single purpose:

Prevent anyone - be it your kids, wife, boss or anyone else from finding out that you are currently
running VaM while you're occupied with being emerged in VR not being able to see if someone presses
"M" or the mousebutton physically on your computer enabling Desktop mode. In my scenario I'm not even
in the same room as the computer, as I'm using Virtual Desktop to use VR over the wifi, all while my
kids use the very same computer at the same time playing Fortnite etc.

Demonstration (Hot to use below video):

VR privacy.gif

How to use:

Place hide.exe anywhere you like, and start it. You can also make a shortcut in your Windows startup folder
to hide.exe to make it start automatically with Windows.

How it works:

Hide.exe will continuously look for VaM.exe and SteamVR running. If both are running, it will hide both the
VaM desktop window and the SteamVR middle screen popup which has the unfortunate option to "show VR view", by default
hide.exe will also hide itself, meaning you have to kill hide.exe from Windows Taskmanager. This is the safest
and most private option, but you can also start hide.exe with some commandline arguments.

When you quit VaM, the SteamVR popup will show again.

Commandline / shortcut arguments:

No arguments < Will hide any running and future VaM window until you kill hide.exe, no Tray icon/menu

hide.exe showall < will show any currently hidden VaM and SteamVR window, then return to normal until you quit VaM and start VaM again

hide.exe your text here < Will show a tray icon with a menu item with that text, clicking the icon or icon menu item will switch between showing and hiding VaM and SteamVR popup.

hide.exe your text here 12345 < same as above, but you will have to type in 12345 every time you want to show VaM desktop window, ofcourse 12345 can be any number or length, like 77 etc.

Also, showall can be combined with the other arguments, basically showing everything once on startup, or if you dont want to hassle with a menu,
just make a shortcut to hide.exe, and another to hide.exe showall, then just click showall to show VaM and the other to hide it.
It doesn't matter in what order you type arguments, including Traymenu text, code and showall.

Hide.exe runs single copy, meaning starting one shortcut will replace the current running one, so having
different shortcuts won't be a problem or start multiple instances.

Some good shortcut examples to keep your kids from trying to click the tray icon with or without passcode:

hide.exe Contact Microsoft Support 574
hide.exe 3423 Call FBI showall
hide.exe Delete all files on PC now?
hide.exe Report piracy 1337
hide.exe Delete Epic Games account

The popup requesting a code if provided as commandline has no instructions at all except a Cancel button or typing in a code,
so anyone else will have no clue that it's actually asking for a code, thus not revealing there is something passwrd protected
to be nosy about - any stupid explanation will fly right home - " Oh, thats just a search engine / for taking notes / to report bugs" etc.

For those concerned about virus or not trusting my hide.exe > I have provided the original sourcefile
hide.ahk, a simple text script that can be edited in notepad, and compiled with Autohtkey (download link
provided in zipfile) by installing Autohotkey, then right click hide.ahk and select compile.

V3 plans:

Make options to hide custom shady apps
Make a switch commandline option, basically switching between hide/show depending on VaM being allready hidden or not
Make option to hide more than one app simultaniously
Make option to switch tray-icon look
Provide free bitches for everyone
Make it use 0.001% CPU instead of 0.01%


I am God, I make free shit
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Virtamate doesn't show up on steam for your gaming status. There is a lot of typos in your sentences. I didn't find out about the key M to hide while i was in desktop/VR mode until my cat ran over my keyboard and I had to find which key her tapped.
Generally not a great idea to download and run .exe files from an unreliable source like God. I like @Draa1 's idea of turning off the monitor a little better. Good effort though.
Sure, its a free world, just like any human knows how to turn on a screen/monitor again. If that exe contains a virus or do any damage I will gladly pay everyone here 100 mill USD. e.g why would I upload something insecure and ruin my rep on VAM Hub on day one?
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Virtamate doesn't show up on steam for your gaming status. There is a lot of typos in your sentences. I didn't find out about the key M to hide while i was in desktop/VR mode until my cat ran over my keyboard and I had to find which key her tapped.
Sorry about the typos, im typing from VR with one controller. The SteamVR small middle screen window/popup always shows what your currently running. Regardless, hide.exe hides VaM no matter Steam/no Steam. I dont sit in the same room as my pc, and often my kids use the pc while im in VR wirelessly, I made it to make sure they cant press M to enable any content from VAM in desktop while im in VR.
Sure, its a free world, just like any human knows how to turn on a screen/monitor. If that exe contains a virus or do any damage I will gladly pay evdryone here 100 mill USD. e.g WTF would I upload something insecureand ruin my rep om VAM Hub on day one?
So you think it's generally a great idea? Would you, as someone stumbling upon this post, download that exe and think there's no risk? Also, if one had the goal of doing some damage (not saying you do), ruining the reputation of a new anonymous free to create online account with zero reputation to begin with would be one's last concern.
So you think it's generally a great idea? Would you, as someone stumbling upon this post, download that exe and think there's no risk? Also, if one had the goal of doing some damage (not saying you do), ruining the reputation of a new anonymous free to create online account with zero reputation to begin with would be one's last concern.
Well, I would probarbly virus-scan it, then run it. Like i mentioned - ive included the hide.ahk file which is simply a 15 line script textfile which can be opened and edited in Windows notepad, so anyone not trusting the exe can just download the program Autohotkey which is used by millions, install it in 30 seconds, right click the AHK file and select compile which will make a newe.exe from the hide.ahk file

Your theory kind of beats the purpose of my effort. EXE doesn't automatically mean criminal evil mastermind, some people actually are just here to help others, myself included.

Try it, (or the ahk after downloading Autohotkey), you never have to worry again about someone seeing what you do on your pc while your'e emerged in VaM in VR.
Well, I would probarbly virus-scan it, then run it. Like i mentioned - ive included the hide.ahk file which is simply a 15 line script textfile which can be opened and edited in Windows notepad, so anyone not trusting the exe can just download the program Autohotkey which is used by millions, install it in 30 seconds, right click the AHK file and select compile which will make a newe.exe from the hide.ahk file

Using AHK with the script file should be the go-to solution then, not a custom exe.

Your theory kind of beats the purpose of my effort. EXE doesn't automatically mean criminal evil mastermind, some people actually are just here to help others, myself included.

I don't have a theory, and you're making a strawman argument of my position. I have not claimed that posting an .exe automatically means you're up to no good. All I said was it's generally not a good idea to run random exe files from untrusted sources. Don't take generalizations personally.
Sure, its a free world, just like any human knows how to turn on a screen/monitor. If that exe contains a virus or do any damage I will gladly pay evdryone here 100 mill USD. e.g WTF would I upload something insecureand ruin my rep om VAM Hub on day one?
" Important security patch for VaM released (new version patch). Please see this post on Patreon for more details "
I don't know who, but some new users were making files for VaM that weren't for VaM. $100,000,000 is a lot if my $1200 pc got compromised. In the future of uploading, it's probably best to use your computer for typing :)
Using AHK with the script file should be the go-to solution then, not a custom exe.

I don't have a theory, and you're making a strawman argument of my position. I have not claimed that posting an .exe automatically means you're up to no good. All I said was it's generally not a good idea to run random exe files from untrusted sources. Don't take generalizations personally.

Thr EXE is for naive lazy carefree people like me.

I'm not taking anything personally, your worry about EXE-files is ofcourse legitimate, my point is plainly that I'm fairly sure anyone downloading it from here knows the risk already and aee capable of making that choice / calculated risk on their own. I've already had a good conversation with MersherVR refarding inbuilt option, but thats not going to happen in v1.2xx+.xx as he has his hands filled with VaM2.x

My intention was not to try to make a strawman-argument of your position, I'm sorry if it comes across as that. My position is EXE security vs undoing your 14 year old son/daugther seeing you play with slutty nekked bitches doing insane shit. Even a virus won't amount to the damage of that last situation, and 14 year olds are perfectly capable of turning on a monitor/screen e.g. pressing the on/off button, just as they know how to press "M" on a keyboard - that's a risk that simply can't be blown away with "simply turn off the monitor" which easily comes of as a strawman-argument to the whole idea behind this app: 14 year olds/boss/wife exposed to dad's dirty secrets is 100% undoable, priceless, and will never be forgotten.

I'm NOT saying you/Draa1 is INTENTIONALLY making a strawman-argument, no more than I am making one regarding concerns about EXE files, I'm saying it's EASY to NOT see the full spectrum/weight of someone elses position on the Internet, and thus unintentionally strawmanning/simplifying/stupidifying their original concern in a matter that would be resolved and clarify any misunderstanding of intention/motive in a real life dialogue in a matter of mere seconds.

I'm not at all - like I mentioned - taking this personally - this is a good conversation and your arguments are valid, there's no "right" or "wrong" here, it's simply positions and what one would prioritize / calculation of risk (IF forced to choose A or B), fortunately - if using the included AHK file instead both A and B is within reach.

Even better would be option C: someone NOT new to VaM HUB, someone with alot of posts/rep which everyone KNOW they can trust, compiling the AHK into an exe and reposting it here.

Did you try it? Do you use Virtual Desktop, e.g. in Virtual Desktop you press left controller menu button twice to switch between SteamVR (and thus whatever is currently running there) and Windows desktop, this app is mainly for that group of users (like me - using it with Oculus Quest 2).
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" Important security patch for VaM released (new version patch). Please see this post on Patreon for more details "
I don't know who, but some new users were making files for VaM that weren't for VaM. $100,000,000 is a lot if my $1200 pc got compromised. In the future of uploading, it's probably best to use your computer for typing :)
And MOVE my legs - AND body - from my garden smoking saloon hut with a comfy sofa, walk 40 feet inside my house to the gaming PC I'm sharing with one of my kids to write with an actual phydical keyboard OR take of my VR headset for 20 seconds to write from my phone instead? What planet are you on, Earth?

(If the activity continues here, I will ofcourse have to do just that, using one hand with a virtual keyboard takes 5 minutes to write in VR even just a few sentences.. but my VR headset is so comfy once adjusted, I hate taking it off and readjusting, now my mind hurts, see what you did there?)
Thr EXE is for naive lazy carefree people like me.

I'm not taking anything personally, your worry about EXE-files is ofcourse legitimate, my point is plainly that I'm fairly sure anyone downloading it from here knows the risk already and aee capable of making that choice / calculated risk on their own.

"Fairly sure" doesn't come close to cutting it. Let's be super generous and say you're 99.9% sure that anyone reading your post knows the risks of downloading random exe files from the interwebs, and let's also say that I would agree with that estimate. In this case, there would be a 0.1% chance that a random person reading your post wouldn't be aware of the risks. So, 1 in 1000 people wouldn't be aware of the risks. Right now, this resource has 1016 views. If it had that many downloads (which lots of resources here do), my comment would've potentially saved that one person's computer from being infected by a virus if the Exe did indeed contain a virus.

And you're telling me I shouldn't bother pointing out these risks just because you're "fairly sure"?

My intention was not to try to make a strawman-argument of your position, I'm sorry if it comes across as that. My position is EXE security vs undoing your 14 year old son/daugther seeing you play with slutty nekked bitches doing insane shit.
"Fairly sure" doesn't come close to cutting it. Let's be super generous and say you're 99.9% sure that anyone reading your post knows the risks of downloading random exe files from the interwebs, and let's also say that I would agree with that estimate. In this case, there would be a 0.1% chance that a random person reading your post wouldn't be aware of the risks. So, 1 in 1000 people wouldn't be aware of the risks. Right now, this resource has 1016 views. If it had that many downloads (which lots of resources here do), my comment would've potentially saved that one person's computer from being infected by a virus if the Exe did indeed contain a virus.

And you're telling me I shouldn't bother pointing out these risks just because you're "fairly sure"?

No, I'm not saying don't bother, I'm saying provide solutions if you actually DO bother - turning off a monitor surely doesn't cut it either, like I said - your kids will NEVER forget if you fuck that shit up even ONCE, stating simply "turn of the monitor, next problem, move along people! good effort though.." (my creative interpertation of how it can come across) is easy to interpret as telling me to don't bother about a risk much more devastating and lifechanging than any virus could ever come close to.

From my position I just saved xx downloaders from ruining their future relationship with their kids, we can do the could've/would've/theoretical Ochom's razor game of "what COULD have been" all day long and it's still just theory - that's a whole other temporal alternative Quantum physics discussion going no where.

You can translate and simplify that into: It's easy to criticize, it's like fast food and takes little effort - thus people LOVE it online, it's their no. 1 favorite hobby after breathing air, but providing better alternatives, solutions, improvement and/or logic suggestions along with it is somehow magically hard - merely impossible for most. Why is that? (because it takes more effort than spending five seconds on getting their daily dose of being "woke").

My initial thought/response was that you had my sincere attention at "worry about exe", and lost me at "turn off your monitor, good effort though", is that really hard to comprehend without concluding I take shit personally?

I have no problem seeing BOTH your position AND my position simultaniously, do you?

PS: I don't mind long conversations, I'm a top author ln Quora so this is right up my alley - but to be fair to VaM HUB users here (which might not find our discussion very interesting) maybe we should recognize that we actually do agree about alot without being able to fully land the deal because of how we misinterpret each other due to the fine limiations of what comes across through text-conversations on the Internet, I sincerely doubt we would have this discussion for long in real life.

Your'e a well known name on VaM HUB, why don't you download and compile the AHK and repost your verified and safe exe? I'm sure a lot more would trust it and download it then, it would solve the problem at hand and it would be very helpfull, not a lot of people have the mindset/effortlevel to download Autohotkey and compile the AHK themselves - it sounds like a of complicated jibberish to people even at the sound of the word "compile" - thinking they need to actually learn scripting/programming and what not. I'm a developer in C/#/++, PHP, perl, ahk, as, java/js myself for 20+ years, and even I think "nah.. sounds like ALOT of work" when asked to download sourcefiles and compile shit - even though Autohotkey REALLY is as simple as my initial explanation: dowbload Autohotkey from Autohotkey.net/com install, right click hide.ahk in explorer in Windows, select compile > OK > done.

Problem is even that is more time/effort most are willing to spend on something completely unknown to them.

Just like no one complains about VaM.exe or explorer.exe simply because it's from a well known provider, someone well known providing the hide.exe here would have the same result.
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" Important security patch for VaM released (new version patch). Please see this post on Patreon for more details "
I don't know who, but some new users were making files for VaM that weren't for VaM. $100,000,000 is a lot if my $1200 pc got compromised. In the future of uploading, it's probably best to use your computer for typing :)
I'm writing this from my phone now - Wooooo! Feels good , I should do this more often.?
No, I'm not saying don't bother, I'm saying provide solutions if you actually DO bother - ...

You have a weird way of looking at computer security. You're saying I should only provide advice about how to avoid getting viruses in your system if I can at the same time provide a solution to the problem that the program the virus is masquerading as claims to solve. In other words, if there's a program that claims to make you rich, and I have a feeling that program might be malware, I should refrain from advising people not to download that program without first teaching them how to get rich or sending them a million dollars each.

*the rest of your lengthy, self indulgent post I can't be bothered to waste my time reading properly*

For an omniscient being you have pretty poor reading comprehension. Turning off the monitor wasn't my idea, I only said I liked that idea better than downloading a random exe.
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If there are any bugs/suggestions/feature wishes/anyone interested in making a VaM plugin talking with/controlling the exe to hide/unhide directly via VR controller, please let me know here.
You have a weird way of looking at computer security. You're saying I should only provide advice about how to avoid getting viruses in your system if I can at the same time provide a solution to the problem that the program the virus is masquerading as claims to solve. In other words, if there's a program that claims to make you rich, and I have a feeling that program might be malware, I should refrain from advising people not to download that program without first teaching them how to get rich or sending them a million dollars each.

For an omniscient being you have pretty poor reading comprehension. Turning off the monitor wasn't my idea, I only said I liked that idea better than downloading a random exe.

You're completely missing my point - is it on purpose? (trolling?) Im not critizing your worry and I've explained thoroughly that I'm not saying don't bother taking an issue with it, I'm critizing your stupidification /downplay ("just turn of the monitor") on the severity of the original problem behind why I made the app, have I not been clear on what I'm actually critizing and what I'm not?

E.g Im critizing HOW you project your issue, not the issue itself. You simply turn up the volume for -your- worry/issue, while simply just brushing off -my- initial problem (the very reason I made the app) as "not important - at fucking all" in the same turn. Hey - just turn of your monitor. What part of this is it you're not getting?

People die in car accidents, "turn off the monitor" equals Volvo/BMW saying "Hey, dont drive cars, problem solved", its simply not helpfull in any way under any circumstance, why - most people with my problem don't know the obvious non-solution option to turn off the monitor? Their 14 year old son doesn't know how to turn a monitor back ON? How about: Dont use VaM, problem solved? Or don't use VR, problem solved, you sincerely don't see the stupidity of downplaying the initial problem to that extent? Do you have kids?

As for your second quote, about not reading a self-indulgent post, I've never written anything close to that, Im not following you, where did that come from? Was it meant to be your statement (about my post)? If so - why quote it as if I wrote it - am I missing something here?
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Maybe you should take a step back, cool your head and reread the thread. You're attributing things to me that don't make any sense from my point of view - I'm not downplaying anything, stupidifying anything, turning off the monitor wasn't my idea, and I haven't said or even implied the problem you're trying to solve isn't important.

Good day.

As for your second quote, about not reading a self-indulgent post, I've never written anything close to that, Im not following you, where did that come from? Was it meant to be your statement (about my post)? If so - why quote it as if I wrote it - am I missing something here?

That was text that I replaced the rest of your post with to indicate that it wasn't worth reading. Sorry if that was unclear, and sorry I ran out of patience.
Maybe you should take a step back, cool your head and reread the thread. You're attributing things to me that don't make any sense from my point of view - I'm not downplaying anything, stupidifying anything, turning off the monitor wasn't my idea, and I haven't said or even implied the problem you're trying to solve isn't important.

Good day.

That was text that I replaced the rest of your post with to indicate that it wasn't worth reading. Sorry if that was unclear, and sorry I ran out of patience.

Look, let me finish this and cut through our bullshit.

My head is cool, and that's the problem. Lets rewind:

Your first assessement is exe might be bad, ok, fair, check.

Your nest assumption is that I might take this personal, fail. Me taking the time answer someone thoroughly does not equal me taking it personal, it equals me having respect enough for others to answer them thoroughly.

When I start taking something personal, it's for a legit/due reason, and by that point I would ignore / refrain from communicating with a person who repeatdly proved themselves to be targeting me - this scenario is nowhere even close to that - at all.

Then you crititize me for strawmanning, which is fair, though you've already by that time reference done the exact same with simplifying the "solution", that's how it comes across regardless of what your intentions are with that blunt wording (turn off monitor, the end - next)

Then you call my post self-indulgent and not worth reading, and yes, bullshit about how many ruined relationships I might have saved is just that: self-indulgent bullshit, and I pointed that out clearly in the very same sentence ( the part about could've been / Ochams razor ), diplomatically trying to signal that you're no hero - and proclaiming you've potentioally saved someone is self-indulgent, the one theoretical person you could've saved doesn't exist, there is no virus, and 50+ users have downloaded and installed the exe already without a single complaint here about it not to mention that "that one person" would deterministically NOT listen to you or any warning (I'll get to why later)- but that's besides my point - and YOU could make that same list about me - and here is where I cut through the actual nullshit:

You - and I, are doing the EXACT same thing, critizing and misinterpreting the other, getting (at this point) slightly annoyed at the other person, like you said, running out of patience.

I totally get it, my problem is why don't you get it? I -should- cool of my head by now - and so should you, because you're clearly getting annoyed by me, thinking i'm misinterpreting you and being a stubborn ass of lack of better things to do, and I clearly am thinking you're doing the same, so why is that? Why, if both are getting annoyed by the exact thing the other person thinks the first person is doing? Think about it: Are we both being asses, or are we both just mistakingly thinking the other one is being an ass?

Like I said earlier, this is internet at it's finest, I'm willing to blame Internet instead of blaming you or me for being total asses, are you?

Now let me start over:

If you want to help, I would very much appreciate if you would compile the AHK and reupload it - as people know you here, that would be very helpfull.

As for security - and this isn't self-indulgement, it's just life-experience from a 47 year old bitter man, and my -personal- view:

I've been developing/programming for 20+ years, and have a lot of experience with people being stupid around computers, phones, files and lastly viruses.

I reality you can scream, hang up posters "don't run this shit, dont install, WARNING" - the problem is this: Someone set to download and use something WILL do so no matter what, I've met hundreds of users who download, click malware/tracker-links etc from browsers, email and what not even AFTER Windows antivirus has popped up a handfull warnings: "STOP YOU FUCKING MORON, DON'T BE STUPID" (creative interpretation).

So here's my take: That one person WILL download, and if you really don't know what you're doing, or simply trust antivirus in the first place to save the day (there are 800+ new viruses being mafe every single day, no antivirus-company will EVER keep up, it gives a false feeling security and make people even less carefully, thinking - hey, I have antivirus, right?).

In short: if you fuck up, it's not because you didn't know, weren't warned, because you're a 90 year old senile innocent old lady in a care home trying to log into Wholesome-groceries.com online, no - it's because you're ignorant and stupid, and by that time you will have gotten several popups allready from the system, antivirus abd what not and you STILL run it.

E.g, if you get a virus, it's YOUR own fault and you deserve it, plain and simple - lesson learned - a fair and balanced consequence for mentioned stupidity, that's how actual people act in real life regarding virus and security.

That might be a strange way to look at security, but believe me - most people actually have to put in some effort, click shit download install and ignorere a motnof warnings and be pretty ignorant to get a virus, it's not some banana peel you just."accidentally" slip on.

I've never - not once, met a single person who got a virus by simply doing the normal shit they do without messing something "exotic", new or "promising" (usually involving money/stocks etc) or helping a prince from Uganda transfer money for hsinlong lost love whom recently died of seldom brain-Aids.

Now - if you surf porn in VR, and your kids/whomever finds out, sure, that means you're stupid aswell, but the conseques are so fucking severe and unforgettable that no one deserves that, not to mention the poor kids, its the adult ttaumatizing undoable version of "hey, Santa doesn't exist, yes your aunt is a slut and yes I have a VR-version of her I like to jerk off to".

Not even the stupidest of stupid (actually thinking turning off the monitor will prevent that scenario one unfortunate day) deserves the severe consequnce.

So, sure - My view on security might be strange, but I throw consequence into the calculus, and a virus would have to be historically epic, rob all your money, kill everyone you know with virus-controlled mini-explosive-dart armed drones to match having your kids never looking at you the same way ever again for the rest of their 100-5000 year long life (depening on future nanotech, medicine and life expectancy).

I repeat: You come off as uncessesary "woke", and I'm pretty 100% sure you by now think I'm coming of the same way, so lets make the assumption that we're both totally wrong about the other person - this argument is like the paralympics, even if you win - you're still a retard (us - in this case).

Let's leave it at that, lets blame Internet, limited text-communication where human language, tone, emotion, small micro-movements, where basically 90% of the dialogue information is lost in translation and interpretation, you can't even tell if i'm actually sincere or just sarcastic, or actually just trying to come of as sarcastic while im actually sincere to make a point, it's impossible unless you know me, and vice versa. I real life people who don't know each other don't end up in conversations like this, as it is risky even with the help of tone/audio/mimics/body language simply because of bot knowing anything about the other persons form of communication.

If not - let's pick this up in a year, when you -might- know me better.
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" Important security patch for VaM released (new version patch). Please see this post on Patreon for more details "
I don't know who, but some new users were making files for VaM that weren't for VaM. $100,000,000 is a lot if my $1200 pc got compromised. In the future of uploading, it's probably best to use your computer for typing :)
Update: I corrected the huge shitload of typo's from my VR-keyboard adventure in the description and original post, I mean - holy shit, you didn't overdo it when pointing out there were typo's.

Almost every single sentence had a typo and looked like it was written by a drunken sailor.
God updated 100% VR privacy for Virt A Mate with a new update entry:

VaM VR privacy V2 - new and 400% improved

I updated VR privacy with some bug fixes and alot of new improvements and options, release-guide:

VaM VR Privacy V2 has a single purpose:

Prevent anyone - be it your kids, wife, boss or anyone else from finding out that you are currently
running VaM while you're occupied with being emerged in VR not being able to see if someone presses
"M" or the mousebutton physically on your computer enabling Desktop mode. In my scenario I'm not even
in the same room as the computer, as I'm using Virtual...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Oh geeeeezzzzz,

People are such wimps about "VIRUSES". If you have worry and doubt, which far too many do...create a restore point prior to installing the possibly malicious world-ending virus. If it F's with your system in any way, simply open system restore and rewind time! Real easy.

Not sure if anything was messed with? Check to see if any new processes are running in Task Manager, if yes... KILL THEM. Another way to check for any harmful additions is open your C:windows\system32 folder and sort files by date. If you find a brand new file in THAT folder, which was created at the SAME time you installed your questionable.exe... KILL IT. Or at the very least investigate it.

And to the author...Im pretty sure the only reason you created this script and posted it here, was to have an excuse to show off that meticulously designed & organized desktop of yours!! :p
Oh geeeeezzzzz,

People are such wimps about "VIRUSES". If you have worry and doubt, which far too many do...create a restore point prior to installing the possibly malicious world-ending virus. If it F's with your system in any way, simply open system restore and rewind time! Real easy.

Not sure if anything was messed with? Check to see if any new processes are running in Task Manager, if yes... KILL THEM. Another way to check for any harmful additions is open your C:windows\system32 folder and sort files by date. If you find a brand new file in THAT folder, which was created at the SAME time you installed your questionable.exe... KILL IT. Or at the very least investigate it.

And to the author...Im pretty sure the only reason you created this script and posted it here, was to have an excuse to show off that meticulously designed & organized desktop of yours!! :p
Let's all hold hands together and hymn today's keyword together in a motonomous tone, naked off course.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeestore poooooooooint aaoooooom

*faps the wiener to desktop*
Vam doesn't show after end hide.exe from task manager. I'm using windows 10.

Also where to write those arguments?
I created hide.exe shortcut and added this on target "C:\Users\RENNO\Desktop\HIDE VAM\hide.exe" -showall is this right?
Even after i do this and exit hide.exe from tray vam doesn't show.
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