Here is a fairly minimalist scene to showcase your creations.
I had to restrain myself to stop adding stuff in this scene, in order to keep it simple ^^'
The scene was created and tested in desktop mode, but I see not reason why it wouldn't work with VR.
Demo video:
There is no dependency except for Timeline by Acid Bubbles (which is now included by default in VAM - thanks again for this terrific plugin) and the body writing resource that I want to showcase here.
I'd like to also thank MeshedVR, for VAM obviously, but also for the various default clothing and their variants that I rediscovered while making this scene. Having a state for clothing is amazing, I wish there'd be more of those!
You can tweak it any way you want, please enjoy!
I had to restrain myself to stop adding stuff in this scene, in order to keep it simple ^^'
The scene was created and tested in desktop mode, but I see not reason why it wouldn't work with VR.
Demo video:
There is no dependency except for Timeline by Acid Bubbles (which is now included by default in VAM - thanks again for this terrific plugin) and the body writing resource that I want to showcase here.
I'd like to also thank MeshedVR, for VAM obviously, but also for the various default clothing and their variants that I rediscovered while making this scene. Having a state for clothing is amazing, I wish there'd be more of those!
You can tweak it any way you want, please enjoy!