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MMD VMD Player

Paid Plugins MMD VMD Player 5.3.1

  Admin warning: this resource has been found to contain an exe or other modification to VaM's base dll files and could contain malicious code. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource
ffmpeg.exe from opensource ffmpeg is included to encode videos for RenderToMovie
Mono.Cecil.dll of VaM is modified for the opensource mod framework BepInEx

爱发电 https://afdian.net/a/zhfx123
Once you subscribe for this pack, you will also automatically get access to VarLooksScanner plugin and Formation plugin.
This Golden Pack contains 5 plugins:

1. FasterVaM plugin: described here

2. VaM Super Mode as described here

3. RenderToVR as as described here

4. RenderToMovie as described here

5. MMD Player:

This plugin makes VaM characters dance according to VMD motion files in sync with the music, camera motion and face expressions.
Many MMD fans have a collection of tons of VMD files and music. If you are new to MMD/VMD, you can search "MMD DL" on Youtube, you'll see many dance motion videos. Usually you find the download links to the corresponding VMD motion files and music in the comment section of the video.

This plugin pack includes both the player with which you enjoy dance in game and a RenderToMovie plugin with which you can render high quality videos of the dance.
Here goes some example videos rendered by users :
You can find here the stage in the video above:

Here you find many more videos uploaded by users.
Here are some additional links to find MMD motion files:

ffmpeg.exe from opensource ffmpeg is included to encode videos for RenderToMovie
Mono.Cecil.dll of VaM is modified for the opensource mod framework BepInEx
  Admin warning: this resource has been found to contain an exe or other modification to VaM's base dll files and could contain malicious code. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource
First release
Last update
3.81 star(s) 37 ratings

More resources from zhfx

Latest updates

  1. MMDEditorPack 5.3.1

    MMDEditorPack 5.3.1 corrections: Fixed that characters don't turn around for many dances...
  2. MMDEditorPack 5.3.0

    MMDEditorPack 5.3.0 update: Fixed further that character leans backward or forward too much for...
  3. MMDEditorPack 5.2.2

    MMDEditorPack 5.2.2 update: This version works with all VaM versions including the latest...

Latest reviews

I paid the fee at "爱发电" today, but the group administrator has not replied to my group application. I have not received anything at present, and I don't know why.我今天在“爱发电”支付了费用,但是群管理员一直没有对我的入群申请进行回复,我目前什么也没得到,我不知道为什么。
It has been stated clearly on Aifadian, there is a few hours time shift due to different location. Please be patient. 爱发电说了 国家地区不同,最多有几小时时差 你太急了一般就几小时之内。
Upvote 0
Not a favorable impression. Invariably, there is an error in activating the plugin and you have to present him with all the information to resolve it. I have done this three times.
It doesn't matter if other users have no problems or if this is my only case. This is my review.
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Hi, the new version 1.22.03 is available. I hope to cancel the open Auto Expressions function, as well Optimize randomness lag.
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  • Deleted member
  • 4.00 star(s)
  • Version: 4.2.2 also compatible with new VaM 1.21
OKAY. After a VERY long time of wondering, I can now finally review this resource.

Truth be told, this is absolutely a five-star plugin in practice (at least at time of writing, after a long stretch of updates), but there's just no getting around how sketch-feeling actually GETTING the plugin is. VaM admins have had to put up a banner regarding just how deep into your files this modification goes, in ways that makes them (and me) uncomfortable. No other plugin, aside from maybe the dev-approved vamX, seems to modify the base application so deeply, and you're even required to give a license for your individual machine just to obtain full-access. With VaM itself costing only $8, and said full-access to this costing $20, all that mess has left many people in consternation over time, and it drops a star just for that. It's also worth noting that that's a high monthly cost just to support continued updates after initial purchase, which I have been (perhaps overly) critical of elsewhere on this site.

HOWEVER! That does not stop this plugin from being fan-fucking-tastic in operation, and props to the author because I can say from personal experience zhfx themselves is actually very keen on providing users support (even without the special "extra support" tier). More importantly, the plugin itself blows the old VaMVMDPlugin I used to use so far out of the water you could shoot at it a few more times in the air for target practice.

I was very specifically waiting until getting my 4090/i9-13900k rig to take the dive on this plugin, and after some initial techincal hiccups I can say it was so very worth it, even at $20. The most important part of this plugin is that it is actively tweaking VMD files to fit your scene/chara, and while you have minimal ability to affect that on the user end, it does such a good job that you don't even need to think about it. This has been GODLIKE and has actually restored many motions to usability for me that were simply too jank on the free VaMVMDPlugin, or more often just had one jank sequence that broke the immersion. While I haven't tested out it's ability to more natively interact with other VaM components, it can lord that over free alternatives as well.

So yeah, I'll probably always be just a little uneasy while rocking this mod, no question about it, but I'm only a few clicks away from the kind of perfect VMD bliss that'll make me forget all over again.
Thanks for your feedback. I take your critics and will try my best to improve the license and modification part. Thanks for your support and would like to tell in case there is misunderstanding, you don't have to pay $20 to get full access, it is 10$ instead. 20$ tier is an optional tier but not really a must.
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Can't Imagine VAM without this plugin <3
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It seems to be tweaking in the background, which is great. RenderToMovie is God!
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Very useful tools. I wonder how to merge two seperate vmd files or auto play seperate vmd files?Now I need switch 1,2,3 vmd files manually.
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