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    We have recently updated our Site Policies regarding the use of Non Commercial content within Paid Content posts. Please read the new policy here.

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    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
  • Hello Guest!

    We posted an announcment regarding upcoming changes to Paid Content submissions.

    Please see this thread for more information.


Plugins PostMagic 4

I don't really maintain this plugin anymore. However, a generous 3-digit Patreon donation by @sunstroker had me spend a couple of hours on an improvement for the UserLUT module. There is now a dropdown menu (and the usual slider) allowing you to more quickly try other LUTs in the same folder of the one you opened. There are also Next/Previous buttons, which are also exposed as VaM trigger actions. That means you could for example you could hook it up to a button in your scene or Acid Bubbles Keybindings plugin.

There are no other changes.
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