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That was just brilliant. I LMAO at their conversation. So true to life, especial for me with tinitus. I have gotten some STRANGE looks. Well, even before hearing problems. Again, I really enjoyed that.
Haha :'D
Thank you for the laugh and the review!
Upvote 0
Fantastic, easy to use plugin for making smooth transitions. Thanks muchly!
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Lack of usage information
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This great feature makes my scene creation a lot easier.
Thank you.
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Amazing plugin to take story level to the stratosphere
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Great work! By the way, is it possible for us to import any font through ttf files?
Thanks <3
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Love this plug in - using it in almost all my scenes now - Thank you!
Thank you Ruthven ! And thank you for the review.
I'm glad it is helpful to your awesome scenes : D
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works great , thanks hazmhox
Thank you VamTastic !
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This is great! This is a very nice and easy to use implementation, very smooth and good looking!
Awww. <3
Upvote 0
Excellent plugin, there's been many scenes I have given up on due to not having the ability to do what this does. Top top work A++++++
Thank you so much Juno.
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