//\\/\\ORPHINE closed BETA II (download closed - please join discussion)

Plugins //\\/\\ORPHINE closed BETA II (download closed - please join discussion)

NOTE: The download is now closed, This "update" is an invitation to join the discussion (here) to debate what the next steps will be in development, what works and what doesnt.

Future plans so far is:

Improve/clean up chat

Improve the morph-listing

Add Magnets, an Atom-type thar allows for attaching atoms/sliders/buttons etc to player head/left/right-hand in VR to easily make menus that stick to the player hand ready without having to know scripting as VAM does not allow atoms to be linked to player hand/head on save.

improve the co-op modelling feature

Add co-op movement

Add more hover-submenus over the native vam-UI
OK, 24 more hours, then closing. As usual, just reload plugin to upgrade, from this version on you wont need to reliadvto uograde, you can just click the upgrade notification that comes up in the main plugin panel whenever there is a new version, it will fetch the VAR file from the hub and upgrade itself.


Fixed "restore default" - it didnt reset to default model/morph-set, now it does
Advanced the upgrade system, previously it only checked on plugin-load, it will now check periodically, aswell as change the titletext in main-ui window to "CLICK TO UPGRADE" when a newer version exists
Added "Deselect" to leftside alphabet-menu for morphs
Fixed some slow timeout issues with mouse hover-menus
fixed text in chatinput being cut of when someone joins or leaves a channel
Fixed an error with AnimationPattern in Add-Aton hover-submenu
Added hovrr-menu to record animation over the native vam-ui playback button
Fixed some long Atom-names was breaking the Atom hover-submenu
I fell asleep last year, hence I forgot to close the closed beta, and then I added some new features and fixed some issues, so ill keep this open another 24 hours.

V23 update (everyone with V22 can just hit the upgrade-button in the plugin when opening its main panel as that will do all the work for you);

_Wolf_ bugfind fixed: Would not display certain one-worded morphs due to the anti-namedupe algorithm being to strict.
Added: hover-menu on morphs in scrool-list.
Added: hovermenu and oneclick-action on VAM-ui native Add person-button, Add CUA button and add SubScene button.
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