Added a function to select the SubScene directory built into the scene var, and even if the SubScene directory is built into the scene var, it is no longer necessary to rewrite the scene json file or make the SubScene directory a separate file.
How to use:
1) Select your local SubScene directory in SubSceneLoader.
2) Check "Enable Path in Scene var" and save the scene.
3) Add the SubScene directory when creating the scene var file.
4) If you load the scene in var, SubSceneLoader will select the SubScene directory in var.
5) "Enable Path in Scene var" will be enabled only if the selected directory is both in var and local. If there is only one, it will be selected.
1) The name of the var containing the scene is retrieved into the SubSceneLoader when the scene starts. So when you reload the SubSceneLoader it will lose the var names and not work properly.
2) The SubScene Favorite built into var will be invalidated, so please set it again.
3) File search may take time if the var containing the selected SubScene is saved in a different location than when it was selected. note that.
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