  • Long overdue: improved the culling mask for @ICannotDie (thank you for the idea bro!). Removed VAM UI from the feed and also the player camera.

  • Added new materials for @shidyhartha : Screen_Noise ( the same as Glitch01 but without the slight glitches ) and Screen_Glitch01Strong. Through triggers and actions on a screen, you can use ScreenOpt_Material to swap between material and created a screen effect that would go from Noise to Glitched.
  • Fixed a bug where adding the camera first would prevent selecting it in the screen. Thank you @CheesyFX !
  • Added a new material/shader screenglitch01
Side notes:
  • I'm gonna add new shaders in the future, add an "offline mode" for the screen (which would be some kind of black screen with a big "offline" word).
  • I'm thinking of a way to handle the performances better when the camera are not in use. Either dynamically or by trigger so that you can disable completely a camera while the player is looking at another through the screen and keep good performances... it could help having scenes with dozens of cameras without killing your PC : D
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