I have a scene that dropped from 30-35 fps to about 15. Looks like the physics times have significantly increased, going from 16ms to a steady 24ms. Settings at Max, MSAA 8X, Soft Body Physics disabled. Ryzen 7 3700X, 32GB of RAM, RTX 2070 S.
There's a CUA in this scene, which has no impact on fps on .4 but tanks it on .5. I'm guessing " CustomUnityAsset - realtime reflection probe quality setting now enabled by default" in the patch notes has something to do with it. As a temporary workaround, attaching this script to the offending CUA fixes it:
I've used
There's a CUA in this scene, which has no impact on fps on .4 but tanks it on .5. I'm guessing " CustomUnityAsset - realtime reflection probe quality setting now enabled by default" in the patch notes has something to do with it. As a temporary workaround, attaching this script to the offending CUA fixes it:
using UnityEngine;
sealed class DisableRealtimeReflection : MVRScript
public override void Init()
foreach (var p in containingAtom.GetComponentsInChildren<ReflectionProbe>())
p.mode = Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode.Custom;
I've used
, but Baked
also works. I don't know the difference.
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