QoL upgrade to spice up old scenes...

Guides QoL upgrade to spice up old scenes...

Something I've been messing around with the last Month....
This is to randomize some Auto Thrusting and BJ automatic movements within scenes that have an existing animation.

Here goes. You'll need 3 UI toggles placed somewhere near your veiw for easy toggling.

Make sure your atoms have one of each of these plug ins already and that they have the receiver's name tagged within the plug in ;)

Toggle 1
Auto BJ for Player 1...
2 triggers on This UI Toggle

1 Set the first one to Core Controller,
2 Motion Animation Master,
3Stop Play Back

1Set the Second one to Person with the clockwise auto BJ,
2 Specify the Plug in,
3 isActive

for some scenes this plug in set up is flacky with either it being set to "is active" or "toggle bj"
you'll have to see on your own.

Toggle 2
Auto Thruster on Player 2
2 Triggers on this UI Toggle
Set this also to have the First one to Core Control, Motion animation Master, Stop Playback

1Set the Second one to the person with the truster,
2 Specify Thruster Plug in.
3 Active (the one written in BLUE CAPS)

3rd and final UI Toggle

1Set it to Core Controller
2 Motion animation Master
3 Start Playback.

What this does is keeps the sounds and some of the automatic movements on while the scene is essentially paused while your peoples are in position for the corresponding plug ins. Play around with the randomization Values on the BJ and Thruster to add some variation.

I always use Everlasters Float Parameter randomizer whenever I can as it allows for speed variations that don't effect expression plug ins like Alive.

What you'll have to do in between triggers is
Say you're opting for selection 1.. player is in position. Press the trigger, the mocap or animation stops, but the sounds still go and now there are some random bj movements extending the time your scene plays... enjoy till you're ready, toggle 1 again and then Toggle the 3d toggle twice

I label them BJ, Thruster, Start,
You may call them whatever you like, the operation will be the same.
If this is hard to decipher, I'll post images of the menus.

Works for all my Kitty Mocap Stuff,
Works on Reign Mocap and Hot Chicks VR scenes.

A lot of this will depend on how close the Atoms come together to work around the natural posistions they end up within each scenes.
I'm working on a version that works on Vihper stuff.

SPQR's Alive, Red eyes Session Plug Ins, VR adult Fun's emotion Engine And Cheesy's Suite work nicely in the background during the thrustin/ auto bj. Its a bit to balance them together as weird things can happen when plug ins that do similar things run together.. its fiddly at first to get the settings nice.

select the gens one
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