• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Search results for query: daz to blender

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  1. rernat

    Solved Deformation after import from DUF --> VAM

    Hi, i started 3D-modelling recently. I created a pair of creoles and more in Blender. I followed the import steps i found in the web blender -> DAZ -> VAM. The earings look good at blender and in DAZ but after saving the scene in DAZ and importing the duf-file to VAM i get deformations. As in...
  2. enoeht

    Guides Video guide for advanced clothing Imports without deformation

    If anyone is having issues with this, first, make sure you have the Mesh Resolotuion set to Base on your DAZ G2 model before you export out to Blender. Otherwise, you will get an error when you import your new morph. Next, make sure you have the right Blender version. I think 3.0.1 was one of...
  3. AWWalker

    Need help with transfer or creation of model for VAM(Character model screen in desc)

    My post on smoothing and subdivides in blender to mimic the final output in vam. It's not like a pro video, it's just me figuring out how to create morphs and have them appear in vam very close their blender counter part. DAZ sucks for morphing, so don't even bother with that. I'm sure zbrush...
  4. L

    How do i export a Skin in DAZ so i will receive a Full set of Face / Torso / Limbs ?

    The skin i want is not in the Textures Folder. Its Part of an Pay Addon with licence. So i Load Genesis 3 and move the Texture to the Model and it fits of course. So how do i export this Skin i attached to Genesis 3 now to receive a UV Set as usual to convert that to Genesis 2 with the Guide...
  5. L

    How to export a Model from DAZ and create a VAM compatible VR Model?

    Hi thx all you so far :) Regarding buying VAM Models of Patreon or free VAR. Yes i know i can simply use them but the Steps to finally create something that Visual and also technical beauty and interative is true work of VR Art and my biggest Respect to those who develop these VAR Files for...
  6. L

    Auto Genital Skin Colour creation for male Characters in VAM is missing. Please add that Feature to VAM 2

    This is entire missing. To create Male Character Skin is really a pain currently. - You cannot use DAZ Skin Builder Pro since it only works with Female. - You cannot convert Male GEN 8 Skins to Gen 2 using the Skin Convert Guide either which works great with Female but VAM has no Auto Generate...
  7. void

    Question Mistery how to create a skin from scratch

    So, back from my very basic Blender knowledge a few years ago I know that you "unwrap" a 3D object to put a texture on it. I did some seamless textures back then by just mirroring a pattern and / or blending the two seams over at the cut. Worked fine. So, we now have a skin with no straigth...
  8. F

    Adding a Mocap to Vam

    Would mocaps from Awsomedog mocaps work in vam? Here is there compatiblety for pre made mocaps. VERSIONS & COMPATIBILITY Primary MoCap Data Format - FBX 2016 60fps Compatibility Tested MoBu 2016+, Maya2016+, 3dMax2016+, Blender 2.9+, Unity 2017+ Mecanim Supplimentary MoCap Data Formats -...
  9. A

    Position mess up after import into VAM

    Thanks for suggestions. really appreciate your help. Only thing i don't understand, if i have accessory/jewelry in DAZ , why do i need blender? even Genesis 2 dress/ accessory comes distorted in VAM. Logically, I don't need to make anything fit in blender if accessory /jewelry is in DAZ 3D...
  10. A

    Tutorials on Makeup/accessory creation for VAM

    Hi, I am searching for tutorial on how to create accessories and makeup for VAM. I have played SIMS 4 game and they have lot of dress, accessories,makeup etc and infact i have designed few items myself for SIMS 4 in Blender. Is it possible to use existing Mesh of Blender to import into VAM. I...
  11. PhantasyStarfan

    Guides How to make a Hat/Helmet from scratch

    PhantasyStarfan submitted a new resource: How to make a hat/helmet from scratch - How to make a hat/helmet from scratch Read more about this resource...
  12. M

    Plugins + Scripts Vam To Daz 2

    Can you give a high level overview of what this app does to make VaM morphs work in Daz? Only asking out of curiosity. For the past day I have been trying to export .obj from VaM, then export it from Daz into Blender and then back in Daz using Morph Loader Pro but I always got the geometry...
  13. G

    Guides Making a Bow Clothing Item with Risa!

    "Then required a DAZ .duf file.... " Nice video and all but totally missing the part with settings for export from blender and settings to import/export from daz so its useless for me...
  14. Jocks3D

    Guides How to bring your blender clothes in-game and save them as a .var file

    I think you may have missed a step when exporting from Blender. There are a lot of different options and check boxes that you didn't explain. I checked "Selected Only" as you instructed and didn't touch anything else. When I tried to open this exported obj file in Daz nothing showed up on the...
  15. F

    Possible to import rigged sex toy assets into VAM?

    I've never used Unity or DAZ Studio, and I have a little bit of experience with Blender. How easy is it / is it possible to import something like a sex toy / torso (see example pictures)? Preferably with physics and deformation. I figured a torso might actually be easiest to start with. Is it...
  16. M

    Question Blender clothing import problem

    After a few days, I finally solved the problem with the help of some friends, it turned out that when I exported from blender again, I specified the direction of the forward axis to be -Y and the up axis to be Z (I set it according to the direction of the forward axis of blender), and then I...
  17. esthr

    Scenes Destination Calabria Dance Animation

    Thanks. I know about Timeline, but Blender is a native animation tool with a ton of features + undo support. Maybe I would use Timeline if it had a similar rig and undo support, and I'd also need a visualization of the audio track (to line up the beats). The downsides of Blender are that some of...
  18. A

    Question I have created a head in blender... now what?

    Thank you, but how to I get the head onto the G2 body? When i import the head into DAZ, it just sticks to the floor? the reason I did the head blender was that facegen didn't sculpt the head shape well, thought I could get the head done in blender, then apply the facegen texture in DAZ.. am in...
  19. S

    Guides Female to Futa Model Conversion Guide

    I don’t know about using DAZ to do that, but you can use this guide using Blender to convert G2F to G2M Guide and Blender template to convert V4, G2/3/8/8.1F textures to G2F or G2M
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