Join the community chorus of praise. This is something amazing! This is without a doubt one of those brilliant plugins that should be inducted into the Virt-a-Mate Hall of Fame! You are amazing! Special thanks for your generosity!
Thanks for taking your time to review! I'm glad I could enhace your experience :)
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I've had some time to thoroughly test this now. its one of those plugins that turns the game into something else entirely. The subtle 'idle-ish' type poses with the dampers zeroed out ? I cant get enough. 10 out 10 man
Thanks for the review! I don't quite get what you mean by "subtle 'idle-ish' type poses with the dampers zeroed out" though. With damping = 0 it will jiggle endlessly without any movement - not very realistic. But if you are enjoying it this way, have fun :)
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This is awesome, and thank you for male support!
You're welcome :)
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What a legend, absolutely killin these updates.
Thank you!
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holyshit,you fucking genius
Thanks :)
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This plugin is so incredible, I'm trying to create a Visual Novel with animations using Virt-A-Mate right now and use those animations in Renpy.

I feel like this plugin will give scenes so much more life and will make them look so much better.
I'll credit your work atleast in the top 3 of credits. :D

I hope you continue doing such great plugins, I love the DoF one also and ExpressionIO, i haven't tried out Freethelegs but it's looking promising also.

I read that you like to see how your plugins are being used, I dont know if that only counts for Vam content or even games outside of Vam. But if you want to I could write you the link to my game later, when I finish the first version.

Have a great day ;)
Hey! Thanks for the review! I highly encourage you to try FreeTheLegs. On certain animations it can enhance the realism even more than this one I think. But everything that FreeTheLegs does can be achieved manually; the manual way is just so inconvenient that no one ever does it...
I'm definitely interested in your game and would be happy if you could send me link :)
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I'm very suspicious - why are all your releases cant-live-withouts where unless your plugins are loaded in, vam is a drab stark place of less wonder and excitement - did you intend these withdraw induced must-haves? I look back before the CheesyFX era and vam wasn't as near as thrilling, realistic, and versatile as it now is, thank you endlessly, Cheesy!!!
Wow, thank you for those kind words! You're very welcome :) I hope your problem with the arm(pits) is solved with v22. Make sure to try it out soon, and get back to me if it isn't.
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Simply put, you work deserve 6 star rating, like the timeline plugin, but Meshed limits that?‍♀️, but I am fancinated by the masterpieces you both have created:)
YES, you made it! I am top 5 now :D
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Wow, simply wow!!!! This Plugin plus Naturalis = Awesomeness
After one of the recent updates which added Flex, I was wondering at first why my dancer suddenly looked so ripped, and could not find the morph that I had "accidentally changed"... until I noticed the plugin update feature list and the Flex part of it. That was something I was wondering for a long time how to do it in Timeline. Well, not necessary anymore. Let's just properly simulate it.
Well done, CheesyFX!!!!!!! I bow down in awe.
Hopefully she (or he) is not too ripped now ;) Honestly I don't get why nobody did this during the 2 years I wasn't around. It's rather simple: measure the accelerations and do stuff with it. The tedious part is to create the morphs and find the right defaults.
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speechless . . genius at work folks !
Thanks :)
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Amazing game changer!
where have you been hiding for three years
Just look at your avatar... In dark caves looking for useless diamonds.
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This plugin makes some of my scenes feel like the professional SFM scenes I see some artists make and it blows my mind how just jiggling everything is so hot. Thank you for this.
The difference is that in SFM or Blender one has to set up hundreds of key frames to achieve something that can be done in VAM (with plugins) with about 10 key frames. Plus it can be viewed from every angle, even in VR, and is easily customizable. That is the main point that made restrain from creating animations and stuff in Blender. A prerendered scene is always the same and I find them kinda boring now that I know VAM...
The countless days (or better months) I invested in creating rigging scripts for Maya and Blender could have been put to better use if I just had known VAM a bit earlier. Eh, at least I learned a lot about coding and CGI in general.
Thanks for the review btw :)
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Easily a must-have plugin. Simulating nice jiggle for parts that otherwise don't have the option is great, and the flex stuff is cool too. I am appreciative that the option to enable/disable these features for individual regions exists too, since sometimes it doesn't make sense to have jiggle in certain places, depending on the look. This goes on ALL of my plugin presets now.
Yeah, sometimes the pose or animation gets in the way too. Thanks for the rating! :)
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Dude how can you put out updates and updates so fast and everything just I am no modder but as a programmer myself I know this takes some serious geniusness.
Hehe, I hope everything works the way it should. If not, let me know! Once you have a system up and running it's easy to expand on it.
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Great man!
Thank you!
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the ab update is what made me rate this plugin with 5 stars. i didn't think this level of body simulation would be possible in VAM but here we are
Thanks! I'm also surprised how good this turned out :)
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Love it!!
Thank you!
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Something I wasn't even thought was missing until now. Really adds to the realism of movement. A definite must have, especially if you enjoy dances/mocap content
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Yeah, let them shake their assets!
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