Search results for query: daz to blender

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  1. P

    Daz 3d Help

    Here is one that is pretty good. This link is an adult site: Here is another one: That uses GIMP to add weight to imported clothing. I'm not sure that either one deals with remapping clothes for a different generation to fit GF2. That is really a DAZ...
  2. MrGiggly

    Other Vam To Daz 2

    Hi there Sure Chokaphi will get back to you, but in the meantime.... Daz morphs are stored as .dsf files - daz needs this format to be able to use them those .dsf can be copied over to your VAM morphs folder - when vam finds a new .dsf file it will create a .vmb and .vmi file which is what it...
  3. D

    Question How to create cloths

    Hi everyone As I understood (not sure if I'm right yet), you need to create/buy cloths in DAZ and fit them to a G2 figure with the desired morphs then they can be imported to VAM, However what if I create them in other software such as blender and then use daz to fit them on a figure then...
  4. R

    Solved Is there a way to import a Blender model into VAM without DAZ?

    Daz is recommended because the mesh and rigging of vam is based on it. You really can't just use any 3d model and expect to get all the animation, posing, clothing, hair, etc. There are advanced methods to transfer the characteristics of a model onto a Daz g2f character, but it's pretty complex
  5. C

    Other Daz Generations Converter

    Chokaphi updated Daz Generations Converter with a new update entry: 1.1.0 Release to support Blender 4.x Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Jinx Media

    Question How to create cloths

    I'm new too. So, I could be wrong but I'm happy to guide you through. Here is the basic idea. To import a cloth item in vam you need .duf file. which is basically a daz saved scene file. So, no matter what you do, you need DAZ as a middleman. And yes you can use blender or any other software to...
  7. J

    Guides Import genesis 8 character(only morph) to vam(with pictures)

    Thanks for the clarification. I'm going to try to stay in Daz and VAM, there's a limit to how much complexity an old man can handle.
  8. Juno

    Guides Vam to Blender to Vam

    Thanks a bunch, I am stoked you find it easy to follow. I really wanted it to be easy enough that someone that never used either daz or blender could give this a go.
  9. Bunny Rabbit Ears

    Morphs Bunny Rabbit Ears 1
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY-NC

    I got tired of using CUAs/Hair/Clothing to get a good looking pair of rabbit ears - this took way too long to tweak, but now I kinda know the VAM->DAZ->Blender->DAZ->VAM workflow! if you like this and want to see more, please rate and comment so I know!
  10. VRDollz

    Can't convert gloves from Daz3d to VAM (HELP)

    Hey ? For things like gloves you will be wanting to flow this guide, you will need blender too I'd say you will need to export the gloves as .obj from Daz to get it into blender...
  11. MrX

    Question Designing Clothes and Footwear

    Thanks for the link bud. But I have to say Im struggling with his tutorial. Right from the beginning he says importing a figure from DAZ to Blender but doesnt say how. Im exporting or saving my figure but Blender doesnt recognise the file
  12. T

    Solved Wrong position/scale when importing in Clothing Creator

    I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what. Everything I import is supersized and above the Person. I had it working some months ago, so I must be forgetting something. Rereading the guides I followed hasn't been fruitful. My process probably has some unnecessary steps as they're...
  13. Re-visions_VAM

    Guides How to bring your blender clothes in-game and save them as a .var file

    The first thing I say in the guide is select your clothing item, then go to export When exporting with select only, you must select your mesh when exporting. hence the reason why you don't see any mesh in daz ---- New clothing makers don't need to worry about anything in the.obj export...
  14. TheWendigo_Alpha

    Question morph deforming

    atm im trying to port a blender model here and i got it working in daz properly yet when i move it to vam as a morph it deforms badly and doesnt work. does anyone have any solution
  15. Hookah

    How to export a Model from DAZ and create a VAM compatible VR Model?

    Hola saludos, tal vez esta guía te ayude, yo también busco lo mismo
  16. PhantasyStarfan

    Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph.

    So to be clear, you can create hair/clothes in Blender, and port them to VAM through DAZ, yes?
  17. Jill V RE3 remake

    Looks Jill V RE3 remake 1
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    had the head morph for a while so thought i would share it , i custom made the head morph in blender , the clothes are from Predator 0000 from deviant art , fitted to gen 2 female in blender and converted to Daz , i used ROACs arty short hair , but modified to look a bit like Jill's hair and...
  18. MacGruber

    Plugins PostMagic

    Nope, you need to fix the mesh itself. However, most geometry editing software (e.g. Blender) has a "merge vertices" or "collapse vertices" function for this kind of thing. But I don't know enough about clothing import from Daz to help here.
  19. AppetiteVisual

    Thank you for the kind react! I see you made some female genital morphs- would you be able to...

    Thank you for the kind react! I see you made some female genital morphs- would you be able to point me in the right direction for how to edit M and F gens? I know they aren't part of the standard Daz Genesis 2 model. I've looked at many posts but I can't figure out the right way to poke around...
  20. IonOfAdytum

    Question Cloth Blender to VAM and back

    Yeah that much is easy enough, and it's good as a scale reference but it's never quite as perfect as wrapping to morphs. I think I have an idea for kind of a roundabout method, basically, wrap to morphs, export the VAR, harvest your own VAR and shove that into blender maybe?
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