• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
A performance Guide for Virt-a-Mate (& other apps)

Guides A performance Guide for Virt-a-Mate (& other apps)

no need to say sorry - those are good questions and the guide needs an update. <3

Generally, if youre using VirtualDesktop with a launch.bat to bypass SteamVR, youre golden. This guide's performance improvements revolve around a cable connection and native VR software like the MetaQuestLink.

For VirtualDesktop, the bad Asynchronous Spacewarp gets replaced with the awesome Synchronous Spacewarp, which is waaaaay better than the Meta counterpart and actually improves smoothness instead of taking it away. Can definately recommend setting the "SSW" to always in the VD streaming settings, unless you have a beastly machine that pulls of stable 120fps on its own.

So if we are using VD without SteamVR the only optimization that makes sense is SSW? no need for vrmodapp?
I have tried SSW, and I'm not sure if it makes a difference, my scenes (not too complex, only 2 persons usually) are running between 20 and 40 fps
Also I think there is a big debate about if it's good or not (I'm wireless btw):
So if we are using VD without SteamVR the only optimization that makes sense is SSW? no need for vrmodapp?
I have tried SSW, and I'm not sure if it makes a difference, my scenes (not too complex, only 2 persons usually) are running between 20 and 40 fps
Also I think there is a big debate about if it's good or not (I'm wireless btw):
There are alot of different factors if we want to discuss how much sense it makes to use different tools. For example, the vrmodapp/vrperfkit will only help you if your system is bottlenecked by your GPU - it wont help you on a CPU bottleneck at all. SSW is different and better there, from what i understand its basically the equivalent of afmf/dlss3 for VR headsets. Furthermore, i have no idea if these tools work with VirtualDesktop at all, i didnt test it at the time of writing the Guide but its a great thing to experiment around with for the update to it.

There are also alot of details that matter for VD, for example your WIFI connection, background software, firewall settings, VD's quality settings - and so on. I havent experimented with alot of setups, basically just the Quest2, Quest3, 12600k/3080/32gb and 14900k/4080/64gb with the same WIFI connection. Im rather sensitive if it comes to game smoothness and for the setups ive tried, the SSW makes a very, very clear difference. The FPS ive targeted on both setups were stable and capped 60 which got warped to 120 with the SSW. This is noticably smoother than the 70-110 "real" FPS range im having when SSW isnt enabled. This of course might be completely different for another "real" fps range, wifi setup etc.

If i would work with your FPS range, id probably try out locking to 30FPS and then warping to stable 60 with SSW. Maybe lower the quality settings to cap at 45 which then warps to stable 90. Frame stability matters alot for the overall feeling.
About Lossless Scaling app,it actually decreases fps by 20% for me...From 320 fps in default scene to 260(desktop mode)
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About Lossless Scaling app,it actually decreases fps by 20% for me...From 320 fps in default scene to 260(desktop mode)
Lossless scaling has vastly improved since this guide was written and now enables framegen (afmf/dlss3 tech) for every GPU. Its highly likely that you have this enabled as it is the default setting iirc. Your regular fps counter and your GPU fps counter doesnt display the actual FPS in that case any longer. Toggle the "Draw FPS" switch in Lossless scaling itself to see the actual FPS youre getting with framegen.
Framegen is turned off by default,plus fps need to be capped for it to start working as far as I know
Just tried this app with VR mode,there is no difference for me in both perfomance and image quality,honestly I think its not working at all
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Framegen is turned off by default,plus fps need to be capped for it to start working as far as I know
Just tried this app with VR mode,there is no difference for me in both perfomance and image quality,honestly I think its not working at all
Correct, Lossless scaling does not work in VR - thats why i specifically wrote "For Desktop" above it in the guide. To get positive results for desktop, you need to set an upscaling method and configure it properly. Or enable the framegen. Theres lots of Videos and Guides about which upscalers and which settings do what specifically, youll find plenty with a quick google search.
thanks for guide...
i bought steam lossless scale as im sick of 30 fps in VR....
BUT using HIGH vam settings on default scene.
i currently get worse FPS/ latency :(
I read somewhere it Lossless scale cant be full screen or is that the old version?
Also all the 2024 oculus reddit threads claim this cant work in VR....
soooo Do i need to make further edits...

Can someone help with my specific setup ... Plssss :-D

  • I have a pc to quest 2 for vam.
  • I have an amd cpu and a 3080 nvidia card for gpu.
  • 32 gig ram. Dedicated wifi 6 speedy broadband.
  • I have let the nvidia application decide settings as default.
  • For VirtDesktop i use PREFERED CODEC = automatic
  • For VD - vr graphic settings = HIGH 3070
  • For VD settings in general is use = default
  • NOT sure if i should turn SNAPDRAGON super res as never sure it helps...
  • I am using virtual desktop wireless and the edited .bat file to directly connect.

There are lots of settings.
  • On the right there is LSFG1.1 OR LSFG 2.3
which is best?

in the middle we have
  • everything from amd fsr to nvidia image scaling....
which is best (for me) ?

  • Also vsync seems default at 1/4 ...
which is best ?

And any other settings pls...

Any help be greatly appreciated as ive upgraded my GPU AND CPU for VAM and neither did much to help...


Pls excuse the quality of the VD as had capture issues....

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thanks for guide...
i bought steam lossless scale as im sick of 30 fps in VR....
BUT using HIGH vam settings on default scene.
i currently get worse FPS/ latency :(

Lossless scaling does not work for VR headsets, thats why i specifically wrote "mandatory desktop tool" in the title. You can enable "SSW" in VirtualDesktop for a similar effect, though.

Your GPU and your ram are very nice and should produce more than 30fps - IF youre not using a very old CPU. Try cleaning up your system and maybe update drivers, especially after a hardware upgrade.

Another thing is that you need to keep your scenes reasonable - for example, you cant just add 5-10 Persons in your Scene, even the most expensive hardware help wont help you there.

Lastly, a messed up AddonPackages folder can also be the cause of performance issues. If youre hoarding thousands of .vars in your client, better hardware wont help much. You need to clean that up.

Hope this helps, your hardware can definately go way higher than 30fps in a 2 person scene. Sometimes setting everything up can be fiddly - dont give up :)
Lossless scaling does not work for VR headsets, thats why i specifically wrote "mandatory desktop tool" in the title. You can enable "SSW" in VirtualDesktop for a similar effect, though.

Your GPU and your ram are very nice and should produce more than 30fps - IF youre not using a very old CPU. Try cleaning up your system and maybe update drivers, especially after a hardware upgrade.

Another thing is that you need to keep your scenes reasonable - for example, you cant just add 5-10 Persons in your Scene, even the most expensive hardware help wont help you there.

Lastly, a messed up AddonPackages folder can also be the cause of performance issues. If youre hoarding thousands of .vars in your client, better hardware wont help much. You need to clean that up.

Hope this helps, your hardware can definately go way higher than 30fps in a 2 person scene. Sometimes setting everything up can be fiddly - dont give up :)

ahh i was hoping that the software had evolved to VR .... as its very different from when it launched..
also there are lots of reddit and steam claims that it works in VR but clearly it doesnt out of the box....hell if you google how to get more fps in VR for vam you literally get a thread on reddit and then this guide because google sucks ;)

i have a newish decent cpu from this year and i only ever have 2 looks or 3 with a male but still in vr rarely get more than 30 fps... and yeah there are alwyas missing dependencies and too many vars haha i have like 4 versions of vam as a result and keep having to start from scratch. I really hope the no1 priority for vam 2 is performance ....

I used the virt desktop direct hack skipping steam vr and oculus which helped... but still need more fps... ALWAYS NEED MORE lol
thanks for your hardwork all the same im sure this helps many people who dont use vr...
ahh i was hoping that the software had evolved to VR .... as its very different from when it launched..
also there are lots of reddit and steam claims that it works in VR but clearly it doesnt out of the box....hell if you google how to get more fps in VR for vam you literally get a thread on reddit and then this guide because google sucks ;)

i have a newish decent cpu from this year and i only ever have 2 looks or 3 with a male but still in vr rarely get more than 30 fps... and yeah there are alwyas missing dependencies and too many vars haha i have like 4 versions of vam as a result and keep having to start from scratch. I really hope the no1 priority for vam 2 is performance ....

I used the virt desktop direct hack skipping steam vr and oculus which helped... but still need more fps... ALWAYS NEED MORE lol
thanks for your hardwork all the same im sure this helps many people who dont use vr...
More fps are always better! Sounds like too many .vars are the cause of your issues. Some of my Patrons pointed out on discord that there are certain tools for managing them - i didnt use them yet so i cant give any recommendations or offer help help for them, but here they go: JayJaywon's browser assist and VaM ThinTwin. Maybe try one of those and see if they can help you manage all these vars.
Do you need to have your Quest 3 connected wireless for this to work? Or you can use the Link cable?
You need to connect wireless as far as i know. You can keep the cable plugged so it keeps charging if you want to.

If i remember correctly, there was also some super early version of a VD cable connection which didnt work properly at the time. Last i checked was a couple of month ago though, maybe there is a way now.
Hey guys, anyone get this to work in desktop optimally? I've tried just about everything and actually lose 20+ FPS but maybe I'm either daft and other smarter users have hit the motherload I just cant find.

Here's my settings:



Hey guys, anyone get this to work in desktop optimally? I've tried just about everything and actually lose 20+ FPS but maybe I'm either daft and other smarter users have hit the motherload I just cant find.

Here's my settings:

View attachment 433176
View attachment 433177
View attachment 433178

Please try these settings:
- Scaling Mode: Auto, Fullscreen
- GPU & Display: Everything set to Auto
- Set the LSFG mode to 2X
- Tick the performance checkbox below the resoloution scale slider at the top left.
Thank you for the guide! I wish I found this earlier--I just had a new rig built since VR in VAM was so jumpy on my old i9/2060 rig.

Anyways, VAM is now smooth in VR, but I'm not sure things are optimal. I have previously only used VAM in desktop since my old rig wasn't really up to VR, so I'm very new to VR in VAM. I tried to set up things as suggested, but when I run the .bat file, meta link and steam opens (although not steam VR--yeah!). I guess steam needs to open since virtual desktop was bought through steam, but I was really hoping to avoid meta link (since it has caused me so much grief). Is there a way to avoid meta link?

Also, you had mentioned that there are lots of good guides on Virtual Desktop, but there is lots of garbage as well... Could you please post a link to a good resource for VD setup and optimization?

btw I'm using the Rift s setup on VD.

Thank you again for all the helpful info!
Please try these settings:
- Scaling Mode: Auto, Fullscreen
- GPU & Display: Everything set to Auto
- Set the LSFG mode to 2X
- Tick the performance checkbox below the resoloution scale slider at the top left.
Thank you @EasyVam for the quick response and help, very kind of you.

Either I'm an idiot and didn't follow your guidance right, or I did with the result of 5FPS loss, no gains 🤔

I have a very beefy rig, maybe that's why?
- 4090
- 7800x3d
- 128g mem

Thank you @EasyVam for the quick response and help, very kind of you.

Either I'm an idiot and didn't follow your guidance right, or I did with the result of 5FPS loss, no gains 🤔

I have a very beefy rig, maybe that's why?
- 4090
- 7800x3d
- 128g mem

View attachment 433617
Are you looking at your drivers or the games FPS display? The fps-doubling that lossless scaling provides on X2 will not properly display there. Either they bug out completely or they display the fps of the unscaled game. Make sure to have the toggle "draw fps" enabled and take a look at the fpscount lossless scaling shows you. If LS doesnt show a fps count at the top left of your screen, something went wrong with the scaling. I also have a beefy rig and it still works flawlessly everytime.
Thank you for the guide! I wish I found this earlier--I just had a new rig built since VR in VAM was so jumpy on my old i9/2060 rig.

Anyways, VAM is now smooth in VR, but I'm not sure things are optimal. I have previously only used VAM in desktop since my old rig wasn't really up to VR, so I'm very new to VR in VAM. I tried to set up things as suggested, but when I run the .bat file, meta link and steam opens (although not steam VR--yeah!). I guess steam needs to open since virtual desktop was bought through steam, but I was really hoping to avoid meta link (since it has caused me so much grief). Is there a way to avoid meta link?

Also, you had mentioned that there are lots of good guides on Virtual Desktop, but there is lots of garbage as well... Could you please post a link to a good resource for VD setup and optimization?

btw I'm using the Rift s setup on VD.

Thank you again for all the helpful info!
How the hell did you manage to set up a Rift S with VirtualDesktop? :D

As far as i know, wifi connection is required to properly run things with VD, that might also be the cause of the issues youre having there.
How the hell did you manage to set up a Rift S with VirtualDesktop? :D

As far as i know, wifi connection is required to properly run things with VD, that might also be the cause of the issues youre having there.
Dear EasyVam,
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my questions. I'm thinking I need to do more reading about VD setup and such.

Anyways, when I followed the link in your guide to the Virtual Desktop home page, there was two options: wired and wireless. I followed the wired link to steam and purchased VD. Without VAM running, I can run VD streamer on the desktop, but then have to run meta quest link then open VD from the apps library inside the Rift s. VD then opens the main menu, with my desktop desktop (??) underneath.

I set up a .bat file, but it first opens meta quest link, then opens steam, then runs VaM. When running, VaM looks like it does on the desktop only on a curved monitor in VR (for example, I can see the background of VD around the VaM screen). If I close everything, then run the VaM (Open VR).bat, it's like everything is VR/Vam. Does this sound like VD is working correctly? I was expecting the VD experience to be the same as the VaM (Open VR) experience only better FPS and clarity...

I could try a setup with the wired VD version and a Quest3 (through airbridge) if it seems that might work better. Where I live, there is no easy access to wifi. I just got Starlink to be unobstructed, but not sure it would work well for this.

Thank you again for the info!
Dear EasyVam,
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my questions. I'm thinking I need to do more reading about VD setup and such.

Anyways, when I followed the link in your guide to the Virtual Desktop home page, there was two options: wired and wireless. I followed the wired link to steam and purchased VD. Without VAM running, I can run VD streamer on the desktop, but then have to run meta quest link then open VD from the apps library inside the Rift s. VD then opens the main menu, with my desktop desktop (??) underneath.

I set up a .bat file, but it first opens meta quest link, then opens steam, then runs VaM. When running, VaM looks like it does on the desktop only on a curved monitor in VR (for example, I can see the background of VD around the VaM screen). If I close everything, then run the VaM (Open VR).bat, it's like everything is VR/Vam. Does this sound like VD is working correctly? I was expecting the VD experience to be the same as the VaM (Open VR) experience only better FPS and clarity...

I could try a setup with the wired VD version and a Quest3 (through airbridge) if it seems that might work better. Where I live, there is no easy access to wifi. I just got Starlink to be unobstructed, but not sure it would work well for this.

Thank you again for the info!

VD->VR headset connection (to play games and directly use the headset) needs to be done via a wifi connection that directly connects your PC with the headset - which then bypasses every other software. Imagine it this way: VD would replace the Meta Quest App. Airbridge is basically Meta's version of VD, but its a heavy downgrade.

You need to have the VD version thats specifically for the wireless headset that youre using, thats why i put "(available for specific headsets, needs wifi connection)" in the title. As an example, if you have a Quest3, youd buy the VD version from the QuestStore (not the Meta App store from the PC-App). If you would have a Pico4, youd buy the VD version thats available in the Pico App.

In the link i put in the guide, VirtualDesktop differentiates between the "Classic" version and the "wireless" version. If you take a look at the descriptions/faq of both versions, youll see that the wireless version is associated with playing VR games.


I will additionally add a "do not buy the classic version" to the title to avoid any further confusion. Thankfully, steam is generous&simple with refunds and youll be able to get your money back with a few clicks, if you wish to.

If you want to give it another shot, just use your Quest3, buy the VD version thats on the Quest Store, connect the Headset with your PC (via VirtualDesktop Streamer, unfortunately it demands WiFi) and the .bat will work flawlessly.
Dear EasyVam,

Thank you, yet again for bearing with me. I would really like to get this working...

I tried your suggestions, and got the wireless version of VD onto the Quest3. With the desktop and Q3 on the same wifi, I ran the streamer app on the desktop, then the bat file from your guide to start VaM. Steam VR opened and put up a error that the headset couldn't be found. I then ran the VD app on the Q3 and I could see VaM. It seemed sharper and more stable than the Rift S, but it still seemed like I was looking at a curved monitor rather than a full VR immersive experience.

I requested a refund for the classic VD, and uninstalled it from the desktop, and restarted the desktop. However, steam VR still opens when I run the bat file. It seems like I'm getting closer, like steamVR ran, looking for the Rift s and couldn't connect to that headset (which is now unplugged). Maybe I should uninstall steamVR?

When you run VaM with the bat file, does it look like running the original "VaM(OpenVR).bat" or does it look like running the original "VaM(Desktop).bat" only on a curved monitor in VR?

Thank you again for taking the time to help me through this!
Dear EasyVam,

Thank you, yet again for bearing with me. I would really like to get this working...

I tried your suggestions, and got the wireless version of VD onto the Quest3. With the desktop and Q3 on the same wifi, I ran the streamer app on the desktop, then the bat file from your guide to start VaM. Steam VR opened and put up a error that the headset couldn't be found. I then ran the VD app on the Q3 and I could see VaM. It seemed sharper and more stable than the Rift S, but it still seemed like I was looking at a curved monitor rather than a full VR immersive experience.

I requested a refund for the classic VD, and uninstalled it from the desktop, and restarted the desktop. However, steam VR still opens when I run the bat file. It seems like I'm getting closer, like steamVR ran, looking for the Rift s and couldn't connect to that headset (which is now unplugged). Maybe I should uninstall steamVR?

When you run VaM with the bat file, does it look like running the original "VaM(OpenVR).bat" or does it look like running the original "VaM(Desktop).bat" only on a curved monitor in VR?

Thank you again for taking the time to help me through this!

Youre close! You need to open the .bat while controlling your headset with virtualdesktop. Connect to your PC via the App that you installed from the QuestStore. It will ask for the name that you set in Virtualdesktop Streamer - after this initial setup, youll be able to control your PC via VD much like youre used to via the MetaApp. From there, you can just open the .bat and vam will start without any additional software - if something still opens up at that point, take another close look at the contents of the .bat you created.

When your custom .bat opens VD, VaM just pops straight into your VR goggles like any typical game would. It shouldnt open on the curved screen that youre getting when initially launching the VD VR connection. If that happens, look for possible mistakes in the .bat that you created, sometimes a little extra symbol sits somewhere, breaking the entire thing.
Dear EasyVam,

I tried your suggestion, and "Oh My"!!!!!!! It worked! Thank you so so very much! It's like a whole new (VR) world!

Is there an instruction manual somewhere, or a wiki on line? I've never done discord before (not a fan of social media...), but maybe I now need to. I'm also going to try the optimized scaling app, at your strong recommendation. I've tried a few other VR games, and they tend to open steam VR, even when opened from within VD on the headset. Do other games need a .bat file, or is it a case-by-case, or is VaM special in not needing meta or steam?

Thanks again for all your help!
Dear EasyVam,

I tried your suggestion, and "Oh My"!!!!!!! It worked! Thank you so so very much! It's like a whole new (VR) world!

Is there an instruction manual somewhere, or a wiki on line? I've never done discord before (not a fan of social media...), but maybe I now need to. I'm also going to try the optimized scaling app, at your strong recommendation. I've tried a few other VR games, and they tend to open steam VR, even when opened from within VD on the headset. Do other games need a .bat file, or is it a case-by-case, or is VaM special in not needing meta or steam?

Thanks again for all your help!

Im not sure if other games need .bats, but i would guess so. Generally, VirtualDesktop likes to connect via SteamVR.

Try Lossless scaling only if youre also interested in Desktop play. It doesnt work in VR

Have fun. ❤️
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