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Search results for query: daz to blender

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  1. K

    Guides Video Guide on how to fit and import any 3d Clothing Item to Virtamate

    when I load the finished obj in Daz. the female model gets loaded along with the clothing I saved. idk if i missed a step. when i load the duf file the model is also there. I even deleted the model in Blender when I export the clothing to obj.
  2. LubaFoto

    Question Clothes texture problem

    Clo3d and marvelous is kind of bad to export direct to daz, I will check in a 3d software like blender if the back is normal flip, or the UV map is out of his boundary. I Use 3dsmax, when I import I check ignore normal, it fix this black problem, but I still have to fix UV.
  3. D

    Question Problem with clothing import from DAZ

    I used Blender to remove and reconfigure the materials of the data I wanted to import, and I was able to load it without any errors. (Apologies for the translation by ChatGPT.)
  4. Z

    Plugins + Scripts Blender templates to convert OBJs exported from VAM into OBJs that use UDIM

    Very strange, it looks like some vertices are shared between materials, e.g. when I just select the head-001 material group, I get this : vs. the head group of the VAM exported OBJ: Come to think of it, technically there must be shared vertices and edges, since materials are used on...
  5. TToby

    Clothing Creators! What's going wrong with my import?

    Did you have prepaired the clothes in DAZ3D yourself, or is the duf something from an other source? If you prepared the cloth yourself in DAZ and have fitted it correctly to the standard genesis 2 female in the right size, this should not have happened. Looks like this step maybe was left out...
  6. Sally Whitemane

    Plugins + Scripts Blender templates to convert OBJs exported from VAM into OBJs that use UDIM

    @zoidberg This is working great for VAM exported OBJs. I need it for a DAZ exported OBJ with the original mesh to be able to create morphs with it in DAZ too. So I tried to the best of my abilities to modify it. Added comments with the material index for VAM and DAZ variants and removed the...
  7. A

    Clothing Long fingernails

    Excellent. How you created this? I was trying to create long toe nails, and coffin nails with more nail art designs . i created nails in Marvelous designer, imported to DAZ and till here everything was fine but when i imported into VAM, shape gets deformed. After that i attempted in Blender...
  8. Voxel444

    Comment by 'Voxel444' in media 'Hazel WIP.png'

    I can work with DAZ and Blender(Morphs creation) Also Photoshop(Textures, Memes, Comics, Design) I would really like to do a collab with someone. Introduce my character as a cameo in someone else's work!
  9. SecretSushii

    Plugins + Scripts PostMagic

    Got it, thanks again for your time and help ^^
  10. SlimerJSpud

    Question importing a map (scene) from Daz to VAM

    You have to go through Unity. Blender is also used as an intermediate step in some flows. Note that anything you got from the Daz store can't be published here, but you can use it on your own machine. https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/unity-assetbundles-for-vam-1-xx.167/
  11. Jinx Media

    DAZ Clothes import error

    I faced that too, I've realized it's because the source files were deleted or moved by me before importing to VAM. And I think Another way is Daz>Blender>Daz>Vam. But that's time consuming. I only do that if I want to customize or refine.
  12. ingnrcs

    help i need accesorie how clothing

    Hello, I am trying to create a 3d element type Sex Toy, which is attached as a clothing, I do not use it as assets because I want the object to move according to how the avatar does it, so I am looking to create it as clothing. i do the daz resizing steps in blender, then export the object...
  13. Juno

    Guides Vam to Blender to Vam

    Heya, the issue is that the geometry cannot be changed in any way when making changes in blender. Morphloader pro requires the obj being imported to match the model its being loaded onto exactly. So you cant subdivide or use any sculpt tool in blender that changes the number of or the order of...
  14. D

    How to import a morph?

    @TToby I created the proper left eye closed deformation of "Matilda" in Blender and I created an MCM in DAZ combining the default left eye closed morph plus the imported morph from Blender for "Matilda" (all those I did following a tutorial). Then I realize I had problem imported this new MCM...
  15. L

    Question How to solve the problem of mismatch between character texture and uv

    Thanks for your reply. However, I made a texture based on the sculpted figure, and this texture aligns with the figure's mesh, but not with the figure's uv. Why is this? Because when I made the texture, the texture was rendered according to the mesh distribution, not according to the uv. And in...
  16. MrGiggly

    Position mess up after import into VAM

    You might want to take a look at the following guide by MopedLampe here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/guide-for-importing-custom-clothing-without-deformation-by-custom-morphs.12708/ Whilst the guide and you suggest it needs to be converted to a figure, it doesn't, trust me :) The...
  17. Sally Whitemane

    Guides Your EndAllBeAll guide to Wrapping!

    No problem. I'm pretty sure the only thing that I need to get this working is the DAZ G2F Base model with the UVs in a UDIM style format. Basically were the face, torso, limbs, etc... have their own slot ... and then the texture wrapping should work. For that tried to use a modified Blender...
  18. MrGiggly

    Looks Gen2 base

    Did you include the morph in your VAR because I don't see it and it's not refererenced in your look? Looking at the saved scene in notepad all it appears to do is reset some of the morphs that aren't reset when you click 'Default' all, such as labia, navel, etc. I do agree that eyes are...
  19. pantera

    Orc fangs for male

    I don’t think I can do that. I need a simple orc teeth make morph for a scene. Scene will be free. I would be thankful if someone knows of a morph or made one.
  20. MrGiggly

    Plugins + Scripts Daz Generations Converter

    What's the file size of your exported .obj from Blender? Sounds like you may not have selected the model in Blender before exporting. Note: you won't see the 'Keep Vertex Order' option if you use the Daz Generations export button instead of File/Export, but it should still preserve vert orders...
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