MMDEditorPack 3.13.1 corrections:
Fixed the bug that heels adjustment doesn't work properly
Fixed the laggs of hand and foot motion
MMDEditorPack3.13.0 update:
MMD Player Motion Optimization
This version siginificatly changed the motion style, it optimized the motion especially with arm twist bones. It avoids overstreching of arms, legs, and neck and also plays sligntly more gentle/softer than before. Below you find an example of the motion difference:
MMDEditorPack3.12.0 feature:
A.B Loop/Play offsets
You can cut the dance play by setting a play start and a play end. When you combine this with the Loop Play option, you can achieve the A/B Loop effect, i.e. you can repeat a part of the dance play. When you combine this with RenderToMovie plugin, you can render videos with customized length. RenderToMovie starts automatically at the desired start point and finishes at the desired end point.
To use these options, please just add SuperMode plugin to the scene in addition to MMDPlayer plugin, and then choose the MMDEditor node on the left(See the attached screenshot).
MMDEditorPack3.11.2 corrections:
Fixed the issue character gets stuck for some vmd motion files.
Fixed the issue character's position is locked after loading vmd file.
Fixed the issue MMDPlayer plugin shows blank UI on some computers.
MMDPlayer: Improved MMD dance motion
Dance motion is improved via more accurate IK bone positions and more accurate initial T pose. Dancers' arms and legs strech more strait and don't bend too much anymore compared to previous versions.
MMDEditorPack3.9.0 updates:
Option to disable vmd bones
You can disable certain vmd bones in super mode while playing dances.(See attached picture)
This is useful when you want to:
Compatibility with Ray Tracing(SOTTR hack)
- Blend dance with other animations or plugins, e.g. you can disable the head and neck vmd bones and let the Glance plugin by Acid Bubbles to control the head and neck animation instead or you mix motion from vmd dance with mocap animation, etc.
- Make the character hold objects e.g. fan/umbrella by disabling finger vmd bones so they don't deform the objects.
Make sure you install/update the MMDEditorPack before you rename VaM_Data folder. All plugins will then work well when you switch on ray tracing.
MMDEditor UI Optimization
Removed irrelevant bones from the vmd bone list on SuperMode UI.
MMDEditorPack3.8.0 updates:
Fixed the issue that dances without music don't play properly
Fixed the issue that MMD playing and rendering to movie doesn't sync in some cases
Optimized the automatic play next folder option and loop option, they work better with RenderToMovie now and are disabled by default and can be enabled in the super mode/MMDEditor plugin.
MMD Player/Editor - Auto. Playing Next Dance
MMD Player automatically plays next dance. You just need to put all MMD dance folders in one root folder and load one of the dance folder to play as usual. It will automatically loads next folder to play when the selected dance finishes. You can disable this feature by adding SuperMode plugin and uncheck the "Auto. Next" box.
Improved the logic to determine motion file, camera file and facial expressing file under dance folder in MMD Player.
MMD Editor - UI
There is a shortcut in MMDEditor/SuperMode so you can quickly jump to MMDPlayer plugin's customer UI.
There is a shortcut in MMDEditor/SuperMode so you can quickly load a dance folder to play.
SuperMode - Optimized Selection
When you select an object in super mode, the selected object in scene blinks so that you can easily identify the selected object. You can also disable the blinking by unchecking the "Blink" box.
RenderToMovie- Bugfixes
Fixed the bug that encoding doesn't work with Intel CPUs in overclocking mode.
Fixed the bug that the rendered video is cut short by a few seconds when you start MMDPlayer and RenderToMovie in sync.
MMDEditorPack 3.5.1 updates:
MMDPlayer and RenderToMovie Integration:
If you add both MMDPlayer and RenderToMovie plugins to the same scene:
1. MMDPlayer music is automatically added to the recorded video, no need to use other tools to add music any more. Two videos will be created: one with music and a silent one like before(same file name prefixed by "s")
2. When you start recording in RenderToMovie, MMDPlayer automatically starts playing; When you start playing mmd, RenderToMovie automatically starts recording; When MMDPlayer finishes playing, RenderToMovie automatically finishes recording(when loop is not toggled on).
Starting from version 3.4.0, you can adjust the MMD play speed while keeping the music quality still as good as possible. This allows you to slow down/speed up the dance with still acceptable music quality in sync.
3.4.1 updates:
Fixed problem that music pitch optimization did not work when adjusting music speed with Audio Atom option on in MMD Player for spatial sound effects.
Added more options like pitch and volume along with the music speed option so user can further customize the audio pitch shift.
How to adjust the play speed?
You add the MMDPlayer plugin and load a VMD folder to play as usual, then you add the SuperMode plugin, you will see a slider to adjust Music Speed when clicking on the [VMD]Person node in super mode. Just move the slider to slow down or speed up.