- Re-integrated the best fonts of VAMCUI
- Added action types: Button, Toggle, Toggle Button and Slider
- Added copy buttons in Toggles to be able to transfer quickly the on or off actions (and create efficiently a set of action for both states)
- Added "move" buttons for the actions ( you can order up and down your actions )
- Added "Center" option for the UI alignment for Captain Varghoss
- Optimized copy/transfer code
- Optimized misc functions/methods
- Cleaned a bit of obsolete code
- Updated the documentation with VAMStoryAction section and a tutorial video for it.
VAMStory / VAMStoryActions
- Added background colors for over and click states (default color has a light/medium grey. You might want to update your story/actions settings in your scenes.)
- Added background colors transition speed
- Removed range selection on background opacities ( opacity does not need to go over 1 )
My bad, I had a wrong position on the assets, I had to fix it quickly! I hope you'll pardon me
- Update the prefab UI to have the buttons centered based on the atom origin (this might slightly move the original position of your standalone "buttons walls", you might want to check your scenes)
- Fixed UI not being restored properly in some situations when stealing the panel from VAMStory
- Added Text options tab to organize options a bit more due to new options
- Renamed Color/material options to Appearance options
- Added padding options
- Removed value limit on Buttons area width to allow wider side by side setups.
- Updated name cleaning function
- Refactored the whole UI to work with a single "proxy" UI like VAMStory (see update 7 for more details) ( woohoo whole refactoring done \o/ )
- Fixed text not being transfered properly when using the transfer feature
- Added an alert after the transfer like VAMStoryActions
- Added "Text options" tab to organize options a bit more due to new options
- Renamed "Color/material options" to "Appearance options"
- Added line height option
- Added padding options
- Optimized some code
- Refactored the whole UI to work with a single "proxy" UI like VAMStory (see update 7 for more details)
- Added new backgrounds
- Fixed Start Dialog Group ID not working after rename in some situations
- Added A LOT of new fonts which bring the list to almost 40 fonts.
- Added new backgrounds inspired from VAMCUI (but higher quality)
- Removed the constraint on the font size allowing to go higher if necessary (may be needed for some fonts)
- Added line height option in the global options
- Added clear position for groups
- Added group names. For older saves, the plugin will automatically use the ID as the name.
- Refactored the whole UI to work with a single "proxy" UI for the dialogs and groups to prevent the plugin from putting VaM to its knees (reaching 100+ dialogs was hitting the framerate so hard that it would be hard to use it in VR with characters enabled).
- Added desktop only and VR only triggers for every set of trigger. One is called only if the player is in desktop mode, the other, only in VR mode obviously. To avoid duplicating the start trigger, it is only available for a trigger set.
If you need a VR/Desktop trigger at start, I recommend creating a "start" trigger and calling it from the OnStartTrigger. Execute your trigger the same way as before, it will call the global trigger + the trigger for the current mode.
- With VAMStoryDirector, you could make X triggers, and call a set of trigger in a row. Trigger 1 > calls trigger 2 > calls trigger3. Pay attention to not creating an infinite loop which could crash VaM ( 1 > 2 > 3 > 1... ).
- Group Starting in VAMStory (with Start Dialog Group ID): legacy triggers (prior to the group naming feature) will work by default. But you will obviously want to rename your groups.
Just like Timeline (renaming an animation breaks the trigger starting it), there is no efficient way to fix that. So if your first move is to rename your groups, don't forget to update your buttons, animation,... (whatever) calling the Start Dialog Group ID of VAMStory.
This bug woke me up at 6 in the morning, so... I fixed it :]
- Fixed the loading issue occuring when you put an atom if off state, reloaded the scene, the saved it again with the atom still off (data was lost). The async load is properly initialized during the init phase of the plugin. This is valid for all plugins of VAMStory.
- Moved the style button to the colors/material panel just like VAMStory to keep coherence.
- Fixed renaming (excluded current trigger from the unique search process)
- Using a VAMStoryAction panel inside of a story while the atom of the panel is in off state will prevent the UI to size properly. There is no fix possible for that since the UI system of Unity waits to be displayed to compute its size. As mentionned in the tutorial of HZMDemos, it is better to hide it out of the player's view and keep them on.
- For VAMStory and VAMStoryDirector, using the plugins in a off state then putting them to on with any trigger will execute the OnStartTrigger (keeping the delay you have configured). This is a wanted behavior. If you don't want it, remove your action from the start trigger and execute them somewhere else.
‼ ‼ ‼ KNOW BUG: Thanks to @Spacedog , we discovered a critical bug which could make you lose all the datas from all plugins ( VAMStory, VAMStoryActions or VAMStoryDirector ).
This only happens if you create a story, actions or use director, putting the empty atom to "off" and saving the scene.
The scene will reload properly, but if you keep the atom off, and save the scene again, the hidden empties with the VAMStory plugins on them will lose all data.
This is due to the asynchronous loading of VAMS datas, only loaded when the atom is enabled.
I suggest not using atom on/off until the bug is fixed. I'll try to find a fix this week-end.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Misc UI bug fixes
- Cleaned obsolete code
- Added missing help section
- Added VAMStoryDirector, which is a controller that stores multiple triggers and allows you to control the scene.