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Plugins RealFakeLabias 2

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must hv
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This is such a great plugin, I love all the different options, thank you for sharing!
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Top! Is it possible to change default settings?
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I was coding my own selection of morphs into AutoLabia to try to get the look and movement I wanted - but RealFake does it all, and gives granular control with easy settings. Love it - thanks so much, it's the step up we needed!!
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Some time ago I asked VeeRifter to update his plugin exactly with these features, but he said it's not his intention... instead you delivered - thanks!!!
Works very well.
Any chance of incorporating recently released doggy style custom morph into this plugin as well?
Thanks for the review! Your comment on reddit was actually a huge inspiration for me. I'm currently working on a way to make including many more morphs easier so the doggy style morph (excellent taste btw) will probably be an option as well.
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