SexThruster v1

Plugins SexThruster v1

Vastly improves over the original plugin, working in many more orientations than the original.
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Is there a way to target mouth?
Not at the moment
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I agree with the others here; this is a major improvement to the old "SexAssist" plugin series.

I think this is now an essential plug-in for custom sex scenes designed for interactivity, and it's an absolutely wonderful pairing with hazmhox's "VaMMoan" plugin (set to "Interactive").

Thank you Vinput!
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This plugin is great! Builds on and surpasses the original, imo
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Thanks mate !
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Can you please make it so the on/off toggle can be assigned to a button trigger in a scene. If that exists in the original I could not find it in the assignable functions. Thanks!
It does that already
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