The Call Girl – Bound For Pleasure TEASER (DESKTOP & VR VERSION)

Scenes The Call Girl – Bound For Pleasure TEASER (DESKTOP & VR VERSION)

Very nice!
Slam Thunderhide
Slam Thunderhide
Thank you!
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this is amazing
Slam Thunderhide
Slam Thunderhide
Thank you. Update coming soon.
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Fantastic piece of work. I have the Patreon version, but if I only had the free lite version, it would still be in my top five (along with two other creations from SlamT). The animation is excellent, the control scheme is easy to use and the voice acting, is spot on.
Slam Thunderhide
Slam Thunderhide
Thank you! More to come, I have plans for the next update. :)
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Slam has done it again. If you aren't a subscriber you don't know what you are missing and you need to sign up now!

This is just a taste of exceptional scene that has raised the bar for character animation and voice acting on VaM. Slam has done an incredible job in creating lifelike characters that are so realistic, you'll feel like they are real.

The characters are meticulously crafted, with detailed facial expressions and body language that make them feel like they're truly alive. The way they move, talk, and react to your actions is so natural and believable. The voice acting is unmatched on VaM - nothing is even half as good.

I don't leave many reviews but trust me this is developer that you have to support.
Slam Thunderhide
Slam Thunderhide
Thank you for the detailed review. I'm glad you noticed all the little nuances that she does. I tried to make her come alive and once you get the hang of how it works she really does. More to come on this one too!
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Hey this is really well done! However per your instructions it says to "Download and Unzip the" The links don't work for me. I was going to get the full version but this made me hesitate. The lite version seemed to run fine without doing this step. I was just wondering was this needed, what's it for, and is the link broken? Thank you!
Slam Thunderhide
Slam Thunderhide
Hi, Yeah I took that out. It was just some custom looks for the model. It doesn't affect game play at all. I will try and add it back in but to be honest it just confuses a lot of people. The full version is packed full of features, animations, poses, sound files and much more. You won't be disappointed.
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Truly a masterpiece.
Slam Thunderhide
Slam Thunderhide
Thank you very much!
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Your scene is what I love! And you do it very carefully. The interaction between the characters is really great!
Slam Thunderhide
Slam Thunderhide
Hey thanks very much. I try to make it as immersive and interactive as possible. Check out the full version it's 20 times bigger at least. You will not be disappointed.
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