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The Scene

Hiking through an allegedly enchanted forest, Attom happens upon some enormous mushrooms. Being the mycology enthusiast that he is, he quickly realizes that these are of a psilocybin genus (magic mushrooms!) and promptly gets to eating them. The details are fuzzy from there, but he soon finds himself leaning naked against a rock with his dick in his hand.


It’s turned from day to night, and he’s somehow built himself a fire to keep warm. He hears a sound and sees some movement around a nearby tree...


Elf month is nearly over, but I was able to get this scene done just in time! I had a number of small setbacks along the way, and the creation process was very different for me this time around, but I’m overall pleased with the results. I hope you are too!


As usual, we’ve got a darker sex scene set to some music. I added a lot of crazy color here though, and some effects that make it stand out from some of my other stuff.


I’ve mentioned many times previously that I usually start with a song, something I’ve been listening to for a while, and I get an idea of how to put a scene to it. Sometimes it comes to me while I’m driving around, sometimes I see an environment someone built that is just dying for that song. You know the drill.


This time was different for me because it started with “elf month” and then I went looking for an environment to put that in. There are a lot of good ones out there, but Damarmau’s Forest 3 was the one that spoke to me. It was about 80% of what I was looking for so of course… I built my own. I drew on his for inspiration, even using many of the same assets. I’d already formulated that I was doing a “trippy,” colorful scene, and I think I nailed that look.


Once that was completed, I needed an elf. I had a tough time choosing, of course. At the risk of fangirling too hard for Damarmau here, I fell in love with the sisters Emilia, Ella, and Eliana, and I ended up using all three. There is a TON of great stuff that came out this month though. I absolutely love Juno and GilgameshVR’s Vanora and Minerva, Oeshii’s Drina, Zinigo’s Eliryth, Kyra Rebirth by KyraAngel, and yes, Damarmau’s Vianne. Unfortunately, most of those just came out too late in the month, so it truly came down to what was available early enough.


Anyway, the next big challenge was the music. I normally start there, but as people who follow my Patreon will recall, I hadn’t even chosen a song until I’d already been animating for a while. That was a weird process for me! I did eventually settle on a tune called “Something Like This but Not This” by a fantastic, lesser-known artist called MRKRYL. She makes some pretty rad “Wave” electronica music, if you’re into that.


I have to say though, the overall effect of everything does it for me. The whole scene just works on a level I wasn’t sure I could pull off in three weeks. It sure as hell was enjoyable to take screenshots of this one!


As ever though, we are our own worst critics, aren’t we? There are some things I am not in love with here, and I have to nitpick for you guys like I usually do. What’s the saying from Pitch Perfect? “You… call yourself Fat Amy? - Yeah, so twig bitches like you don’t do it behind my back!”


First and foremost, this scene is not at all compatible with other looks. The “disappearing act” ensures that morphs and clothing (eyes and freckles) are released again and again, so plopping your own look in here on the elves will get… funky.


Second, there are some... kind of rough animations mixed in here. Because I had to get this done in a few weeks, I really didn’t go back with care over a few of the pre-sex animations, and it shows. It might be worth cleaning up in a later revisit, but for now, you get what you get!


I had some issues with the audio syncing in Timeline along the way, which I believe to have fully corrected for release. Still, if you bump into audio sync issues, know that I fully recognize those problems, and I own that I could have done more to address them. Hopefully it doesn’t ruin immersion too much!


Lastly, I’m doing some pretty janky stuff to get the different elves to disappear and reappear. I originally wanted to just have three separate person atoms that I would move around and have appear and disappear when I needed them (thanks again @Spacedog for your assistance getting the hair to disappear!) Unfortunately, even hiding the atoms fully, there’s still processing happening for three separate elves in the scene, so having four person Atoms just wouldn’t cut it. You can turn the Atoms off and back on again, but when you do that, there’s a gross “physics reload” that happens, and I just wasn’t about it.


The end result means that there are occasionally collisions with the male atom during those transitions. I hate it, but I didn’t have time to fully solve for it. You’ll also occasionally get some weird disappearing transitions that I don’t love, but I think it’s good enough for what I intended.


Using the Transparency plugin I did also means that the Tesselation plugin doesn’t work. There are clear jaggies on rounded edges here, but you can’t add Hunting-Succubus’ Tesselation plugin because it conflicts with the Transparency plugin. A shame, really.


That’s about it! My apologies for the long-winded post, but it’s been a while since I released my last scene, and I have a lot to say! I hope you enjoy what I’ve built here, and happy Elf Month!


The buttons are mostly self-explanatory. Start, Stop/Reset, POV On/Off, Hide Menu, and the volume sliders shouldn’t need any explaining. I have a LOT of PostMagic effects happening in this scene though, and that may not be everybody’s cup of tea. While I recommend going through it once with everything on to see what I was trying to achieve, I gave y’all the option to turn stuff off. If you want ALL of the PostMagic effects turned off, there’s a button to enable and disable them all at once. If you prefer to do them piecemeal, There are checkboxes for Bloom, Chromatic Abberation, Motion Blur, and the Vignette. I can’t really offer sliders for these, because I have animation that is constantly changing them. This was a creative decision to make the scene constantly change in strange visual ways, as if you were tripping on those mushrooms!

If you’re in desktop mode, the default 40 degree field of view is probably okay for some, but I prefer closer to 50 or 60 so you can really see everything that’s happening. It may be harder to see the elves in the beginning as they’re farther away, but the wider angle is especially nice when they’re literally right on top of you! To each their own!

I would keep the High Quality Physics OFF for this scene. It’ll slow you down (there’s a lot going on!) and I saw some alignment issues in some spaces.


The credit list is LONG this time. Because of some of the assets I used here, I ended up with way more dependencies than I normally have. Not all of them are necessary (that goes with using works others create) but there are still a lot of people to thank for their contributions that make this scene work.

The forest environment, as I mentioned, was inspired by Damarmau’s Forest 3. It takes a lot to make that environment come to life, and I’ve recreated a lot of that here. Matt Richard contributes a TON of assets here, including Animated Trees, Mushrooms, Small Floating Forest, Sakura Trees, and just plain old “Trees.” The campfire uses Norm’s Campfire CUA, the rocks and plants are from hazmox’s Rocks and Plants 101, and that great, multi-colored fog in the background is xstatic’s Particle Pack #8. The forest floor is a texture pulled from Damarmau’s Forest Environments and Poses, though that scene is not included as a dependency. The rotating skybox is TheOriginalBatatis’ Universe Sky. As noted above, most of the crazy visual effects are provided by MacGruber’s PostMagic.

The elves are all part of Damarmau’s Emilia, Ella, and Eliana looks, though I only used his Morphs pack here since I customized them a bit. NOTE: There is a bug with the in-game hub where if you download this morph pack from the dependency list, you will not get the latest version. I recommend going directly to the hub page for this morph pack and downloading from there.

The sisters are wearing A1X’s Casandra hair, BooGoo’s Dove hair, and Roac’s Malta hair. The skin textures are partially custom, but are mostly derived from Oeshii’s Jade look, with a special appearance by JohnSaken’s Freckles clothing. I normally use Riddler’s Freckles, but only wanted one of the elves to have extra face freckles. To avoid texture loading messages, I needed a clothing item that I could adjust alpha on. I’m also using Jackaroo’s Eyes Lips and Nails! clothing item to get those colored eyelids for the same reason - I couldn’t use textures because of the loading messages.

Attom is my usual: Kemenate’s beards, with an old edit I did a long time ago of Spacedog’s Wet Bits and what I think was originally Jackroo’s Genital Veins. I… really don’t even remember if that second one is the right texture, it’s been too long and reused so many times!

There are a lot of plugins bringing people to life here. I used TomeiHitsuji’s Divining Rod in certain places to keep things aligned, hazmhox’s Fluids 101 for the cum effect, ClockwiseSilver’s Silver Expression Tool for some of the elves’ expressions with Ashauryn’s Sexpressions on display. The character disappearing effect is done courtesy of ZRSX’s Character Transparency Plugin. Atom's head rotation to follow the Elves when they appear is using Macgruber's Life to automate that motion.

And as always, a whole host of AcidBubbles to the rescue, as I’m using his Embody, Glance, Spawn Point, and the impossibly essential Timeline to run the show.

The music is MRKRYL’s “Something Like This but Not This,” and the other audio sounds (fire crackle, forest ambience, and “howl” were license-free audio assets I pulled from Pixabay.

There are a BUNCH of dependencies from the dependency list above which are listed here, but are not used in the scene. I originally included a lot of textures to avoid this, but my dependency list was already over 30, why not make it 40 and save you over 150MB of disk space? These dependencies are Hunting-Succubus’s Tessellation plugin, kemenate Morphs, MacGruber’s Life, MeshedVR’s 3-Point Lights and Preset Pack, and NoStage3’s Hair, Eosin’s Hand, Wrist and Arm Morphs, Hunting Succubus Enhanced Eyes and Eye Toolbox, Spacedog’s Import Reloaded, TenStrip Morphs, TToby’s Arms Morph Collection, VAMJFD’s Mouth Textures, and WGSoup’s Wind Control

The license on this scene is CC BY-NC-ND due to licensing restrictions in the other plugins and assets I’ve used here, but my actual animation and other original work I’ve provided is always free for others to use. If you have license questions, please just reach out to me directly so we can make sure everyone is doing what they’re supposed to!

As with all of my scenes, if I’ve somehow missed anyone in this long list of credits, it is 100% accidental. I would appreciate you letting me know if there are people I have missed, attributed incorrectly, or there are any other concerns!

Thank you to everyone who provides this great content. Free scenes like mine and many, many others out there simply aren’t possible without the hard work of everyone listed above. We owe you an unpayable debt!
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  1. One more time, with feeling!

    There must be something wrong with how the hub is detecting the dependency list needing both...
  2. Small fix to dependencies.

    Hey all, This update its to address a dependency problem where the package didn't properly...

Latest reviews

Fair warning, I'm going to 5 star all my favorites. ♥♥♥
Fair warning, I reply to every review that I see! If someone takes the time to comment about a scene, the least I can do is say something back.
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I just love weird scenes like this! The excellent music really enhances the whole vibe. Very well done!
Thank you! I'm hoping to keep pushing the envelope with things like this that are a bit off the beaten path.
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This is really awesome! So cool!
Thank you! It might have been the most fun scene I've ever made. ?
Upvote 0
Very well made trippy scene with a cool and unique concept!
Thank you! It was a new one for me, for sure!
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I love that you scene makes multiple looks from one timeline like it does.

I wonder if you could give them the magic clothing treatment, and just load some hidden models and toggle replacement for better ram response for lower end hardware.
Thank you! It took a little bit of trickery to make the effect work, but I'm glad it paid off!

I'm not sure what you mean by loading different models, entirely. If you mean having more than one set of clothing you toggle between, I do that all the time (and did that here) by using clothing alpha channels. If you mean loading a bunch of different person atoms, and then just switching between their visibility, this doesn't work as well as you might hope. Each person atom still has a bunch of stuff going on with physics and collision even they aren't visible, as long as they're active. If you deactivate them, you get a physics "jump" each time they are reloaded. It could be fine for some types of scenes, but just didn't work here. If I'm totally missing what your suggesting, drop a line in the discussion! I'm always happy to hear other ideas for improving performance!
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Very creative concept, beautifully executed!
Thanks man! I appreciate it!
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Really cool scene! And different from a lot of the other scenes I've seen here.
Thank you! It was a joy to make, and I'd never done anything quite like it before. The closest I ever came to something like this was a Halloween scene that I never finished that had a "teleporting" female in it, but I also was handling it completely differently!
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Creative scene.
Will now run into forest, get naked and eat mushrooms.
Haha, I recommend eating the ones that make naked elves appear. ;)
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This is one of the cooler scenes I have seen in VaM especially with all the technical hurdles that had to be overcome to get the final effect of multiple girls.

For the morph issue mentioned below, the morph var is currently on version 13, the sisters were added in version 12. The ingame hub has an issue where if you download dependencies from the dependencies tab of a scene that it pulls version 1 of the morph var instead of the latest (why I have to add the disclaimer to all looks). Me and several other creators have reported this issue many moons ago but nothing has been done about it yet. If you want the latest morph var you have to go to the resource page for it.
Thank you Damarmau, that's high praise from a creator that I feel regularly makes some of the best content out there!

That's an interesting bug that I hadn't heard about before. It doesn't sound like there's anything I can do to fix that in my scene. I guess I'll add a disclaimer in my original post about it. I appreciate the heads up! ?
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Vamurai, the master of the VAM cinematic experience, strikes again!
Thanks man, I appreciate that!
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